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©2009 by RF Monolithics, Inc. WSN802G - 04/29/09
Rating Value Units
Input/Output Pins Except ADC Inputs -0.5 to +3.63 V
ADC Input Pins -0.5 to 1.98 V
Non-Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40 to +85 oC
WSN802G Absolute Maximum Ratings
WSN802G Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Operating Frequency Range 2401 2474 MHz
Spread Spectrum Method CCK Direct Sequence
RF Chip Rate 11 Mc/s
RF Data Rates 1 or 2 Mb/s
Modulation Type BPSK at 1 Mb/s, QPSK at 2 Mb/s
Number of RF Channels 11
RF Channel Spacing 5 MHz
Receiver Sensitivity, 8% PER:
1 Mb/s RF Data Rate -92 dBm
2 Mb/s RF Data Rate -90 dBm
RF Transmit Power 10 mW
RF Connector U.FL Coaxial Connector
Optimum Antenna Impedance 50 W
·Small Size, Light Weight, Low Cost
·7.5 µA Sleep Current Supports Battery Operation
·Timer and Event Triggered Auto-reporting Capability
·Analog, Digital and Serial I/O for Sensor Applications
·-40 to +85 oC Operating Temperature Range
·FCC and ETSI Certified for Unlicensed Operation
The WSN802G transceiver module is a low cost, robust solution for 802.11g sensor
networks. The WSN802G’s very low sleep current makes long life battery operation
practical. The WSN802G module includes analog, digital and serial I/O, providing
the flexibility and versatility needed to serve a wide range of sensor network applica-
tions. The WSN802G module is easy to integrate and is compatible with standard
802.11b/g access points.
(Info Click here)
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©2009 by RF Monolithics, Inc. WSN802G - 04/29/09
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
ADC Input Range 0 1.8 V
ADC Input Resolution 10 bits
ADC Input Impedance 1 MW
PWM Output Resolution 16 bits
Data Serial Port Baud Rates 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 (default), 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, 57.6,
76.8, 115.2, 230.4, 460.8, 921.6 kb/s
Diagnostic Serial Port Baud Rate 9.6 kb/s
Digital I/O:
Logic Low Input Level -0.3 0.7 V
Logic High Input Level 2.24 VCC V
Input Pull Up/Down Resistor 50 1000 KW
Logic Low Output Level 0 0.4 V
Logic High Output Level 2.4 VCC V
Power Supply Voltage Range VCC +3 +3.63 Vdc
Power Supply Voltage Ripple 10 mVP-P
Receive Mode Current 150 mA
Transmit Mode Current 200 mA
Sleep Mode Current 7.5 µA
WSN802GC Mounting Reflow Soldering
WSN802GP Mounting Socket
Operating Temperature Range -40 85 oC
Operating Relative Humidity Range, Non-condensing 10 90 %
WSN802G Electrical Characteristics
CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions when handling.
WSN802G Hardware
The WSN802G operates in the international 2.4 GHz
ISM band over the frequency range of 2401-2474 MHz,
with a nominal RF output power of 10 mW. The WSN-
802G supports two standard 802.11g RF data rates, 1
and 2 Mb/s.
The WSN802G transceiver module provides a variety of
hardware interfaces. There are two serial interfaces, one
for data and a second for diagnostics. The data port sup-
ports standard serial baud rates from 1.2 to 921.6 kb/s,
and the diagnostic port operates at a fixed baud rate of
9.6 kb/s. Hardware flow control is not currently imple-
mented on either serial port.
The WSN802G includes two 10-bit ADC inputs, a 16-bit
PWM (DAC) output, two digital inputs and two digital out-
puts to support sensor network applications.
The WSN802G is available in two mounting configura-
tions. The WSN802GC is designed for solder reflow
mounting, and the WSN802GP is designed for plug-in
connector mounting.
WSN802G Firmware
The major firmware components in the WSN802G in-
clude the 802.11g stack and the application protocol.
The WSN802G acts as a UDP client to a data and/or
sensor application running on a network server.
The application protocol supports three operating modes:
(1) sleeping sensor node with timer or interrupt auto-
reporting, (2) sleeping serial data node with timer or inter-
rupt wake-up and (3) always on sensor or serial data
node with auto-reporting. Modes 1 and 2 take full advan-
tage of the very low sleep current capability of the
WSN802G. The module sleeps unless the WAKE_IN
input is asserted or the AutoReport timer fires. A Wake-
Timeout timer is provided to hold the module awake for
a configurable period. The WakeTimout timer is held in
reset as long as WAKE_IN is asserted, serial data is
being received, an RF packet is being sent or received,
or if the module is uncommissioned.
The WSN802G asserts WAKE_OUT whenever it is
awake to notify its external host. The module also sends
an I/O status report automatically each time WAKE_IN is
asserted, and/or each time the AutoReport timer fires.
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1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 31 71 6 2 4 2 5 2 6
1 5
1 4
1 3
1 2
1 1
1 0
W S N 8 0 2 G B l o c k D i a g r a m
2 7
L o w C u r r e n t
T r a n s c e i v e r
R e g
F i l t e r
D I A G _ T X
D I A G _ R X
D I N 0
R A D I O _ T X D
R A D I O _ R X D
P W M 0
D O U T 0
D I N 1
D O U T 1
2 9
4 4 M H z3 2 . 7 6 8 k H z
/ R E S E T
3 . 3 V _ O U T
W A K E _ I N
W A K E _ O U T
3 0
2 8
B a l u n
R e g
+ 3 . 3 V
+ 1 . 8 V
Figure 1
Pin Name I/O Description
1 GND - Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
2 DIAG_TX O Diagnostic serial port output.
3 DIAG_RX I Diagnostic serial port input.
4 DIN0 I Digital input port 0.
5 RADIO_TXD O Serial data output from the radio.
6 RADIO_RXD I Serial data input to the radio.
7 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
8 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
9 PWM0 O 16-bit pulse-width modulated output 0 with internal low-pass filter. Filter is first-order, with a 159 Hz 3 dB
bandwidth, 10K output resistance.
10 DOUT0 O Digital output port 0.
11 DIN1 I Digital input port 1.
12 DOUT1 O Digital output port 1.
13 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
14 VCC I Power supply input, +3.0 to +3.63 Vdc.
15 GND - Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
16 GND - Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
17 /RESET I Active low module hardware reset.
18 ADC0 I 10-bit ADC input 0. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +1.8 V regulated supply.
19 ADC1 I 10-bit ADC input 1. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +1.8 V regulated supply.
20 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
21 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
22 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
23 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
24 3.3V_OUT O Module’s +3.3 V regulated supply, available to power external sensor circuits. Current drain on this output
should be no greater than 50 mA.
25 ADC_REF O Module’s +1.8 V regulated supply, used for ratiometric ADC readings. Current drain on this output should be
no greater than 10 mA.
26 WAKE_IN I Active high interrupt input to wake the module from timer sleep. Can be used to wake module on event, etc.
27 WAKE_OUT O Active high output asserted when module wakes from timer sleep. Can be used to wake an external device.
28 GND - RF ground for the WSN802GC only. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane.
29 RSVD - Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
30 GND - RF ground for the WSN802GC only. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane.
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WSN802G I/O Pad Descriptions
WSN802G Antenna Connector
A U.FL miniature coaxial connector is provided on both WSN802G configurations for connection to the RFIO port.
A short U.FL coaxial cable can be used to connect the RFIO port directly to an antenna. In this case the antenna
should be mounted firmly to avoid stressing the U.FL coaxial cable due to antenna mounting flexure. Alternately,
a U.FL coaxial jumper cable can be used to connect the WSN802G module to a U.FL connector on the host cir-
cuit board. The connection between the host circuit board U.FL connector and the antenna or antenna connector
on the host circuit board should be implemented as a 50 ohm stripline. Referring to Figure 3, the width of this
stripline depends on the thickness of the circuit board between the stripline and the groundplane. For FR-4 type
circuit board materials (dielectric constant of 4.7), the width of the stripline is equal to 1.75 times the thickness of
the circuit board. Note that other circuit board traces should be spaced away from the stripline to prevent signal
coupling, as shown in Figure 4. The stripline trace should be kept short to minimize its insertion loss.
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©2009 by RF Monolithics, Inc. WSN802G - 04/29/09
0 . 0 3 0
0 . 0 4 0
1 . 0 5 0
0 . 9 8 5
W S N 8 0 2 G C O u t l i n e a n d M o u n t i n g D i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5 0
T o p V i e w
0 . 1 2 5
1 5
1 6 3 0
D i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s
0 . 0 5 0
0 . 0 9 0
Figure 2
C o p p e r
G r o u n d
P l a n e
C o p p e r
S t r i p l i n e
T r a c e
F R - 4 P C B
M a t e r i a l
C i r c u i t B o a r d S t r i p l i n e T r a c e D e t a i l
F o r 5 0 o h m i m p e d a n c e W = 1 . 7 5 * H
Figure 3 Figure 4
Trace Separation from
50 ohm Microstrip
Length of Trace Run
Parallel to Microstrip
100 mil 125 mil
150 mil 200 mil
200 mil 290 mil
250 mil 450 mil
300 mil 650 mil
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©2009 by RF Monolithics, Inc. WSN802G - 04/29/09
0 . 0 6 0
1 . 0 5 0
0 . 9 6 0
W S N 8 0 2 G C S o l d e r P a d D i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5 0
T o p V i e w
1 5
1 6 3 0
D i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s
0 . 0 3 5
1 . 0 4 0
0 . 0 5 0
Figure 5
0 . 0 7
1 . 0 5
1 . 1 4
W S N 8 0 2 G P O u t l i n e a n d M o u n t i n g D i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5
T o p V i e w
0 . 1 2 5
1 5
1 6 3 0
D i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s
0 . 0 5
0 . 0 9
0 . 2 2 5
Figure 6
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1 . 0 0
0 . 0 5
0 . 7 0
0 . 1 0
0 . 8 0
W S M 8 0 2 G P I n t e r f a c e C o n n e c t o r
P C B L a y o u t D e t a i l
C o n n e c t o r s a r e S A M T E C
S L M - 1 1 5 - 0 1 - G - S
o r E q u i v a l e n t
D i m e n s i o n s a r e i n i n c h e s
Figure 7
Part # M-0802-1000, Rev A
Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.