L76 EVB User Guide GNSS Module Series Rev. L76_EVB_User_Guide_V1.1 Date: 2013-04-02 www.quectel.com GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide Our aim is to provide customers with timely and comprehensive service. For any assistance, please contact our company headquarter: Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. Room 501, Building 13, No.99, Tianzhou Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 5108 6236 Mail: info@quectel.com l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Or our local office, for more information, please visit: http://www.quectel.com/quectel_sales_office.html For technical support, to report documentation errors, please visit: http://www.quectel.com/tecsupport.aspx GENERAL NOTES QUECTEL OFFERS THIS INFORMATION AS A SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS BASED UPON CUSTOMERS REQUIREMENTS. QUECTEL MAKES EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION IT MAKES AVAILABLE. 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L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 1 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide About the document History Revision 1.0 1.1 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Date Author Description 2013-02-25 Dishon ZHOU Initial 2013-03-26 Dishon ZHOU Optimized the contents of Chapter 3. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 2 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide Contents About the document ................................................................................................................................... 2 Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Table Index ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure Index ................................................................................................................................................. 5 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Introduction to EVB Kit ....................................................................................................................... 7 2.1. EVB Top and Bottom View .......................................................................................................... 7 2.2. EVB Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 8 3 Interface Application ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.1. USB Interface ............................................................................................................................ 10 3.2. UART Interface.......................................................................................................................... 11 3.3. Antenna Interface ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.4. Switches and Buttons ............................................................................................................... 13 3.5. Operating Status LEDs ............................................................................................................. 14 3.6. Test Points ................................................................................................................................. 15 4 EVB and Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 17 5 Install Device Driver........................................................................................................................... 18 6 Starting PowerGPS ............................................................................................................................ 19 7 Appendix A Reference....................................................................................................................... 25 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 3 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide Table Index TABLE 1: PINS OF UART PORT ....................................................................................................................... 11 TABLE 2: SWITCHES AND BUTTONS ............................................................................................................. 13 TABLE 3: OPERATING STATUS LEDS ............................................................................................................ 14 TABLE 4: PINS OF J106 ................................................................................................................................... 15 TABLE 5: EXPLANATIONS OF POWERGPS WINDOW .................................................................................. 20 TABLE 6: REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................... 25 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C TABLE 7: ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 25 L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 4 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide Figure Index FIGURE 1: EVB TOP VIEW ................................................................................................................................ 7 FIGURE 2: EVB BOTTOM VIEW ........................................................................................................................ 8 FIGURE 3: EVB ACCESSORIES ........................................................................................................................ 9 FIGURE 4: MICRO-USB INTERFACE .............................................................................................................. 10 FIGURE 5: UART INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................... 11 FIGURE 6: ANTENNA INTERFACE .................................................................................................................. 12 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C FIGURE 7: LNA LAYOUT .................................................................................................................................. 12 FIGURE 8: SWITCHES AND BUTTONS .......................................................................................................... 13 FIGURE 9: OPERATING STATUS LEDS .......................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 10: TEST POINTS J106 ...................................................................................................................... 15 FIGURE 11: EVB AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTS ...................................................................................... 17 FIGURE 12: POWERGPS TOOL ...................................................................................................................... 19 FIGURE 13: MTK COMMAND .......................................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 14: STATIC TTFF TESTING ............................................................................................................... 22 FIGURE 15: STATIC TTFF TESTING CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ............................................................... 23 FIGURE 16: STATIC TTFF TESTING CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 24 L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 5 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 1 Introduction This document defines and specifies the usage of L76 EVB (Evaluation Board). You can get useful information about L76 EVB and GNSS demo tool from this document. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 6 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 2 Introduction to EVB Kit 2.1. EVB Top and Bottom View l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 1: EVB Top View L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 7 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 2: EVB Bottom View A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: UART port Serial port alternation switch RESET button FORCE_ON button POWER switch Micro-USB port Indication LEDs Antenna interface L76 Module STANDBY switch Test points 2.2. EVB Accessories L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 8 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 3: EVB Accessories A: B: USB cable GNSS active antenna (3.3V) L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 9 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 3 Interface Application 3.1. USB Interface l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 4: Micro-USB Interface The main power is supplied via Micro-USB interface. We provide two ways for data communication: Micro-USB and UART interface which are controlled by alternation switch (S2). Both of RS232 and Micro-USB cable are necessary, if you want to use UART to output NEMA. So the easy way is to use Micro-USB cable which both supplies the power and outputs NEMA. You can makes alternation between UART port and Micro-USB interfaces via switch (S2). NOTE If you want to use PowerGPS Tool, UART interface is recommended for data communication. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 10 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 3.2. UART Interface l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 5: UART Interface Table 1: Pins of UART port Pin 2 3 5 Signal I/O Description RXD I Receive data TXD O Transmit data GND L76_EVB_User Guide GND Confidential / Released 11 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 3.3. Antenna Interface l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 6: Antenna Interface Figure 7: LNA Layout L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 12 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide For choice of external antenna, both of active antenna and passive antenna can be selected. Please note the LNA is installed in the EVB by default, so you have to move C109 to R112 and R118 to R105, when you want to remove the LNA for test. 3.4. Switches and Buttons l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 8: Switches and Buttons Table 2: Switches and Buttons Part Name I/O Description S1 POWER I Control power supply via Micro-USB. S2 Serial port alternation switch I QUECTEL EVB supplies two communicative ways: Micro-USB and UART which are controlled by switch. S3 STANDBY I The module will enter into standby mode when switching from OFF to ON, and exit from standby L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 13 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide mode in the opposite operation. K1 FORCE_ON I Press and release the button, the module will be waked up from backup mode. K2 RESET I Press and release this button, then the module will reset. 3.5. Operating Status LEDs l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 9: Operating Status LEDs Table 3: Operating status LEDs Part Name I/O Description L1 TXD1 O Flash: turn on successfully, Micro-USB or UART1 port can output messages. Extinct: fail to turn on the module. L2 1PPS O Flash: fix successfully, the frequency is 1Hz. Extinct: no fix. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 14 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 3.6. Test Points l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 10: Test Points J106 Table 4: Pins of J106 Pin Signal 1 32K/DRIN 2 AADET_N I Active antenna open circuit detection 3 1PPS O 1 pulse per second 4 STANDBY I Enter or exit standby mode L76_EVB_User Guide I/O Description Reserved Confidential / Released 15 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 5/10 GND Ground 6 FORCE_ON Logic high will force module to be waked up from backup mode. Keep this pin open or pulled low before entering into backup mode. If unused, keep this pin open. 7 RESET I System reset 8 TXD1 O Transmit data 9 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C RXD1 L76_EVB_User Guide I Receive data Confidential / Released 16 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 4 EVB and Accessories The EVB and its accessories are equipped as shown in Figure 11. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 11: EVB and Accessory Equipments L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 17 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 5 Install Device Driver Please note that you need to install the driver of Micro-USB, when use Micro-USB for data communication. The driver has been stored in our FTP server. The driver of CP210x also can be download from internet. The download path of our FTP server is as below: l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Overseas customer: /d:/FTP/OC/Overseas_Technical/Overseas_Module Official Documents/GNSS Module/Common/04 Tool Kit/ GNSS_EVB_Micro-USB_Driver_CP210x. Domestic customer: /d:/FTP/CC/Domestic_Technical/Domestic_Module Official Documents/GNSS Module/Common/04 Tool Kit/ GNSS_EVB_Micro-USB_Driver_CP210x. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 18 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 6 Starting PowerGPS The PowerGPS version is V2.2.0. The PowerGPS tool can help user to view the status of GPS&GLONASS receiver conveniently. When the tool is opened, the following window will be displayed: l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 12: PowerGPS Tool After EVB accessories are assembled, turn on the module and start up the PowerGPS. Select a correct COM port and baud rate (L76 module supports 9600bps by default), then click the button "Create Connection". From the PowerGPS window, user can view CNR message, time, position, speed, precision and so on. Explanations are listed in Table 5. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 19 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide Table 5: Explanations of PowerGPS Window Icon Explanation SV with PRN 65. If the position of SV is near to the centre of the Sky View, the elevation angle of SV is close to 90. Dark blue means this satellite is in tracking. Light blue means this satellite is not in tracking. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C The CNR of PRN 25 is 31dB/Hz. Light blue column means the navigation data of this satellite is in use. The CNR of PRN 70 is 32dB/Hz. White column means the navigation data of this satellite is not in use. The range of GLONASS SVID is 65-96. UTC time Latitude degree longitude degree Positing fix Using the number of satellites Horizontal Dilution of Precision Altitude based on WGS84 Datum UTC date Fix type: No-Fix, 3D or 2D SPS Using satellite Position Dilution of Precision Vertical Dilution of Precision Speed of receiver L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 20 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide PMTK Command You can send PMTK command by PowerGPS. The format of PMTK command includes only characters between $ and *, for example: PMTK869,0. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 13: MTK Command Automatic TTFF Testing This tool allows you to measure the TTFF (Time to First Fix) under different testing conditions. You can choose to test the TTFF from full start, cold start, warm start and hot start and the number of tests can be chosen from 1, 10, 20, 100, 1000 and 10000. Click on the Run button to start the test and it can be stopped by clicking on the Stop button. The configuration is as below: Start "MTK" menu, and click "Static TTFF Testing", then "Static TTFF Testing" as shown below: L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 21 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 14: Static TTFF Testing Click "Set reference point", choose "Reference location". After start positioning, click "Use Mean Position", then click "OK". As shown in the screenshots below: L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 22 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 15: Static TTFF Testing Configuration Options Click "Config", set "TTFF Time- out (sec)", then click "OK", shown as below: In generally, if you choose hot start, "TTFF Time-out (sec)" sets 10s. If you choose warm start, the "TTFF Time-out (sec)" sets 50s. If you choose cold start, the "TTFF Time-out (sec)" sets 100s. "TTFF Time-out (sec)" can help you judge TTFF and save time. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 23 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 16: Static TTFF Testing Configuration The above operation is completed. Click on the Run button to start the test and it can be stopped by clicking Stop button. After finishing the testing, you can see the testing result charts. Of course, the result also will be stored in the tool installation path, and you can view the corresponding log. L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 24 / 25 GNSS Module L76 EVB User Guide 7 Appendix A Reference Table 6: Reference SN [1] [2] [3] l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Document name Remark L76_Hardware_Design L76 Hardware Design L76_Protocol_Specification L76 Protocol Specification L76_Reference Design L76 Reference Design Table 7: Abbreviations Abbreviation Description CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio GPS GLONASS GNSS LED PPS PRN Global Positioning System Global Navigation Satellite System (The Russian GNSS) Global Navigation Satellite System Light Emitting Diode Pulse Per Second Pseudorandom Noise SPS Standard Positioning Service SV Satellite Vehicle UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter UTC Universal Time Coordinated WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984 L76_EVB_User Guide Confidential / Released 25 / 25