D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1 9 1 9
Start by
R/W Ack
Frame 1
Serial Bus Address Byte
from Master
Frame 2
Internal Address Register
Byte from Master
1 9
Frame 3
Data Byte
D3 D1D2
A2 A0A1A3A4A5A6
(continued) Stop by
Device Functional Modes (continued)
In the 3-lead amperometric cell, the LMP91000 is configured as a standard potentiostat with A1, TIA and bias
circuitry completely ON.
In the Temperature measurement (TIA OFF) the LMP91000 is in Standby mode with the Temperature sensor
ON, at theVOUT pin of the LMP91000 it s possible to read the temperature sensor's output.
In the Temperature measurement (TIA ON) the LMP91000 is 3-lead amperometric cell mode with the
Temperature sensor ON, at theVOUT pin of the LMP91000 it s possible to read the temperature sensor's output.
In 2-lead ground referred galvanic cell the A1 control amplifer is OFF and the Internal zero circuitry is bypassed.
In this mode it is possible to connect 2-lead sensors like the O2 sensor to the LMP91000.
7.5 Programming
7.5.1 I2C Interface
The I2C compatible interface operates in Standard mode (100kHz). Pull-up resistors or current sources are
required on the SCL and SDA pins to pull them high when they are not being driven low. A logic zero is
transmitted by driving the output low. A logic high is transmitted by releasing the output and allowing it to be
pulled-up externally. The appropriate pull-up resistor values will depend upon the total bus capacitance and
operating speed. The LMP91000 comes with a 7 bit bus fixed address: 1001 000.
7.5.2 Write and Read Operation
In order to start any read or write operation with the LMP91000, MENB needs to be set low during the whole
communication. Then the master generates a start condition by driving SDA from high to low while SCL is high.
The start condition is always followed by a 7-bit slave address and a Read/Write bit. After these 8 bits have been
transmitted by the master, SDA is released by the master and the LMP91000 either ACKs or NACKs the
address. If the slave address matches, the LMP91000 ACKs the master. If the address doesn't match, the
LMP91000 NACKs the master. For a write operation, the master follows the ACK by sending the 8-bit register
address pointer. Then the LMP91000 ACKs the transfer by driving SDA low. Next, the master sends the 8-bit
data to the LMP91000. Then the LMP91000 ACKs the transfer by driving SDA low. At this point the master
should generate a stop condition and optionally set the MENB at logic high level (refer to Figure 27,Figure 28,
and Figure 29).
A read operation requires the LMP91000 address pointer to be set first, also in this case the master needs
setting at low logic level the MENB, then the master needs to write to the device and set the address pointer
before reading from the desired register. This type of read requires a start, the slave address, a write bit, the
address pointer, a Repeated Start (if appropriate), the slave address, and a read bit (refer to Figure 27,
Figure 28, and Figure 29). Following this sequence, the LMP91000 sends out the 8-bit data of the register.
When just one LMP91000 is present on the I2C bus the MENB can be tied to ground (low logic level).
Figure 27. Register Write Transaction
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