426 MHz SAW Filter
6.4 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number: SF0426BA02436S
Spectrum Microwave
400 Nickerson Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA • Phone 1-508-251-6400 • Fax 1-508-251-6401
DSSF0426BA02436S Rev A 25-Mar-2010
ECN 36650 Page 2 of 3
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Nominal Center Frequency FC - 426 - MHz
Minimum Insertion Loss - 21 22.0 dB
Lower 1dB Band Edge 1 - 422.45 422.80 MHz
Upper 1dB Band Edge 1 429.20 429.28 - MHz
Lower 3dB Band Edge 1 - 422.24 422.50 MHz
Upper 3dB Band Edge 1 429.50 429.58 - MHz
Lower 40 dB Band Edge 1 420.95 421.18 - MHz
Upper 40 dB Band Edge 1 - 430.84 431.05 MHz
Amplitude Variation (423 to 429 MHz) - 0.7 1.0 dB p-p
Phase Linearity (423 to 429 MHz) - 5.5 7.0 deg p-p
Group Delay Variation (423 to 429 MHz) - 90 120 ns p-p
Absolute Delay - 1.33 - us
Relative Attenuation (100-420 MHz) 1 50 53 - dB
Relative Attenuation (434 to 500 MHz) 1 50 53 - dB
Substrate Material Quartz
Ambient Temperature - 25 - ˚C
Notes: 1. dB levels are defined relative to the insertion loss.
Parameter Min Max Units
Storage Temperature Range -40 85 ˚C
Operating Temperature Range 10 70 ˚C
Input Power Level 10 dBm
Typical component values:
(Minimum inductor Q = 40)
1. Recommend use of 2% tolerance matching components.
2. Component values may change depending on board layout.
Ls1 = 22 nH Ls2 = 15 nH
Cp1 = 15 pF Cp2 = 27 pF
Rp1 = 6.8 KΩ Rp2 = 6.8 KΩ
11 5
12 6
50 Ω
Single ended
50 Ω
Single ended