JetCon 1302
Industrial 2-port Fast Ethernet to Fiber Media Converter
Power Requirements
6\VWHP3RZHU2 pins terminal block for power input
DC 24V(18~32V)with reverse polarity protection
AC 18~27V, 47~63Hz
Power Consumption: 4.8Watts @ DC 24V
Casing: IP31 protection, aluminum case
111.8mm(H) x 30mm (W) x 98.2mm (D) ( with DIN rail clip)
111.8mm(H) x 30mm (W) x 89.4mm (D) ( without DIN rail
:HLJKW374g with package
292g without package
2SHUDWLQJ+XPLGLW\ 0% ~ 95% (Non-condensing)
6WRUDJH+XPLGLW\ 0%~ 95% non-condensing
Regulatory Approvals
(0,FCC Class A, CE/EN55022 Class A
(0&,PPXQLW\,QWHUIDFH EN61000-4-2: 6KV Contact, 8KV
Air, ESD contact indirect 6kvEN61000-4-3: 10V/m, 80 MHz
- 1 GHz, AM 1 KHz, 80% modulation,10V/m, 0.9 - 1.8 GHz,
FM 200 Hz, 50% modulation EN61000-4-4: PWR Supply
Lines:+/- 2KV,Communication Lines:+/- 2KV
EN61000-4-5: 2KV on power line (L-N), 4KV on
power line (L-PE, N-PE), 1.2uS Tr/ 50uS Th.
EN61000-4-6: PWR Supply Lines:10 Vrms, 150 KHz
- 80 MHz;AM 1 KHz,80% modulation; Communication
Lines:10 Vrms, 150 KHz - 80 MHz;AM 1 KHz, 80%
modulation;Relay:10 Vrms, 150 KHz - 80 MHz;AM 1 KHz,
80% modulation
EN61000-4-8: 50Hz ,3A/m
EN61000-4-11: 30% 10 ms, 60% 100 ms, > 95% 5000 ms
6DIHW\ CE/EN60950
6KRFN IEC60068-2-27 shock: 50G, 11ms, 4G, +/- X, +/- Y,
+/- Z
)UHH)DOO IEC60068-2-32 free fall:90 cm, 1 corner, 3 edges,
6 faces
9LEUDWLRQ IEC60068-2-6 vibration: 1 mm, 2 Hz - 13.2 Hz,
90 min.; 0.7g, 13.2 Hz - 100 Hz, 90 min.; 3.5 mm, 3 Hz - 9
Hz, 10 cycles,
1 octave/min.; 1G, 9 Hz - 150 Hz, 10 cycles, 1 octave/min
07%) 632,171 Hours, MIL-HDBK-217F GB standard
:DUUDQW\ 5 years
IEEE802.3 10Base-T,IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX
6ZLWFK7HFKQRORJ\ Store and forward technology and
with 3.2Gbps switch bandwidth
Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49Mpps
1XPEHURI3RUWV 2 x 10/100 TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X,
Auto-Negotiation functions
1 x 100Base-FX
&RQQHFWRUV 10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45
100Base-FX: Duplex SC
Power/Relay: 4-pin terminal block
RJ-45 connector: supports CAT-3, CAT-4, CAT-5
unshielded twisted pair or shielded twisted pair cable.
The link distance is maximum 100 metersSC connector:
SC Connector:
max. distance 2KM
max. distance 30KM
JetCon1302-m, Multi-mode: 2KM max. distance
Wave-length: 1310nm
Min Tx Power:-19dBm
Max Tx Power:-14dBm
Min Rx Sensitivity:-30dBm
Link budget:11dBm
JetCon1302-s, Single-mode: 30KM max. distance
Max Tx Power:-8dBm
Min Tx Power:-15dBm
Min Rx Sensitivity:-34dBm
Link budget:19dBm
DIP 1~3: Enable or disable port link down
On: Enable port link down alarm
Off: Disable port link down alarm
'LDJQRVWLF/(' System: Power (green), Fault (red)
RJ-45 port: 100Mbps Link (green on)/Activity(green
10Mbps Link (yellow on)/Activity(yellow blinking)
Fiber port: Link/Activity(green)
Ordering Information
JetCon 1302-m Industrial 2-port Fast Ethernet to Fiber Media Converter, SC, Multi-mode/2KM
JetCon 1302-m
Quick Installation Guide
JetCon 1302-s Industrial 2-port Fast Ethernet to Fiber Media Converter, SC, Single-mode/30KM
JetCon 1302-s
Quick Installation Guide