Pentium® II Processor at 350 MHz,
400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Pr oduct Features
The I ntel P entium ® II process or is designed for high-per formance de sktops and for workstat ions
and servers. It is binary compa tible with previou s Intel Archit ecture process ors. The Pentium II
processor prov ides the best perfor mance availa ble for applicat ions running on advan ce d
operating systems such as W indows * 95, Wind ows NT and UNIX*. This is achi eved by
integ rat ing the be st a ttr ibute s of I nte l p roces sors —the d ynamic e xecut ion, Dual Inde pendent Bu s
architecture plus Int el MMX™ te chnology—bringing a new level of perf ormance for systems
buyers . T he Pentium II proces sor is scaleable to two proc es sors in a multiprocessor syst em and
extends the power of today’s P entium II processor with performance headroom for business
media, commun ication and inte rnet ca pabilities . Syste ms based on Pentium II processors also
include the latest features to simplify syste m management and lower the cost of owners hip for
large and sma ll busine ss environments. T he Pentium II proc essor offers great performance for
today’s and tomorrow’s applic ations.
Available at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and
450 MHz frequencies
Syste m bus freq uenc y at 100 MHz
Binary compatible with applications
running on previous member s of the Intel
microprocessor line
Dynamic execution micro arch itecture
Dual Independent Bus architecture:
Separate dedicated external S ystem Bus
and dedicate d internal high-s peed cache
Power Management ca pabilities
System Management mode
Multiple low-power states
Optimized for 32-bit applications running
on advanced 32-bit opera ting systems
Si ngle Edge Contact Cartridge (S.E.C.C.)
and S.E .C.C.2 packaging tec hnology; the
S.E.C. cartridge s deli ver high performance
with improv ed ha ndling protection and
I ntegrated high per f ormance 16 KB
instruction and 16 KB data, nonb locking,
l evel one cache
Available with integrated 512 KB unif ied,
nonblocking, level two cache
Enabl es syst em s which are scale abl e up to
two processors
Error-correcting code for System Bus data
Or d er N um be r : 24 36 57-00 3
August 1998
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ement of any patent, copyri
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ht. Intel products are not
intended for use in medical, life savin
, or life sustainin
Intel may make chan
es to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
ners must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved“ or “undefined.“ Intel reserves these for
future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or imcompatibilities arisin
from future chan
es to them .
The Pentium® II processor may contain desi
n defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published
specifcations. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placin
your product order.
Copies of documents which have an orderin
number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by callin
548-4725 or by visitin
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ht © Intel Corporation 1998.
*Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Datasheet 3
Processor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................7
1.1 Terminology...........................................................................................................8
1.1.1 S.E.C. Cartridge Terminology ..................................................................8
1.2 References............................................................................................................9
2.0 Ele ctrical Spec ificati o ns...... ....... ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ....... ............ .........10
2.1 Processo r System Bus and V REF ......................................................................10
2.2 Clock Control and Low Power Sta tes..................................................................11
2.2.1 Normal State—State 1 ...........................................................................12
2.2.2 AutoHAL T Powerdown State—State 2 ...................................................12
2.2.3 Stop-G rant State—Sta te 3 .....................................................................12
2.2.4 HALT/Grant Snoop State— State 4 ........................................................13
2.2.5 Sleep Sta te—S tate 5. . ............................................................................13
2.2.6 Deep Sleep State—S tate 6....................................................................13
2.2.7 Clock Contro l..........................................................................................14
2.3 Power and Ground Pins ......................................................................................14
2.4 Decoupl ing Guidelin es ........................................................................................14
2.4.1 Processo r VCCCORE Decoupling............................................................15
2.4.2 Processo r System Bus AGTL+ Decouplin g............................................15
2.5 Processo r System Bus Clock and Processor C locking.......................................15
2.5.1 Mixing Processors of Different Frequencies...........................................15
2.6 Voltage Identification...........................................................................................15
2.7 Processor System Bus Unused Pins...................................................................17
2.8 Processo r System Bus S ignal Groups ................................................................17
2.8.1 Async hronous vs. Synchronous for System Bus Signals.......................19
2.8.2 System Bus Freque ncy Select Sig nal (100/66#)....................................19
2.9 Test Access Port (TAP) Connection................ ....... .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......20
2.10 Maximum Ratings................................................................................................20
2.11 Processor DC Sp ecifi catio ns...............................................................................21
2.12 AGTL+ System Bus Specifications .....................................................................24
2.13 System Bus AC Specifications............................................................................25
3.0 System Bus Signal Simulations........................................................................................36
3.1 System Bus Clock (BCLK) Signal Quali ty Specifications and Measurement
Guidelines ...........................................................................................................37
3.2 AGT L+ Signal Qua lity Specificat ions and Mea suremen t Gui delines ..................38
3.3 Non-AGT L+ S ignal Quality Speci fications and M easurem ent Gu idelines...........40
3.3.1 Overshoot/Undershoot Guidelines .................................................. .......41
3.3.2 Ringba ck Sp e cificati o n......... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ...........41
3.3.3 Settling Limit Guideline...........................................................................42
4.0 Thermal Specifications and Design Consid erations.........................................................42
4.1 Thermal Specification s........ ............ ....... ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ..43
4.1.1 Therm a l Diode... ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ....... ............ ...........44
5.0 S.E.C.C. and S.E.C.C .2 Mechanical Spec ifications........................................................44
5.1 S.E.C.C. Mechn ical Specifications......................................................................45
Proces sor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
4 Datasheet
5.2 S.E.C.C.2 Mechanical Specification............................................. ................... ....52
5.3 Processor Package Materials Information ..........................................................57
5.4 Pentium® II Processor Signal Listing ..................................................................58
6. 0 Box ed Pro ce sso r Sp e cificati o n s........ ........... ........ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ .64
6.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................64
6.2 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................66
6.2.1 Boxed Processor Fan Heatsink Dimensi ons..........................................66
6.2.2 Boxed Processor Fan Heatsink Weight..................................................69
6.2.3 Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism and Fan Heatsink Sup ports .. ..69
6. 3 Box ed Pro ce sso r Requ i r e men ts .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........ ........7 2
6.3.1 Fan Heatsink Power Supply...................................................................72
6.4 Thermal Specifications........................................................................................73
6.4.1 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements ...............................................73
7.0 Pentium® II Processor Signal Description........................................................................74
7.1 Alphabetical Signa ls Reference . .........................................................................74
7.2 Signal Summari es...............................................................................................81
Figures 1 Seco nd Level (L2) Cache Implementations .........................................................8
2 AG TL+ Bus Topology..........................................................................................11
3 Stop Clock State M achine...................................................................................11
4 100/66# Pin Example..........................................................................................20
5 BCL K to Co re Log ic O ffset..................................................................................33
6 BCL K, PICCLK, and TCK Generic Clock Waveform...........................................34
7 System Bus Valid Delay Timings ........................................................................34
8 System Bus Setup and Hold Timings..................................................................34
9 System Bus Reset and Configuration Timings....................................................35
10 Power-On Reset and Configuration Timings.......................................................35
11 Test Timings (TAP Connection)..........................................................................36
12 Test Reset Tim ings.............................................................................................36
13 BCLK, TCK, PICCLK Generic Clock Waveform at the Processor Core Pins ......37
14 BCLK, TCK, PICCLK Generic Clock Wave form at the Processor Edge
15 Low to High AGT L+ Receiver Ringba ck Tolerance .............................................40
16 Non-AGTL+ Overshoot/Undershoot, Settling Limi t, and Ringback .....................40
17 Pentium® II Processor S.E.C.C. - Side View .......................................................42
18 Pentium® I I Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)— Top and Side View.......................45
19 Pentium® I I Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Extende d Thermal Plate Side
Dimensions .........................................................................................................46
20 Pentium® II Processor (S .E.C.C. Package)—Bottom View Dimensions.............46
21 Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Latch Arm, Extended Thermal
Plate Lug, and Cover Lug Dimensions.................... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....47
22 Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Latch Arm, Extended Thermal
Plate, and Cover Deta il Dimensions (Reference Dimensions Only) ............... ....48
23 Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Extended Thermal Plate
Attachment Detail Dim ensions............................................................................49
Datasheet 5
Processor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
24 Pentium® I I Proc esso r (S.E.C.C. Package)—Exten ded Thermal Plat e
Attachment Detail Dimensions, Continue d..........................................................50
25 Pentium® I I P roc essor Subst rate (S.E.C.C. Package)—E dge Fin ger
Contact Dimensions............................................................................................50
26 Pentium® I I P roc essor Subst rate (S.E.C.C. Package)—E dge Fin ger
Contact Dimensions, Detail A..............................................................................51
27 Pentium® I I Proc esso r Markings (S.E .C.C. Pack age).........................................51
28 Pentium® I I Proc esso r (S.E.C.C.2 Pa ckag e) Top and Side Views—
OLGA Pro ce sso r Cor e ............. ............ ........... ............ ............ ....... ............ .........52
29 Pentium® I I Proces sor (S.E.C.C.2 Pa ckag e) Top and Side Views—
PLGA Processor Core.........................................................................................53
30 Pentium® II Processor Assembly (S.E.C.C.2 Package)—Prim ary View .............53
31 Pentium® I I Processo r Assembly (S.E.C.C.2 Packag e)—Cover V iew with
32 Pentium® II Process or Assembly (S.E.C.C.2 Package)—Heat Sink Attach
Boss Section ......... ............ ........... ........ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ....54
33 Pentium® II Processor Assem bly (S.E.C.C. 2 Package), Side View—
OLGA Sub str a te Sho w n........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....... ............ ...........55
34 Detail View of Cover in the Vicinity of the Substrate Attach Features.................55
35 Pentium® II Processor Substr ate (S. E.C.C.2 Package), Edge Finger Contact
36 Pentium® I I Proc esso r Markings (S.E .C.C.2 Package).......................................56
37 Boxed Pe ntium ® II Processor in the S. E.C.C. Pac kaging I nstalled in Retention
Mechanism (Fan Power Cable Not Shown).......................................................65
38 Boxed Pe ntium® II Processor in the S.E.C.C.2 Packaging (Fan Power Cable
Not Shown).........................................................................................................65
39 Side View Space Requirements for t he B oxed Processor with S.E.C.C.
40 Front View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processor with S.E.C.C.
41 Side View Space Requirement s for the Boxed Processor with S.E.C.C.2
42 Front View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processor with S.E.C.C.2
43 To p View Air Space Req uirements for the Bo xed Processor..............................68
44 Heatsink Support Hole Locations and Size.........................................................70
45 Side View Space Requirement s for Boxed Processo r Fan Heatsink Supports ...71
46 Top View Space Requirements for Box ed Processor Fan Heatsink Supports ...71
47 Boxed Processor Fan Heats ink Power Cable Connect or Description.................72
48 Recomm ended M otherb oard Power Header Placement Relative to Fan Power
Connector and Pentium ® II Processor ................................................................73
Tables 1 Voltage Identification Definition...........................................................................16
2 Recommended Pull-up Resistor Values (Approximate) for CMOS Signals. ..... ..18
3 S ystem Bus Signal Grou ps .................................................................................19
4 Absolute Maximum Rati ngs.................................................................................21
5 V oltage and Current Specifications ....................................................................22
6 A GT L+ Signal Groups DC Specifications . . .........................................................24
Proces sor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
6 Datasheet
7 N on-AGTL + Signal Group DC Specifications......................................................24
8 AGTL+ Bus Sp ecifications .................................................................................25
9 Syst em Bus AC Specifications (Clock) at the Processor Edge Fingers .............26
10 System Bus AC Specifications (Clock) at Processo r Core Pins ........................27
11 Valid System Bus, Core Frequency, and Cache B us Frequencies ....................27
12 System Bus AC Spec ifications (AGTL+ S ignal Group)at the Process or
Edge Fi n g er s ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ........28
13 System Bus AC Specificat ions (AGTL+ Signal Group) at the Processor
Core Pi ns .... ............ ....... ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ....... ............ ......28
14 System Bus AC Spec ifications (CMOS Signal Grou p) at the Processor
Edge Fingers 29
15 System Bus AC Specifications (CMOS Signal Grou p)at the Processor Core
Pins 29
16 System Bus AC Specifications (Reset Conditions) . ...........................................30
17 System Bus AC Specifications (APIC Clock and APIC I/O) at the Process or
Edge Fi n g er s.. ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........ ........... ............ ...........30
18 System Bus AC Specifications (APIC Clock and APIC I/O)at the Processor
Core Pi ns .... ............ ....... ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ....... ............ ......31
19 System Bus AC Spec ifications (TAP Connection)at the Proc esso r Edge
Fingers ...............................................................................................................31
20 System Bus AC Specifications (TAP Connection)at the Processor Core Pins ..32
21 BCLK Signal Quality Specifications for Simulation at the Processor Core ........37
22 BCLK Signal Quality Guide lines for Edge Finger Measurem ent ........................38
23 AGTL+ Sign al Groups Ringb ack Tolerance Sp ecificatio ns at the Processor
Core ...................................................................................................................39
24 AGTL+ Signal Groups Ringb ack Tolerance Guid elines for Edge Finger
Measurement .....................................................................................................39
25 Signal Ringback Specifications for Non-AGT L+ Signal Sim ulation at the
Processor Core ..................................................................................................41
26 Signal Ringback Guidelines for Non-AGTL + Signal E dge Finger Measurem ent 41
27 Thermal Specifications for S.E.C.C. Packaged Proces sors ...............................43
28 Thermal Specifications for S.E.C.C.2 Packaged Processors... .... ....... .......... ......43
29 Thermal Diode Parameters.................................................................................44
30 Thermal Diode Interface......................................................................................44
31 Description Table for Processor Markings (S.E.C.C. Packaged Processor).......52
32 Description Table for Processor Markings (S.E.C.C.2 Packaged Processor).....57
33 S.E.C.C. Mater ials ....... ............ ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....... .57
34 S.E.C.C.2 Mate r ials ..... ............ ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....... .57
35 Signal Listing in Order by Pin Number................................................................58
36 Signal Listing in Order by Signal Name ..............................................................61
37 Bo xed Processor Fan Heatsink Spatial Dimensions...........................................69
38 Boxed Processor Fan Heatsink Support Dimensions .................. ....... ..... ....... ....70
39 Fan Heatsink Power and Signal Spe cifications...................................................72
40 Motherboard F an Power Con nector Location .....................................................73
41 Signal Description ...............................................................................................74
42 O u tp u t Signals.............. ............ ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ............ ........81
43 Input Signals .......................................................................................................82
44 Input/Output Sig nals (Single Driver) ....................................................................83
45 Input/Output Sig nals (Multiple D river).................................................................83
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 7
1.0 Introduction
The Pent ium II 350 MHz/400 MHz/ 450 MHz processor is the next in the Pentiu m II proces sor line
of Intel processors. The Pentium II proce ssor, l ike the Pentium Pro processor, implem ents a
Dynamic E xecution micro arc hitecture—a unique combination of mult iple branch pre diction, data
flow analysis, and speculative execution. This enables these processors to deliver higher
per f ormance than the Pentium processor, while maintaini ng b inary compa tibility with all previous
Intel Arch itecture proc essors . Th e Pen tium II processor also executes MMX technolog y
inst ructions for enhanced media and co mmunication p erformance . The Pentium II processor
utilizes multiple low-power states such as AutoHALT, Stop-Grant, Sleep, and Deep Sleep to
conserve power during idle ti mes.
The Pent ium II proces sor utilizes the same multiprocessing sys tem bus technology as th e Pentium
Pro proces sor. This allows for a higher level of performance for both uni-processor and two-way
multipro ce ssor (2-way MP) syste ms. Memory is ca che able for up to 4 GB of addressabl e mem ory
space, allowing significant headroom for business des ktop systems. Please refer to the Inte l
Specification Update documents S -spec number table to determine the cac hea bility for a giv en
proce ssor.
The Pentium II processor system bus operates in the sa me manner as the Pentium Pro processor
system bus. The Pentium II proce ssor system bus uses a va riant of GTL+ signa l technology called
AGTL+ signal technology. The Pentium II processor deviates from the Pentium Pro processor by
using comm ercially ava ilable di e for the second leve l (L2) ca che. The L2 c ac he (the TagRAM and
bur st pipeli ned sync hronous static RAM (BSRAM) memo ries) are now multipl e die. T r ansf er rate s
be tw een a Pentium II p r o cesso r’s co re and L2 cache are one-half th e p roce ss o r core clock
frequenc y and scale with the processor core frequency. Both the TagRAM and BSRAM receive
clocked data dir ectly from th e P entium II processor core. As wi th the Pentium Pro, the Pentium II
processor ha s a dedicated L2 cache bus, thus maintaini ng the dual independe nt bus architecture to
deliver high bus bandwidth and high performan ce (se e Figure 1).
Pentium II processors use either a Si ngle Edge Contact Cart ridge (S.E.C.C .) or a Single Edge
Conta ct Cart ridg e 2 (S.E.C. C.2) pac kaging t echnol ogy. Thes e packagin g te chnologi es allo w the L2
cache to remain tightly coupled to the pr ocessor, while enabl ing use of high volume commercial
SRAM components . The L2 c ache is perform ance optimized and tested at the package level. T he
S.E.C.C. an d S. E. C.C.2 package s utilize su rface mounted technology and a s ubstrate with a n edge
finger connection. Pentium II pr ocessors at 350, 400 and 450 MHz, while ava ilable at higher core
freque ncies t han the previous ly rel eased Pe nti um II proc essors a t 233, 266, 30 0 and 333 MHz , also
provide additional fe atures while utilizing either a com patible S.E.C.C. package or the follow-on
S.E.C.C.2 pa ckage.
The S.E.C. C. package has the foll o wing feature s: an ex tend ed thermal plate, a cover, and a
substr ate with a n edge fi nger co nnecti on. The exte nde d therm al pla te al lows he atsink a ttac hment or
cus tom ized thermal sol utions. The S.E.C.C.2 package has a cover and a subs trate with an edge
finger conenction. Thi s allows the thermal solutions t o be placed directly onto the processor core
pa cka g e. The ed g e finger con n ectio n maintains socketabilit y for system co nfiguration. The edg e
finger connector is called the ‘SC 242 connec tor ’ in this a nd othe r doc umentation.
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
1.1 Terminology
I n this document, a ‘#’ s y mbol after a signal name ref ers to an active low signal. This means that a
sig n a l is in th e ac tiv e stat e (based on th e nam e of the si g nal) w h en dr i ven to a low lev el . F or
example, when FLUSH# is low, a flush has been reques ted. When NMI is high, a nonmaskable
interrupt has occurred. In the cas e of signals where the name does not imply an active state but
descr ibe s part of a binary sequenc e (such as address or data), the ‘#’ sym bol impli es that the signa l
is inverte d. For example , D[3:0] = ‘HLHL’ refers to a hex ‘A’, and D#[3:0] = ‘LHLH’ also refers
to a hex ‘A’ (H= High logic leve l, L= Low logi c level).
The term “system bus” refers to the interfac e bet ween the processor, system core logic (a.k.a. the
AGPset components), and other bus agents. The system bus is a m ultiprocessi ng interface to
proce ssors , memory, and I/O. The term “cache bus” refers to the inte rface between the processor
and the L2 cache components (TagRAM and BSRAMs). The cache bus does NOT connect to the
system bu s, and is not vi sible to other ag ents on the s ys tem bus.
1.1.1 S.E.C. Cartridge Terminology
The followi ng terms are used often in this document and are e xplained here for clarification:
Pentium® II proces sor—Th e entire product including inte rnal components, substrate,
extended thermal plate, a nd cover.
S.E.C.C.—The process or packaging tec hnology is called a “Single Edge Contact Cart ridge.”
Initial releases of the Pentium II processor are based upon this pa ckaging technology.
S.E.C.C.2—The follow-on to S.E.C.C. processor packaging technology. T he biggest
difference from its predecesso r is that it has no extended thermal plate, thus reducing thermal
Processor substrate—The structur e on whi ch comp onents are mo unted in side t he S. E.C.C. or
S. E. C.C.2 package technology (with or without components a ttached).
Proce s so r co reThe proc es sors execution engine.
Figure 1. Second Lev el (L2) Cache Implementations
Pentium II Processor
Substrate and Components
Processor Core
Core Tag L2
Pentium® Pro Processor
Dual Die Cavity
Pentium® Pro Processor
Dual Ca vity
Pentium II Processor
Substrate and Com ponents
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 9
Extended Thermal Plate—Th is S.E.C.C. 100 MHz processo r featu re is the surfac e u sed to
attach a heatsink or other thermal solution to the pr ocessor. The extended thermal plate has an
extended skirt as compared to the 66 MHz Pentium II processors for increas ed thermal
Cover—The plastic casing that covers the backsire of the substrate and holds processor
branding and marking information.
Lat ch arms—A n S.E.C.C. processor fea ture which c an be used as a me ans for securi ng the
proces sor in the retention mechanism(s).
PLGA - Pla stic Land Grid Array. This package technology incorporates a heat slug withi n the
packag e th at con ta cts th e ex t en d ed th er mal plate.
OLGA - Organic Land Grid Array. This package technology permits attaching the heatsink
dir e ct ly to th e d ie.
Additional terms referred to in this and other rel ated doc um entat ion:
SC 242—The 242-contact slo t connector (previously ref erre d to as S lot 1 connector) that the
S.E.C.C. and S.E.C.C.2 plug into, just as the Pentium® Pro pr o c essor uses So ck e t 8.
Retention mechanism—An ena ble d me cha nic al piec e whic h ho ld s the S. E. C. car t ridg e in th e
SC 242 connector.
Heatsink supportT he support pi eces t hat are moun te d on the m otherboa rd t o provid e a dded
support for heats inks.
The L2 cache (TagRAM, BSRAM) die keep industry names.
1.2 References
The reader of this specification should also be familiar with ma terial and co ncepts presented in the
following documents:
AP-485, Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction (Or der Number 241618)
AP-827, 100 MHz GTL+ La yout Guidelines for the Pent ium® II Processor and Intel® 440BX
AGPset (Order Number 243735)
AP-586, Pentium® II Processo r Th ermal Desi gn Gu ideli ne s (Orde r Number 243331)
AP-587, Pentium® II Proce ssor Po w er Di str ibu tio n Guide li nes (Order Number 243332)
AP-588, Mechanical and Assembly Technology for S.E.C. Cartr idge Proce sso rs (Order
Number 243333)
AP-589, Pentium® II Processor Electro-Magnetic Interfere nce (Order Number 243334)
Pentium® II Pr ocessor at 233, 266, 300, 333 MHz (Order Number 243335)
Pentium® II Processor Spec ification Update (Order Numb er 243337)
Slot 1 Connector Specification (Order Number 243397)
Slot 1 Bus Terminator Card Design Guide lines (Order Number 243409)
Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual (Order Number 243193)
Vo lume I: Basi c Arch itecture (Or der Number 243190)
Volume II: Instructi on Set Reference (Order Number 243191)
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
10 Datasheet
Volu me III: System Progr amming Guide (Order Number 243192)
P6 Fami ly of Proce ssors Ha rdwa re Developers Man ual (Order Number 244001)
Pentium® II Processor I/ O Buffer Models, Quad Form at (deve lo p co m)
2.0 Electrical S
2.1 Processor System Bus an d VREF
Most Pentium II proce ssor signal s use a variation of th e lo w vol tage G un n i ng Trans c ei ve r Lo gi c
(GTL) signa ling technology.
The Pentium II proces sor sys tem bus spec ifica tio n i s simil ar to the GTL spec ifica tion, but has been
enhanc ed to provide larger noise margins and reduc ed ringing. The improvements are
accomplished by increasing the termination voltage level and controlling the edge rates. This
specific ation is di f feren t f r o m the s tandard GTL specif ication, and is referred to as GTL+. Fo r
more informa tion on GTL+ specifications, see AP-827, 100 MHz GTL+ Layout Guidelines for t he
Pentium® II Proce ssor and Intel ® 440BX AGPse t (Order Number 243735).
The Pentium II processor va ries from the Pentium Pro proc essor in its output buffer
implementation. The buffers tha t drive most of the s ystem bus signals on the Pentium II processor
are actively driven to VCCCORE for one cloc k cycle after the low to high transition to improve its
r is e times and redu ce noise. The se signals should still be considered open-drain and require
ter minat ion to a supply that provides the high signal level. Becau se this specifi cation is differ ent
f rom the s tandard GTL+ specification, it is referred to as Assisted Gun n ing Transit istor Logic
( AGTL+) in this document . AGTL+ logi c and GTL+ lo gic are compatibl e wi th eac h other and may
both be used on the same syst em bus.
AGTL+ signals are open-drain and require te rmination to a supply that provides the high si gnal
level. AGTL+ inputs use differential receivers which require a reference signal (VREF). VREF is used
b y th e r eceivers to determine if a signal is a logical 0 or a logical 1, and is generated on t he S.E.C
cartridges for the proc essor c ore. Local VREF copies should be generated on the mother board for all
other device s on the AGTL+ sys tem bus. Termination (usually a resistor at each en d of the signal
tr ace) is used to pull t he bus up to the high voltage level and to cont rol reflections on the
tr ansmiss ion li ne. Th e process or cont ai ns ter mination re sisto rs that prov ide te rminat ion for one end
of the Pentium II processor sy stem bus. Thes e specifications assume another resistor at the end of
each signal trace to ens u re ad equate signal qu ality for t h e A G TL+ s i g nals; see Table 8 for the bus
terminat ion voltage specifications for AGTL+ and the Pentium® II Processor Dev eloper’s Manual
( Or der Num ber 243 502) for the GTL+ bus spe cification. Solutions exist for single-ended
termination as well, though solution space is affected. Figure 2 is a schematic re pres entation of
AGTL+ bus topology with Pentium II processors.
The AGTL+ bus depends on incident wave switc hing. Therefore tim ing calculations for AGTL+
signal s are ba sed on flight time as opposed to ca pac itive deratings. Analog signal simulation of the
Pentium II proc es sor system bus including trace lengths is highly recommende d when designing a
system wi th a he avily loaded AGTL+ bus, especially for systems us ing a sin gle set of termination
resistors (i.e., those on the processor substrat e) with the Intel® 440BX AGPset. Such desi gns will
not match the solution space allowed for by instal lation of termination resistors on the
mot herboard . See Int el’s World Wid e Web page (ht tp://dev eloper.i ntel. com) to downl oad t he buf fer
mode ls: Pentium® II Processo r I/O Bu ffer Mo dels, Quad Format (Electronic Form).
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 11
2.2 Clock Contr ol and Low Power States
Pentium II proc essors allow the use of AutoHALT, Stop -Grant, Sle ep, and Deep Sleep state s to
reduce power cons um ption by stopping the clock to internal se ctions of the proces sor, depe nding
on each p ar ticular sta t e. S e e F igure 3 for a visual re presentation of the Pentium II processor low
power states.
Figure 2. AGTL+ Bus Topo logy
Pentium® II
Processor ASIC Pe n tiu m II
Figure 3. Stop Clock State Mach in e
2. Auto HALT Power Down Sta te
BCLK runnin g.
Snoop s and in terrupts al l owe d.
HALT Instr ucti on and
HA LT Bus C ycl e Generated
1. Normal State
Norm al execution.
Asserted STPCLK#
3. Stop Grant State
BCLK runnin g.
Snoop s and in terrupts al l owe d.
Asserted SLP#
5. S leep S tate
BCLK runnin g.
No snoops or i nterrupts allowed.
6. Deep S leep State
BCLK s t opped .
No snoops or i nterrupts allowed.
4. HALT /G rant Snoop S ta te
BCLK runnin g.
Service snoops to caches.
Snoop Event Occurs
Snoop Event Serviced
STPCLK# Asserted
STPCLK# De-as serted
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
12 Datasheet
For the processor to fully realize the low curre nt consumption of the Stop-Grant, Sleep, and Deep
Sl eep states, a Model Specific Register (MSR) bit mus t be set. For the MSR a t 02AH (Hex), bit 26
must be set to a ‘1’ (this is the power on def ault setting) for the proces sor to stop all internal cl ocks
during these modes. For more information, see the Pentium® II Process or Developer's Manual
( Order Num ber 243502).
Du e to the inability of processors to recog n ize bus transac tions during the Sleep an d Deep S leep
sta tes, two-way MP syste ms are not allowed to have one processor in S leep/D eep Sleep state and
the o th e r p roces so r in N o rm al or Sto p - G r an t stat e simu lt an e ou sly.
2.2.1 Normal State—State 1
This is the normal operating state for the pr ocessor.
2.2.2 AutoHALT Powerdown State—State 2
AutoHALT is a low power state entered when the processor executes the HALT instruction. The
pr oce ssor will transition to the Normal st ate upon the occurrenc e of SMI#, BINIT#, INI T#, or
LINT[1:0] (NMI, INTR). RESE T# will cause th e pr ocessor to immediately initialize itself.
The return from a Syste m Manage ment Interrupt (SMI) handle r can be to either Normal Mode or
the AutoHALT Power Down state. See the Intel Architecture Software Dev eloper's Manual,
Vol ume III: System Programmer's Guide (Order Number 243192) for mor e informati on.
FLUSH # will be serviced du ring the AutoHALT state, and th e p roceso r will retu rn to th e
AutoHALT state.
The system can generate a STPCLK# while the processor is in the AutoHALT Power Down state.
When the syste m deasser ts the STPCLK# int errupt, the processor will return executi on to the
HALT state.
2.2.3 Stop-Grant State—S tate 3
The Stop-Grant state on the processor is entere d when the STPCL K# sig nal is asserted.
Si nce the AGTL+ signal pins recei ve power from the syst em bus, these pins should not be driven
( allowing the level to r eturn to VTT) for minimum power drawn by the termination resistors in this
state. In addition, all other input pins on the system b us shoul d be driven to the inactiv e s tate.
BINIT# will be rec ognized while the processor is in Stop-Grant sta te. If STPCLK# is st ill asserted
at t he com pleti on o f the BINIT # bus ini tiali zati on, the proc essor wi ll remain i n Stop -Grant m ode. If
the STPCLK# is not as serted a t the completion of the BINIT# bus initializati on, the proces so r will
r eturn to Normal s tate.
FLUS H# will not be serviced during Stop-Grant state.
RESET# will cause the proce ssor to imme diately in itialize itself, but the processor will stay in
Stop-Grant state. A transition back to the Normal state will occur with the deassertion of the
STPCL K# signal.
A transition to the HALT/Grant Snoop st ate will occur when the processor detects a snoop on the
system bus (see Sec tion 2. 2.4). A t ran siti on to the Slee p sta te (see Sec tion 2. 2.5) will oc cur wi th the
as sert ion of the SLP # si gnal.
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 13
While in the Stop-Grant St ate , SMI#, I NIT#, and LINT[1:0] will be latched by the processor, and
only serviced when the processor returns to the Normal state. Only one occurrence of each event
will be recognized u p on return to th e Normal state.
2.2.4 HALT/Grant Snoop State—State 4
The process or will respond to snoop tra ns actions on the Pentium II proces s or sy st em bus while in
Stop-Grant state or in AutoHALT Power Down state . During a snoop transaction, the processor
enters the HALT/Grant Snoop s tate. The processor will stay in this st ate until the snoop on the
Pentium II processor system bus has be en serviced (whethe r by the processor or another agent on
the Pentium II processor system bus). After the snoop is serviced, the processor will return to the
Stop-Grant state or AutoHALT Power Down state, as appr opriate.
2.2.5 Sleep State—State 5
The Sleep state is a very low power state in which the processor maintains its context, maintains
the phase-locked loop (PLL), and has stopped all internal clocks . The Sleep s tate c an only be
entered from Stop-Grant state. Onc e in the Stop-Gr ant st ate, the SLP # pin can be asserted, causing
the processor to enter the Sleep st ate. The SL P# pin is not r ecognized in the Normal or AutoHALT
Snoop even ts that occ ur while in Sleep State or dur ing a transition into or out o f Sl eep st ate wi ll
cause unpredicta ble behavior.
In the Sleep state, the proce sso r is in capable of responding to sn oop transactions or latchi ng
interrupt signa ls. No transitions or ass ertions of signals (with the exception of SLP# or RESET#)
are al lowed on the syste m bus while the process or is in Sleep state. Any tr ansi tion on an input
sign al before the processor has returned to Stop-Grant state wil l result in unpredict able be havior .
If RE S ET # is driven a ctive while the processor is in the Sleep state, and held active as specified in
the RE SET# pin specificatio n, then the process or will res et its elf, ignoring the transi tion through
Stop-Grant State. If RES ET# is driven active while the proc essor is in th e Sleep State, the SLP#
and STPCL K# signal s shoul d be de as sert ed im m ediately afte r RESE T# is asserted t o ens ure the
processor correctly executes the Reset sequence.
While in the Sleep st ate, the process or is capable of ent ering its l owest power state, the Deep Sl ee p
sta te, by stopping the BCLK input (se e Section 2.2.6). Onc e in the Sleep o r Deep Sl eep states, t h e
SLP# pin can be deasserted if another as ynchronous syste m bus eve nt occurs. The SLP# pin has a
mini mum assert ion of one BCLK period.
2.2.6 Deep Sleep State—State 6
The D eep Slee p state is th e l o w est power state the processor ca n en ter while maintaining co ntext.
The Deep Sl eep st ate i s ent ered by sto pping the BCL K input (afte r the Sl eep sta te was ent er ed from
th e asser tion of the SLP# pin). The proc essor is in Deep Sleep state immediately a f ter BLCK is
stopped. It is recomme nded that the BLCK input be he ld low during the Deep Sleep State.
Sto pping of the BCLK input lowers the overall current cons umption to leakage levels .
To re-enter the Slee p stat e, the BLCK input must be restarted. A pe riod of 1 ms (to allow for PLL
stabilization) mus t occ ur before the processor can be considered to be in the Slee p state. Once in
the Sleep sta te, the SLP# pin can be deasserted to re-enter the Stop-Grant state.
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
14 Datasheet
While in Deep Sleep state, the processor is inca pable of responding to snoop transactions or
latc hing interrupt signals. No transitions or assertions of signa ls are allow ed on the system bus
while the proce ssor i s in Deep Sleep s tate . Any transition on an input s ignal before the proce ssor
has returned to Stop-Grant state will result in unpre dictable behavior.
2.2.7 Clock Control
The pr ocessor pr ovides t he clock signal to the L2 cache. During AutoHALT Power Down an d
St op-Grant states, the pr ocessor will process a system bus sno op. The proces s or will not stop the
clock to the L2 cache during AutoHALT Power Down or Stop-Grant st ates. Entrance into the Halt/
Grant Snoop sta te w ill allow the L2 cache to be s nooped, similar to the Normal state.
When the proce sso r is in Sl eep and Deep Sleep st ates, it will not res pond to interrupts or sn oop
t ransactions. During t h e Sleep s tate, the clock to the L2 cache is not stopped . During the Deep
Sleep state, the clock to the L2 cache is stopped. The clock to the L2 cache will be restarted only
afte r the inte rnal clocking mec hani sm for the processor is stable (i.e., the processor has re-entered
Sleep state).
PIC CLK should not be remov ed during the AutoHALT Power Down or Stop-Grant states.
PIC CLK can be removed during the Sleep or Deep Slee p st ates . Wh en trans itioni ng from the Deep
Sleep state to the Sleep st ate, PICCLK mus t b e r estarted with BCLK.
2.3 Power and Ground Pins
The o perati ng voltag e of the proc essor die and of the L2 cache die diff er from each ot her. There are
two groups of power inputs on the Pentium II proce sso r pac kage to support thi s vol tage difference
bet ween the compo nents in the pa ckage. T here a re also five pins define d on t he packa ge f or volta ge
identification (VID). These pins specify the voltage required by the processor core. These have
been adde d to cleanly support voltage sp ec ification variations on current and future Pentium II
For clean on-chip power distribution, Pentium II processors have 27 VCC (power) and 30 VSS
(ground) inputs. The 27 VCC pins are fu rther divided to provide the dif f erent volt age levels to the
components. VCCCORE i nputs for th e processor cor e and some L2 cache co mpo nents account fo r 19
of th e VCC pins, while 4 VTT inputs (1.5 V) are used to provide a n AGTL+ terminatio n voltage to
the processor and 3 VCCL2 inputs (3.3 V) are for use by the L2 cache TagRAM and BS RAMs. One
VCC5 pin is provi ded for use by the Slot 1 T e st Kit . VCC5, VCCL2, and VCCCORE must remain electrically
se parated from each other. On the circ uit board, all VCCCORE pins must be connec ted to a voltage
island a nd all VCCL2 pins must be connec ted to a separate voltage island (an isla nd is a portion of a
power plane that has been divi ded, or an entire pla ne). Similarly, all VSS p ins must be connected to
a system ground plane.
2.4 De co upling Guide lines
Due to the large number of transistors and high internal clock speeds, the proc essor is capable of
gene rating la rge a verage current swings betwe en low and full power st ates. This ca uses vol ta ges on
power planes to sag be low the ir nom inal values if bulk decoupling is not adequate. Care must be
take n in the board design to ensure that the voltage provided to the processor re mains within the
spe ci fic at ion s list ed in Table 5. Fai lure to d o so ca n result in timing violations or a reduce d lifetime
of the component.
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 15
2.4.1 Proces sor VCCCORE Decoupling
Regulator solutions need to provide bulk capac itance with a low E ffective Series Res is tance (E SR )
and ke ep an interconnec t re sistance from the regula tor (or VRM pins) to the SC 242 connector of
les s than 0.3 m. This can be acc omplishe d by keepi ng a maximum dis tance of 1.0 in ches between
the regulator output and SC 242 connec tor. T he re commended V CCCORE intercon nect is a 2.0 i nch
wide (the width of the VRM 8.2 connector) by 1.0 inch long (maximum dista nce bet ween the
SC 242 connector and the VRM 8.2 connector) plane segment with a 1-ounce plating. Bulk
decoupling for the large c urrent swings when the pa rt is powering on, or ente ring/exit ing low
power st ates, is provided on the voltage re gulation module (VRM). The VCCCORE input should be
capable of delivering a rec ommended minimum dI CCCORE/dt ( d efined in Ta ble 5) while mainta ining
the required tolerances (also defined in Table 5).
2.4.2 Processor System Bus AGTL+ Decou pling
The Pent ium II proces sor contai ns high frequency decoup ling capac itance on the processor
substr ate ; bulk dec ouplin g must be pr ovided for by the syste m motherboa rd for pro per AGTL+ bu s
operation. See AP-827, 100 MHz GTL+ Layo ut Guidelines for the Pentium® II Processor and
Intel® 440BX AG Pset (Order Number 243735), AP-587, Pentium® II Processor Pow e r
Distribution Guidelines (Order Number 243332), and the Pentium® II Processor Developer's
Manual (Orde r Numb er 243502) for mor e informati on.
2.5 Pro cessor System Bus Clock and Processor Clocking
The BCLK input directly c ontrols the operating speed of the Pentium II processor system bus
in terface. Al l Pentium II process o r system bus timing parameters are spec if ied with res p ect to the
risi ng edge of t he BCLK input . Se e the Pentium® II Proce ssor Deve lo per's Man ual (Order Number
243502) for further details.
2.5.1 Mixing Pr ocessors of Di fferent Fr equencies
Mixing processors of different interna l clock frequencie s is not supported and has not been
validated by Intel . One should als o note that when attempting to mix process ors rated at different
frequenci es in a two-way MP system, a c ommon bus clock fre quency and a set of multipliers must
be found that is acce ptable to both processors in the syste m. A process or may run at a core
frequency as low as its mini mum rating.
2.6 Voltage Identification
There are five voltage identifica tion pins on the SC 242 conne ctor. These pins ca n be us ed to
support automat ic selec tion of power s upply voltages . Th es e pins ar e not si gnals, but are eithe r an
open circ uit or a short circuit to VSS on the processor. The combination of opens and shorts defi nes
the voltage req uired by the processor core . The VI D pins are ne eded to cl eanly support voltage
specification variations on current and future Pentium II processors. These pins (VID[0] through
VID[4]) are defined in Table 1. A ‘1’ in this table refers to an open pin and a ‘0 ’ refers to a short to
ground. The de finition p r ovided in Table 1 is a supe rs et of the defi nition previous ly defined for the
Pentium Pro processor. The power s upply must s upply the voltage that is request ed or disable
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
16 Datasheet
To ensure the system is ready for curre nt and future Pentium II process ors , the range of va lue s in
bold in Table 1 must be supported. A smaller range will ris k the abi lity of the system t o migrate to
a highe r performance Pentium II proce ssor and/or maintain compat ibility with current P entium II
1. 0 = Proces sor pin connected to VSS.
2. 1 = Open on processor; may b e pulled up to TTL VIH on mo therboard.
3. VRM output should be dis a bled for VCCCORE values less than 1.80 V.
4. To ensur e the system is r eady for the P entium® II pr ocessors, the values in BOLD in Table 1 must be su pport ed.
Note that the11111 (all opens) ID can be used to detect the absence of a processor core in a given
slot as long as the power supply used does not a ffec t these lines. Detection logic and pull-ups
should not affect VID inputs at the power sourc e (see Section 7. 0).
The VID pins should be pulle d up to a TTL-compatible leve l with external resistors to the power
source of the regulator only if required by the regulator or external logic monitoring the VID[4:0]
signal s. The power source chosen m ust be guaranteed to be stabl e whenever the supply to the
volt age regulat or is sta ble. T his wil l prevent the pos sibil ity of the proces sor suppl y going above the
specified VCCCORE in the event of a fa ilure in the supply for the VID lines. In the case of a DC-to-DC
converter, this can be accom plished by using the input voltage to the converter for the VID line
Table 1. Vo ltage Identification Definition 1, 2, 3
Processor Pins
01111 - 00110 Reserved
00101 1.80 4
00100 1.85 4
00011 1.90 4
00010 1.95 4
00001 2.00 4
00000 2.05 4
11111 No Core
11110 2.1 4
11101 2.2 4
11100 2.3 4
11011 2.4 4
11010 2.5 4
11001 2.6 4
11000 2.7 4
10111 2.8 4
10110 2.9
10101 3.0
10100 3.1
10011 3.2
10010 3.3
10001 3.4
10000 3.5
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 17
pull-u ps. A resistor of gre ater tha n or equal to 10 k may be used t o connect the VID si gnals to the
converter input. Note that no changes have been made to the physical connector betwee n the VRM
8.1 and VRM 8.2 specifications, though pin definitions have changed.
2.7 Processor System Bus Unused Pins
All RESERVED pins must re ma in unconnected. Connection of thes e pins to V CCCORE, VCCL2, VSS, or
to any other signal (including each other) can result in component malfunction or incompatibility
with future Pentium II proc essors. See Sectio n 5.4 for a pin listing of the processor and the location
of each RESERVED pin.
All TES THI pins mus t be connected to 2.5 V via a pull-up resistor of betwee n 1 and 100 k value.
PICCL K must be driven with a valid clock input and the PI CD[1:0] lines mu st be pulled-up to
2.5 V even when the APIC will not be used. A separate pull-up resistor must be provided for each
PICD line (see Table 2 for recommende d values).
For reliable opera tion, always connect unus ed inputs or bidirectional signa ls to an appropriate
signal level . Unuse d AGTL+ inputs should be left as no connects; AGTL+ termination is provided
on the process or. Unused active low CMOS inputs sh ould be conne cted to 2.5 V. Unuse d ac tive
high inputs should be conne cted to ground (VSS). Unused outputs can be left unc onnected. A
res is tor m ust be used when tying bidirecti onal si gnals t o power or gro und. When tying any signal
to power or ground, a resistor will also a llow for syste m testability. For unused pins, it is s uggested
that ~10 k r esis tors be used for pull-ups (except for P ICD[1:0] discussed above), and ~1 k
resistors be used as pull-downs.
2.8 P ro cessor Sys tem Bus Sign al Groups
In order to s im plify the follo wing disc ussion, the Pentium II proces sor system bus signals have
been combined into groups by buffer type. All Pentium II processor system bus outputs are
open dra in and require a high-level source provided externally by the termi nation or pull-up
AGTL+ input signals have differential input buffers, which use VREF as a re ferenc e signal. AGTL +
output signals require term ination to 1.5 V. In this do cument, the te rm AGTL+ Input” refers to the
AGTL+ in put group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when rece iving. Simil arly, “AGTL+ Output”
refers to the AGTL+ output group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when driv ing.
EMI pins sho uld be connect ed to motherboard ground and/or to chass is ground through zero ohm
(0) resisto rs . The 0 resistors should be placed in cl ose proximity to t he SC 242 connec tor. T he
path to chass is ground should be short in length and have a low imped ance.
The CMOS, Cl ock, APIC, and TAP inputs ca n eac h be driven from ground to 2.5 V. The CMOS,
APIC, and TAP outputs a re open drain and should be pulled high to 2.5 V. This ensures not only
correct operatio n for current Pentium II processors, but compatibility for future Pentium II
products as well. See Table 2 for recommended pull-up resistor values on each CMOS signal.
~150 resistors are expe cted on the PICD [1:0] l ines; other values in Table 2 ar e specifi ed f or
prop er logic analyzer and test m ode operation only.
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
18 Datasheet
1. These res ist or values ar e recommende d for system implementations us ing open-drain CMOS bu ffers.
2. ~150 resistors are expected for t hes e si gnals. This value may vary by s ystem and should be corr elated with the output
driv e charac teristics of th e devices generating the input signals. Other ap proximate val ues are recommended for proper
operation with the Pentium® II pr oces sor L ogic Analyzer Inte r face .
3. TRST# must be
ulled to
roun d vi a a 6 80 r esistor or driven low at
ower on with the assertion of RESET# (see
Table 19).
4. 1K10K pullup to 2.0 V (VCCCORE) or, if 2.5 V ramp s afte r core, pull up TES THI to 2.5V (VCC2.5) with a 100 k
The groups and the signals contained within eac h group are shown in Table 3. Refer to Section 7.0
f or des criptions of the se signals.
Table 2. Recommended Pull-u p Resi stor Values (Approximate ) for CMOS Signals 1, 2, 3
Recommended Resistor
Value (A
roximate) CMOS Si
150T DI, TDO, TMS, PICD[0], PICD[1]
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 19
1. The BR0# pin is the only BREQ# signal that is bidirectional. The internal BREQ# signals are mapped onto BR# pins
after th e agent ID is determined. See Section 7.0 for more information.
2. See S e ction 7. 0 for information on the PWRGOOD signal.
3. See S e ction 7. 0 for in for mat ion on the SLP # signal.
4. See Se ct i o n 7.0 for information on the THERMTRIP# signal.
5. These si gnals are specified for 2.5 V op eration. See Ta ble 2 for reco mmended pull-up resistor valu es .
6. VCCCORE is the power supply for the processor core an d L2 cache I/ O logic.
VCCL2 is the power supply for the L2 cache component core logic.
VID[4:0] is de scribe d in Se ction 2.6.
VTT is used to t erminate the sys tem bus and gen e r a te VREF on the process or s ubs trate.
VSS is s ys tem ground.
TESTHI s hould be connected to 2.5 V with a 1–100 k resistor.
VCC5 is not connected to the Pentium® II pr ocesso rs. This supply is used for the Slot 1 Test Kit .
SLOTOCC# is described in Sectio n 7.0.
100/66# is described in Se ctio n 2.8.2 and Section 7.0.
EMI pins are desc ribed in Se c t io n 7.0.
THERMDP, THERMDN are described in Sect i o n 7.0.
2.8.1 As ynchronous vs. Synchronous for System Bus Signals
All AGTL + signals are synchronous to BCLK. All of the CMOS, Clock, APIC, and TAP signa ls
can be applied as ynchronously to BCL K.
All APIC signal s a re s ynchronous to PICCLK. All TAP signals are syn chronous t o TCK.
2.8.2 System Bus Frequency Select Signal (100/66#)
This bidirectional si gnal is used to sel ect the system bus frequency. A logic low will se lect a
66 MHz system bus freq uency and a logic high (3.3 V) will se lect a 100 MHz system bus
freque ncy. The freq uency i s det ermi ned by t he proc essor(s ), AGPset and frequenc y syn thesize r . Al l
system bus agents must operate at the same frequency; in a two-way MP Pentium II processor
configuration, this signal must co nnect the pins of both Pe ntium II proc essors. This signa l will be
grounded by proce ssors that are onl y capable of operating at a host frequency of 66 MHz. On
Tabl e 3. System Bus Signal Groups
Name Si
AGTL+ Input BPRI#, BR1#, DEFER#, RESET#, RS[2:0]#, RSP#, TRDY#
AGTL+ Output PRDY#
AGTL+ I/O A[35:3]#, ADS#, AERR#, AP[1:0]#, BERR#, BINIT#, BNR#, BP[3:2]#, BPM[1:0]#, BR0#1,
D[63:0]#, DBSY#, DEP[7:0]#, DRDY#, HIT#, HITM# , LOCK#, REQ[4:0]#, RP#
System Bus Clock BCLK
TAP Output5TDO
100/66#, EMI
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
20 Datasheet
motherboards which support operation at eit her 66 or 100 MHz, this signal must be pulle d up to
3.3 V with a 1/4 W, 200 resi st or (as show n in Figure 4) and provided as a frequency selection
signal to the cloc k driver/synthesizer. If the system motherboard is not capa ble of operating at
100 MHz (e.g., Intel 440FX PCIset and 440LX AGPset-based systems), it should ground this
signa l and generate a 66 MHz s ystem bus frequency. T his signal can also be incorporated into
RESE T# logic on the motherboard if onl y 100 MHz operation is supported (thus forcing the
RESET# signal to remain active as long as the 100/66# signal is low).
2.9 Test Access Port (TAP) Connection
Due to the voltage levels supported by other components in the Test Acce ss P ort (TAP) logic, it is
recommended that the Pentium II processor be first in the TAP chain and followed by any othe r
com ponents within the system. A translation buffer shoul d be us ed to conne ct to the rest of the
chain unless one of the othe r components is capabl e of ac ce pting a 2.5 V input. Si mi lar
considerat ions must be made for TCK, TMS, and TRST#. Two copies of each signal m ay be
required with each driving a different voltage le vel.
The Debug Port will have to be placed a t the start and end of the TAP chain with the TDI of the
f irs t component coming from the Debug Port and the TDO from the last compone nt going to the
Debug Port. In a two-way MP system, be cautious when inclu ding an empty SC 242 connector in
the scan cha in. All connecto rs in the sca n chain must have a processor installed to complete the
chain or the system mus t s upport a me thod to bypas s the e mp ty connec tors; SC 242 terminator
substr ates should not connec t TDI to T DO in order to avoid plac ing t he TDO pull-up resistors in
parall el. (See Slot 1 Bus Ter minator Car d Design Guidelines (Order Number 243409) fo r more
2.10 Maximum Ratings
Table 4 contains Pe ntium II processor stress rati ngs only. Functional operation at the abs olute
ma xim um a nd mi nimum is not implied nor guaranteed. The proces sor should not receive a clock
while subjected to these conditions. Functional operating conditions are given in the AC and DC
tables in Section 2.11 an d Section 2.13. Exte nded exposure to th e maxim um r atings may affe ct
device reliability. Furthermor e, alt hough the processor contains protective cir cuitry to resist
dam age f r om sta tic el ectric discharge, one should always take precautions to a void high stat ic
vol ta g es o r elec t ric f ie ld s.
Figure 4. 100/66# Pin Example
3.3 Volts
Pentium® II Processor
3. 3 K
1 K
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 21
1. Operating voltage is the voltage to which the component is designed to operate. See Table 5.
2. Th is rat ing app lies to the VCCCORE, VCCL2, VCC5, and any inp ut (ex cept as noted below) to the pr oces s or.
3. Parameter applies to CMOS, APIC, and TAP bus signal groups o nly.
4. The mechanical integrity of the latch arms is specified to last a maximum of 50 cycles.
5. The elect rical and mechanical integrity of the processor edge fingers are specified to last for 50 insertion /extractio n
6. While ins ertion/extract ion cycli ng above 50 i ns ertion s w ill cause an i ncr ease in t he contact re s istance (above 0.1) and
a degr adati on in the mat eri al integ rit y of the edg e fing er gol d plati ng, it is pos sibl e to have pr oces sor func tion al ity ab ove
the specified lim it. The actual number of inser tio ns before proces s or failure will vary based upon system confi gur ation
and environmental conditions.
2.11 Pr oc essor DC Specifications
The proces sor DC specifications in this section are defined at the Pentium II processor edge
fingers. See Section 7.0 for the process or edge finger signal definitions and Section 5.0 for the
signal listing.
Most of the signals on the Pentium II proc es s or system bus are in the AGTL+ signal group. These
signals are specified to be terminated to 1.5 V. The DC specifications for these signals are listed in
Table 6.
To allow connec tion with other devices, t he Clock, CMOS, APIC, and TAP sign als are designed to
interface at non-AGTL+ levels. The DC specifications for these pins are listed in Table 7.
Table 5 thro ugh Ta ble 8 l ist the DC sp ec ifications for Pentium II proce ssors ope rating at 100 MHz
processor syste m bus frequencie s . S pec ifications are valid only while meeting specifications for
case te mpera ture, clock freq uenc y, a nd input voltages. Care should be taken to read all notes
as so ci at ed w it h each p aramet er.
Table 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings
mbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
TSTORAGE Pr ocessor storage temperature –40 85 °C
VCC(All) Any processor supply voltage
with respect t o VSS –0.5 Oper ating voltage + 1.0 V 1, 2
VinAGTL AGTL+ buffer DC input
voltage with respect to VSS –0.3 VCCCORE + 0.7 V
VinCMOS CM OS buffer DC i npu t
voltage with respect to VSS –0.3 3.3 V 3
IVID Max VID pin cur rent 5 mA
ISLOTOCC Max SLOTOCC# pin current 5 mA
Mech Max
Latc h Arms Mechanic al integrity of latch
arms 50 Cycles 4
Mech Ma x Edg e
Fingers Mechanical integrity of
pro ces s or edge fingers 50 Insertions/
Extractions 5, 6
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
22 Datasheet
Table 5. Voltage and Current Specifications 1
mbol Parameter Core Fre
Min T
Max Unit Notes
VCCCORE VCC for pr ocessor core 1.9 2.00 2.1 V 2, 4, 5, 6
VCCL2 VCC f or s econd level
cache 3.135 3.30 3.465 V 3.3 V ±5% 7
VTT AGTL+ bus termination
voltage 1.365 1.50 1.635 V 1.5 ±9% 8
Processor core vo ltage
stati c tole ra nce level at
SC 242 pins –0.070 0.070 V 4, 9
Processor core vo ltage
transient tolerance level
at SC 242 pins –0.110 0.110 V 4, 9
Processor core vo ltage
stati c tole ra nce level at
edge fingers –0.085 0.085 V 4, 10
Processor core vo ltage
transient tolerance level
at edge fingers –0.140 0.140 V 4, 10
ICCCORE ICC for processor core 350 MHz
400 MHz
450 MHz
2, 4, 12, 13
2, 4, 12, 13
2, 4, 12, 13
ICCL2 ICC for second level
350 MHz
400 MHz
450 MHz
4, 7, 12
4, 7, 12
4, 7, 12
IVTT T ermination voltage
supply current 2.7 A 14
ISGnt ICC Stop-Grant for
processor core
350 MHz
400 MHz
450 MHz
4, 11, 12, 15
4, 11, 12, 15
4, 11, 12, 15
ISGntL2 ICC Stop-Grant for
seco nd level cache 0.1 A 4, 7, 12
ISLP ICC Slee p f or process or
350 MHz
4 00 MH z
450 MHz
4, 11, 12
4, 11, 12
4, 11, 12
ISLPL2 ICC Sleep for second
level cache 0.1 A 4, 7, 12
IDSLP ICC Deep Sleep for
processor core 0.35 A
IDSLPL2 ICC Deep Sl eep for
seco nd level cache 0.1 A
dICCCORE/dt P ower supply current
slew rate 20 A/µs 3 , 16, 17, 18
dICCL2/dt L2 cache power s upply
curre nt slew rate 1A/
µs 16, 17, 18
dICCvTT/dt Termination current slew
rate 8A/µs
Ta ble 8 17, 18
VCC5 5 V supply voltage 4.75 5.00 5.25 V 5 V ±5% 19
ICC5 ICC for 5 V s upply
voltage 1.0 A 19
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 23
1. Unless otherwise noted, all spec ifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. VccCORE and IccCORE su p ply the processor core and the TagR AM and BSRAM I/O buffers.
3. Th is spe c ifica tio n appli es only to the Pen tiu m® II processor . Unless otherwise noted, this specification applies to all
Pentium II pr ocessor frequencie s and cache sizes.
4. This s pecifi cati on ap plie s only t o the Pen tiu m II proc essor when opera ting with a 10 0 MHz Pen tiu m II pro cessor syst em
bus. Unless otherwise noted, this spe ci fication applies to all Pe ntium II processor cache sizes.
5. These voltages are targets only. A var iable vol tage source should exist on s ys tems in the event t hat a dif f erent vol tage is
required. See Sect ion 2.5 and Tab le 1 for more inf ormati on.
6. Use the Typical Voltage specification with the Tolerance specificati ons t o provide correct voltage regu lation to the
7. VCCL2 and ICCL2 su p pl y the seco n d leve l cach e. Unles s oth erw ise noted, th is speci fic a tion a pplie s to all Pe nt ium II
pro ces s or cache sizes. Systems s hould be designed for thes e sp ecificatio ns , even if a smaller cache size is used.
8. VTT must be held to 1.5 V ±9%. It is recommended that VTT be held to 1.5 V ±3% while the Pentium II processor
system b us is idle. This is me asured at the processor edg e f ingers .
9. These are the toleran ce requ i rement s, a cross a 20 MHz band widt h, a t the SC 242 connect or pi n on th e bott om side of the
ba s eboard. The req uirements at the SC 242 connector p ins account for voltage drops ( and impedance di s continuities)
across the connector, pr ocessor edge fi ngers, and to the process or core. VccCORE must return to within the static volta ge
specifica tion within 100 µs after a transient even t.
10.These ar e the tolerance requirements, across a 20 MHz bandwidth, at the proces s or edge fingers. Th e requireme nts a t
the processor edge fingers accoun t f or voltage drops ( a nd impedance dis continuities) at th e processor edge fi ngers and
to the proc es s or cor e. VccCORE must return to within the static voltage specification within 2 µs after a transient event.
11.These are estimated valu es not actual measu rements.
12.Max ICC measurement s are measured at VCC max voltage, 95 °C ±2 °C , under maxi mum s ignal loadin g conditio ns . The
Max I cc currents specified do not occ ur s imultaneously under the stres s meas urement condition.
13.Voltage regul ators may be designed with a mi nimum equival ent internal resistance to ensure that the out put voltag e, at
maximum current output, is no greater than the nomi nal (i.e., typical) volt age level of VccCORE (VccCORE_TYP). In this
cas e, t he maximum current le vel for the regul ator, Icc CORE_REG, can be reduced from the specified maximum current
IccCORE _MAX and is calcu lated by the equation:
IccCORE_REG = I cc CORE_MAX × Vc cCORE_TYP / (V ccCORE_TYP + VccCORE Tolerance, Transient)
14.The curr e nt specifie d is t he current required for a single Pentium II processor. A simi lar amo unt of current is dr aw n
through the termination resistors on the opposite end of the AGTL+ bus, unless single-ended termination is used (see
Sectio n 2.1).
15.The current specified is also for AutoHALT state.
16.Maximum values are specified by design/characterization at nominal VccCORE and nominal V CCL2.
17.Based on simulati on and averaged over the duratio n of any change in cur r ent. Use to compute t he maximum inductance
tolerable and reaction time of the voltage regulator . This parameter is not tested.
18.dICC/dt specification s ar e meas ured and specified at the SC 242 connector pi ns .
19.VCC5 and ICC5 are not used by the Pentium II processors. This supply is used for the SC 242 T est Kit.
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
24 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. VIH and VOH for the Pentium II processor may exp erience excursions of up to 200 m V above VTT for a single system bus
clock. However, input signal drivers must comply with the signal quality specifications in Sect ion 3.0.
3. Mi nimum and maximum VTT are gi ven in Table 8.
4. (0 VIN 2.0 V +5%).
5. (0 VOUT 2. 0 V +5%).
6. Refer to the I/O Buf fer Mode ls for IV characteristics.
7. Parameter corre lated to measure into a 25resistor terminated to 1.5 V.
8. Refer to the IO Buffer Models for IV characteristics.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. Para meter measur ed at 14 mA (for use wit h TTL inputs).
3. (0 VIN 2.5 V +5%).
4. (0 VOUT 2. 5 V +5%).
2.12 AGTL+ System Bus Specifications
I t is recommen ded that the AGTL+ bus be rout ed in a dai sy-cha in fash ion with terminat ion
resist ors to VTT at each end o f th e si gnal t race. Th ese te r mination resis tors ar e p l aced electrically
between the ends of th e s ignal traces and the VTT voltage supply and gen erally are cho sen to
approximate the subst rate impedance. Th e valid high and low levels ar e determined by the input
buffers using a refe renc e voltage called VREF.
Table 8 li sts the nominal specification for the AGT L+ ter mination vo ltage (VTT). The AGTL+
r efe renc e voltage (VREF) is generated on the proce s sor substrate for the processor c ore, but should
b e set to 2/3 VTT for other AGTL+ logic using a voltage divider on the m otherboard. It is im portant
that the motherboard impedanc e be specified and held to a 65± 15% tolerance, and that the
Tabl e 6. AGTL+ Signal Groups DC Spec ifications 1
mbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
VIL Input L ow Voltage –0.3 0.82 V
VIH Input Hi gh Voltag e 1.22 VTT V 2, 3 , 7, 8
Ron Buffer On Resistance 16.67 6
ILLeakage Cu r rent ±100 µA 4
ILO Output Leakage Current ± 15 µA 5
Tabl e 7. Non-AGTL+ Si gn al Group DC Spe cifications 1
mbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
VIL Input L ow Voltage –0.3 0.5 V
VIH Input Hi gh Voltag e 2.0 2.625 V 2. 5 V +5% maxi mum
VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V 2
VOH Output High Volta ge N/A 2.625 V All outputs are open-
drain to 2.5 V +5%
IOL Output Low Current 14 mA
ILI Input Leakage Curre nt ± 100 µA 3
ILO Output Leakage Current ± 15 µA 4
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 25
intrinsic trace ca pacitance for the AGTL+ signal group trace s is known and well -controlled. For
more details on GTL+, se e the Pentium® II Processor Dev eloper's Manual (Order Number
243502) an d AP-827, 100 MHz GT L + L ayout Gui delines f or the Pent ium® II Processo r and Intel®
440BX AGPset (Order Number 243735).
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. Pentium II pr ocessors contain AG TL + termination resistors at t he end of each signal trace on the processor substrate.
Pentiu m II processor s generate VREF on the process or substrat e by u s ing a voltage divid e r on VTT supplied through the
SC 242 connector.
3. VTT must b e held to 1.5 V ±9%; dICCVTT/dt is specified in Table 5. It is r ecommended that VTT be he ld to
1.5 V ±3% while the Pentium II processor syste m bus is idle. This is measured a t the processor edge fingers.
4. VREF is generated on the processor substrate to be 2/ 3 V TT nominally.
2.13 System Bus AC Specificat ion s
The Pe ntium II processor system bus timi ngs specified in this section are defi ned at the Pentium II
processor e dge fingers an d the proce ssor core pads. Unless ot herwise spec ified, timings are tes ted
at the pr oce ssor core during manufacturing. T imings at the proc essor edg e fingers are specified by
design cha racteriz ation. See Section 7.0 for the Pentium II proce ssor edge c onnector signal
defini tions. See the Pentium® II Pr oc ess or at 233, 266, 300 , and 333 MHz (Orde r Numbe r 2433 35)
for more detail.
Table 9 throug h Table 20 list the AC specifications associated with the Pentium II processor system
bus. The se sp ecifications are brok en into the following cate gories: Table 9 through Table 1 1
contain the system bus clock cor e freq uenc y and cache bus frequenci es, Table 12 and Table 13
contain the AGTL+ spec ifications, Table 14 and Table 15 are the CMOS signal group
specificati ons, Tabl e 16 contains timings for the Re set c onditions, Table 17 and Table 18 cover
APIC bus tim ing, and Table 19 and Table 20 cover TAP timing. For each pa ir of tables, the firs t
table cont ains timing spec ifications for m easure ment or simulation at the processor edge fingers.
The sec ond table c ontains specifications for simula tion at the processor core pads.
All Pentium II proce ssor s yste m bus AC specifications for the AGTL+ signa l group are relative to
the rising edge of the BCLK input. All AGTL+ timings are refe renced to VREF for both ‘0’ and ‘1’
logic levels unless otherwise specified.
The timings spe cified in th is section should be used in conjunction with the I /O buffer mode ls
provided by Intel. These I/O buffer models , which inc lude package information, are available for
the Pentium II processor in Q uad format as the Pentium® II Processor I/O Buffer Models, Quad
Format (Electronic Form) on Intel’s website: “” GTL + layout guideli nes are
also available in AP-827, 100 MHz GTL+ Layout Guidelines for the Pentium ® II Pro ce ssor and
Intel® 440BX AG Pset (Order Number 243735).
Care should be taken to read all notes associa ted with a pa rticular timi ng parameter.
Table 8. AGTL+ Bus Specifications
1, 2
mbol Parameter Min T
Max Units Notes
VTT Bus T ermination Voltage 1.365 1.50 1.635 V 1.5 V ±9% 3
RTT Termin ation Resist or 56 ±5%
VREF Bus Reference Voltage 2/3 VTT V4
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
26 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. All AC timings for the AGTL+ signals are referenced to the BCLK rising edg e at 0.50 V at the processor edge fingers.
Thi s r e f e r ence is to account for trace length and capacitance on the processor substrate, al lowing the processor co re to
receive the si gnal with a reference at 1.25 V. All AGTL+ signal timi ngs (address bus, data bus, etc.) are refer e nced at
1.00 V at the processor edge fingers.
3. All AC t imi ngs for the CM OS s ignal s are refe r e nced to the BCLK ris ing edge at 0.7 V at th e processor edge fingers.
Thi s r e f e r ence is to account for trace length and capacitance on the processor substrate, al lowing the processor co re to
receive the signal with a reference at 1.25 V. All CMOS signal timings (compatibility signals, etc.) are referenced at
1.25 V at the processor edge fingers.
4. The internal core clock f r e quency is deri ved from th e Pentium II processor system bus clock. The system bus cl ock to
core clock ratio is determined during initialization as described in Se ction 2. 5. Table 1 1 shows the su pported ratios for
e ach pr ocessor.
5. The BCLK period allows a +0.5 ns -0.0ns tolerance for clock driver variation.
6. This s pecifi catio n applies to Pen tium II processors w hen operating with a Penti um II processor sys tem bus frequency of
100 MHz.
7. The BCLK of fset t ime is t he a bs olute difference needed between the BC LK s ignal arri ving at the Pentium II processor
edge finger at 0.5 V vs. arriving at the core logic at 1.25 V. The positive offset is needed to account for the del ay
be tween the SC 242 conne ctor and proces s or core. The posi ti ve of fset ens ures both the processor core and the core logic
receive the BCLK edge concurrently.
8. See Sectio n 3.1 for Penti um I I process or s ys tem bus cloc k s ignal quality specifications.
9. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization as a clock driver requirement .
Tabl e 9. System Bus AC Specif ications (Clock) at the Processor Edge Fingers 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Nom Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
Syst em Bus Frequency 100.00 MHz All processor core
frequencies 4
T1’: BCLK Perio d 10.0 ns 6 4, 5
T1B’: SC 242 to Core Logic BCLK Offset 0.78 ns 6 Absolute Value 7, 8
T2’: BCLK Period Stability See Table 10
T3’: BCLK High Time 2.1 ns 6 @>2.0 V 6
T4’: BCLK Lo w Time 1.97 ns 6 @<0.5 V 6
T5’ : BCLK Rise Time 0.88 2.37 ns 6 (0.5 V 2.0 V) 6, 9
T6’: BCLK Fall Time 1.13 2.94 ns 6 (2.0 V–0.5 V) 6, 9
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 27
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. All AC timings for the AG TL+ signals are refere nced to t he BCLK risin g edge at 1.25 V at th e processor cor e pin. All
AGT L+ signal timin gs (address bus , data bus, etc.) are refer enced at 1.00 V at t he processor core pins.
3. All AC timing s for the CMOS signals are referenced to the BCLK rising edge at 1.25 V at the proce ssor core pin. All
CMOS signal t imings (compatibili ty signals, etc.) are ref erenced at 1. 25 V at the proces s or core pins.
4. The int e r nal core clock frequency is derived from the Pentium II processor system bus clock. The system bus c lock to
core clock ratio is determined during initialization as described in Secti on 2.5. Table 11 shows the supported ratios for
eac h pr ocessor.
5. The BCLK period allows a +0.5 ns tolerance for clock driver variation.
6. This specification applies to the Pentium II processor when operating with a Pentium II processor system bus frequency
of 100 MHz.
7. Due to the difficulty of accurately measuring clock jitter i n a system, it is recommended that a clock driver be used that
is designed to meet the period stability specification into a test load of 10 to 20 pF. This should be measured on the
es of ad
acent BCLKs crossin
1.25 V at the
rocessor core
in. The jit ter pre sent m ust be acco un ted for
as a comp onent of BCLK tim ing skew between devices.
8. The clock driver’s closed loop jitter bandwidth must be set low to allow any PLL-based device to track the jitter create d
by th e clock dr ive r . The –20 dB attenu at ion po int, as measu red int o a 10 to 20 pF load, sho uld be les s than 500 kHz. This
spe c ification may be ensured by design charact erization and/or measured with a spectrum analyzer.
9. Not 100 % tested. Specified by desi gn character ization as a cl ock driv er requi remen t.
10.The average period over a 1uS period of time must be greater t han the mi nimum specifie d period.
1. Contact your local Intel representative for the latest information on processor frequencies and/or frequency multiplie rs.
2. While oth er bus ratio s are defined, operation at frequencies other than those listed are not supported.
Ta b l e 10. Sy st em Bus AC S p ec i fica t i o n s (Cl o ck ) at Pro ce s so r C o re Pin s 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Nom Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
Sys tem Bus Frequency 100.00 MHz All proc essor core
frequencies 4
T1: BCLK Period 10.0 ns 6 4, 5, 6, 10
T2: BCLK Period Stability ±250 ps 6 6, 7, 8, 10
T3: BCLK High Time 2.6 ns 6 @ >2.0 V 6
T4: BCLK Low Time 2.47 ns 6 @<0.5 V 6
T5: BCLK Rise Time 0.38 1.25 ns 6 (0.5 V–2.0 V) 6, 9
T6: BCLK Fall Time 0.38 1.5 ns 6 (2.0 V–0.5 V) 6, 9
Table 11. Valid System Bus, Core Frequency, and Cache Bus Frequencies 1, 2
Core Fre
(MHz) BCLK F re
(MHz) Fre
lier L2 Cache (MHz)
350.00 100.00 7/2 175.00
400.00 100.00 4/1 200.00
450.00 100.00 9/2 225.00
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
28 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II proces s or fr equencies and cache sizes.
2. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
3. All AC timings for AGTL+ signals are re ferenced to the BCLK rising edge at 0. 7 V at the pro cessor edge fingers. All
AGT L+ signal timings (co m patibility s ignals, et c.) are referenced at 1. 00 V at the pr ocessor edge fingers.
4. Valid delay timings for these signals are specified into 50 t o 1.5 V and wi th VREF at 1.0 V.
5. A mini mum of 3 clocks must be guaranteed between two active-to-i nactive transitions of TRD Y #.
6. RESET# can be asserted (active) as ynchron ous ly, but must be deasserted synchronously.
7. Sp e cifi c a tion is for a m inim um 0. 40 V s w ing.
8. Specification is for a maximum 1.0 V swing.
9. After VCCCORE, VCCL2, and BCLK become stable.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II proces s or fr equencies and cache sizes.
2. These speci f ications ar e tested during manufacturing.
3. All AC timings for the AGTL+ signals are referenced to the BCLK rising edg e at 1.25 V at the processor core p in. All
AGT L+ signal timings (co m patibility s ignals, et c.) are referenced at 1. 00 V at the pr ocessor core pins.
4. Valid delay timings for these signals are specified into 25 t o 1.5 V and with VRE F at 1.0 V.
5. A mini mum of 3 clocks must be guaranteed between two active-to-i nactive transitions of TRD Y #.
6. RESET# can be asserted (active) as ynchron ous ly, but must be deasserted synchronously.
7. Sp e cifi c a tion is for a m inim um 0. 40 V s w ing.
8. Specification is for a maximum 1.0 V swing.
9. This should be measured after VCCCORE, VCCL2, and BCLK become stable.
Table 12. System Bus AC Sp ecifications (AGTL+ Signal Group)at the Processor Edge Fingers 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T7’: AGTL+ Output Val id Delay 0.71 4.66 ns 7 4
T8’: AGTL+ Input Setup Time 1.97 ns 8 5, 6, 7
T9’: AGTL+ Input Hold Time 1.61 ns 8 8
T10’: RESET# Pulse W idth 1.00 ms 10 9
Table 13. System Bus AC Speci ficati ons (AGTL+ Signal Group) at the Processor Core Pins 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T 7: AGTL+ O u t pu t Val id De l a y -0. 20 3.4 5 ns 7 4
T8: AGTL+ Input Setup Time 2.10 ns 8 5, 6, 7
T9: AGTL+ Input Hold Time 0.85 ns 8 8
T10: RESET# Pulse W idth 1.00 ms 10 6, 9
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 29
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. Not 100 % tested. Specified by desi gn character ization.
3. All AC timin gs for the CMOS signa ls are r efere nced to the BCLK risi ng edge a t 0.5 V at the process or edge finger s. Al l
CMOS signal t imings (address bus, data bus, etc.) a re re ferenced at 1.25 V.
4. These si gnals may be driven asynchronously.
5. Valid delay timings fo r these signals ar e s pecified to 2.5 V +5%. See Ta ble 2 for pull-up resisto r valu es .
6. To ensur e r ecognition on a s pecific clock, the setup and hold times with respect to BCLK must be met.
7. INTR and NMI are only valid when the local APIC is disabled. LINT[1:0] are only valid when the local APIC is
8. When driven inactive or after VCCCORE, VCCL2, and BCLK become stable.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. These specifications are teste d dur ing manufactu ring.
3. All AC timing s for the CMOS signals are referenced to the BCLK rising edge at 1.25 V at the proce ssor core pins. All
CMOS signal t imings (address bus, data bus, etc.) a re re ferenced at 1.25 V.
4. These si gnals may be driven asynchronously.
5. Valid delay timings fo r these signals ar e s pecified to 2.5 V +5%. See Ta ble 2 for pull-up resisto r valu es .
6. This s pecification applies to Pentiu m II pr ocessors operating w ith a 100- MHz Penti um II proces sor syst em bus only.
7. To ensur e r ecognition on a s pecific clock, the setup and hold times with respect to BCLK must be met.
8. INTR and NMI are only valid when the local APIC is disabled. LINT[1:0] are only valid when the local APIC is
9. When driven inactive or after VCCCORE, VCCL2, and BCLK become stable.
Table 14. System Bus AC Specifications (CMOS Signal Group) at the Processor Edge Fingers 1, 2, 3, 4
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T11’: CMOS Output Valid Delay 1.00 10.5 ns 7 5
T12’: CMOS In put Setup T ime 4.50 ns 8 6, 7, 8
T13’: CMOS Input Hold Time 1.50 ns 8 6, 7
T14’: CMOS In put Pulse Width, except
PWRGOOD 2 BCLKs 7 Active and Inactive
T15’: PWRGOOD Inactive Pulse Width 1 0 BCLKs 7, 10 8
Table 15. System Bus AC Specifications (CMOS Signal Group)at the Processor Core Pins 1, 2, 3, 4
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T11: CM OS O utput Valid D e lay 0.00 8.00 ns 7 5
T12: CMOS Input Setup Time 4.00 ns 8 6 , 7, 8
T13: CMOS Input Hold Time 1.30 ns 8 6, 7
T14: C MOS Input Pulse Width, except
Active and Inactive
T15: PWRGOOD Inactive Pulse Wi dth 10 BCLKs 7, 10 9
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
30 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. For a Reset, the clock ratio defined by t hes e signals must be a sa fe value (their fina l or a lower multiplier) within this
delay unless PWRGOOD is being driven inactive.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
3. All AC timings for the APIC I/O sig nals are referenced to the PICCLK rising edge at 0.7 V at the processor edge
fingers. All APIC I/O signal timing s are referenced at 1.25 V at the processor edge fingers.
4. Reference d to PICCLK rising edge.
5. For open drain s ignals, valid delay is synonymous w ith float delay.
6. Valid delay timings for these signals are specified to 2.5 V +5%. See Table 2 f o r r ec o m m e nded pull-up res is tor va l u e s .
Table 16. System Bus AC Speci ficati ons (Reset Condi tio ns) 1
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T16: Reset Configuration Signals
(A[1 4:5]#, BR0#, FLUSH#,
INIT #) Setu p Time 4 BCLKs 9 Before deassertion of
T17: Reset Configuration Signals
(A[1 4:5]#, BR0#, FLUSH#,
INIT# ) Hold Time 2 20 BCLKs 9 After clock that
deasserts RESE T#
T18: Reset Configuration Signals
(A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0 ])
Setup Time 1ms9
Before deass ertion of
T19: Reset Configuration Signals
(A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0 ])
Delay Time 5 BCLKs 9 After asse rtion of
T20: Reset Configuration Signals
(A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0 ])
Hold Time 220BCLKs9, 10
After clock that
deasserts RESE T#
Table 17. System Bus A C Specifications (AP IC Clock and A PIC I/O ) at the Processor Edge Fingers
1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T21’ : PICCLK Frequency 2.0 33.3 MHz
T22’: PICCLK Period 30.0 500.0 ns 6
T23’: PICCLK High Time 12.0 ns 6
T24 ’: PICC LK Low Time 12. 0 ns 6
T25’: PICCLK Rise Time 1.0 5.0 ns 6
T26 ’: PICC LK Fa ll Time 1.0 5.0 ns 6
T27’ : PICD [1:0] Setu p Time 8.5 ns 8 4
T28’: PICD [1: 0] Hold Tim e 3.0 ns 8 4
T29’: PICD[1:0] Valid Delay 3.0 12.0 ns 7 4, 5, 6
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 31
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. These specifications are teste d dur ing manufactu ring.
3. All AC t imings for the API C I/O si gnals are referenced to the P ICCL K rising edge at 1.25 V at the pr oces sor core pins.
All APIC I /O signal t imings are referenced at 1.25 V at the processor co re pi ns .
4. Referenced to PICCLK rising edge.
5. For open drain signals, valid delay is synonymous with float delay.
6. Valid delay timings fo r these signals ar e s pecified to 2.5 V +5%. See Ta ble 2 for reco mmended pull-up resistor valu es .
Tabl e 18. System Bu s AC Speci ficati o ns (APIC Clock and APIC I/O )a t the Processor Co re Pins 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T21: PICCLK Frequency 2.0 33.3 MHz
T22: PICCLK Period 30.0 500.0 ns 6
T23: PICCLK High Time 12.0 ns 6
T24: PICCLK Low Time 12.0 ns 6
T25: PICCLK Rise Time 1.0 5.0 ns 6
T26: PICCLK Fall Time 1.0 5.0 ns 6
T27: PICD[1:0] Setup Time 8.0 ns 8 4
T28: PICD[1:0] Hold Time 2.5 ns 8 4
T29: PICD[1:0] Valid Delay 1.5 10.0 ns 7 4, 5, 6
Ta b l e 19. Syst em Bus AC Sp ec i fi ca t i o ns (TAP Co n n e ct io n ) at the Proc esso r Ed g e Fin gers 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T30’: TCK Frequency 16.667 MHz
T31’: TCK Period 60.0 ns 6
T32’: TCK High Time 25.0 ns 6 @1 .7 V
T33’: TCK Low Time 25.0 ns 6 @0.7 V
T34’: TCK Rise Time 5.0 ns 6 (0.7 V–1.7 V) 4
T35’: TCK Fall Time 5.0 ns 6 (1.7 V–0.7 V) 4
T36’: TRST # Pulse W idth 40.0 ns 12 Asyn chronous
T37’: TDI, TMS Setup Time 5.5 ns 11 5
T38’: TDI, TMS Hold Time 14.5 ns 11 5
T39’: TDO Va lid Del ay 2.0 13. 5 ns 11 6, 7
T4 0’: TDO Fl oa t D el ay 2 8.5 ns 11 6, 7
T41’: All Non-Test Outputs Valid Delay 2.0 27.5 ns 11 6, 8, 9
T42’: All Non-Test Inputs Setup Time 27.5 ns 11 6, 8, 9
T43’: All Non-Test Inputs Setup Time 5.5 ns 11 5, 8, 9
T44’: All Non-Test Inputs Hold Time 14.5 ns 11 5, 8, 9
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
32 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. All AC t imi ngs for the TAP signal s ar e referen ced to th e TCK r ising edge at 0. 7 V a t t he pr ocessor ed ge fin gers. A ll
TAP signal timings (TMS, TDI, et c.) are refer enced at 1.25 V at the processor edg e fingers.
3. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
4. 1 ns can be added to the maximum TCK rise and fall time s fo r every 1 MHz below 16. 667 MHz.
5. Referenced to TCK rising edge.
6. Referenced to TCK falling edge.
7. Valid delay timing for this signal is specified to 2.5 V +5%. See Table 2 for pull-up resistor values.
8. Non- Test Output s and Input s are th e norma l ou tput or input sig nals ( beside s TC K, TRST #, TDI , TDO, an d TMS) . The se
ti mings correspond to th e response of these signals due to TAP operations.
9. During Debug Port ope ration, use the nor mal specified timings r ather than the TAP sig nal timings .
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. All A C timings for the TAP sig nals are refer enced to the TCK ris ing edge at 1.25 V at t he processor core pins. All TAP
signal t imings (T MS, TDI, etc.) are refer enced at 1.25 V at the pr oces s or core pins.
3. These speci f ications ar e tested during manufacturing, unless ot herwise no ted.
4. 1 ns can be added to the maximum TCK rise and fall time s fo r every 1 MHz below 16. 667 MHz.
5. Referenced to TCK rising edge.
6. Referenced to TCK falling edge.
7. Valid delay timing for this signal is specified to 2.5 V +5%. See Table 2 for pull-up resistor values.
8. Non- Test Output s and Input s are th e norma l ou tput or input sig nals ( beside s TC K, TRST #, TDI , TDO, an d TMS) . The se
ti mings correspond to th e response of these signals due to TAP operations.
9. During Debug Port ope ration, use the nor mal specified timings r ather than the TAP sig nal timings .
10. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
Table 20. System Bus AC Speci fications (TAP Connection)at the Processor Cor e Pins 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
T30: TCK Frequency 16.667 MHz
T31: TCK Period 60.0 ns 6
T32: TCK High Time 25.0 ns 6 @1.7 V 10
T33: TCK Low Ti me 25.0 n s 6 @0.7 V 10
T34: TCK Rise T ime 5.0 ns 6 (0.7 V–1.7 V) 4, 10
T35: TCK Fall Time 5.0 ns 6 (1.7 V–0.7 V) 4, 10
T36: TRST# Pulse Width 40.0 ns 12 Asynchronous 10
T37 : TDI, TM S Se tup Time 5.0 ns 11 5
T38 : TDI, TM S H old Time 14.0 ns 11 5
T39: TDO Valid Del a y 1.0 10.0 ns 1 1 6, 7
T40: TDO Float Del ay 25.0 n s 11 6, 7, 10
T41: All Non-Test Outputs Valid Del ay 2.0 25.0 ns 11 6, 8, 9
T42: All Non-Test I nputs Setup Tim e 25.0 ns 11 6, 8, 9, 10
T43: All Non-Test I nputs Setup Tim e 5.0 ns 11 5, 8, 9
T44: All Non-Test Inpu ts Hold Time 13. 0 ns 11 5, 8, 9
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 33
Note: For Figur e 6 through Figure 12, the following apply:
1. Figure 6 through Figure 12 are to be used in conjunction with Table 9 through Table 20.
2. All AC timings for the AGTL+ signals at the proc essor edg e fingers are referenced to the
BCLK rising edge at 0.50 V. This reference is to account for trace length and capacitance on
the proc es s or substrate, allowing the process or core to rec eive the si gnal with a re ferenc e a t
1.25 V. All AGTL+ signal timi ngs (address bus, data bus, etc .) are refe rence d at 1. 00 V at the
proce ssor e dge fingers.
3. All AC timings for the AGTL+ signals at the proc essor core pins are refe rence d to the BCLK
risi ng edge at 1.25 V. All GTL+ signal ti mi ngs (add res s bus, data bus, etc .) are ref erenced at
1.00 V at the proce ssor core p ins .
4. All AC timings for the CMOS signal s at the processor edge fingers are ref ere nced to the
BCLK rising edge at 0.50 V. This reference is to account for trace length and capacitance on
the proc es s or substrate, allowing the process or core to rec eive the si gnal with a re ferenc e a t
1.25 V. All CMOS signal ti mings (compatibility signals, etc.) a re re ferenced at 1.25 V at the
proce ssor e dge fingers.
5. All AC timings for the APIC I/O signals at t he processor edge fingers are referenced to th e
PICCLK rising edge at 0.7 V. All APIC I/O sign al timings are r eferenced at 1. 25 V at the
proce ssor e dge fingers.
6. All AC timings for the TAP signals at the processor ed ge fingers are referenced to the TCK
risi ng edge at 0.70 V. All TAP signal timings (TMS, TDI, etc .) are referenced at 1.25 V a t the
proce ssor e dge fingers.
Figu re 5. BCLK t o Core Logic Offset
Edge Fingers
Core Logic 1.25V
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
34 Datasheet
Figure 6. BCLK, PICCLK, and TCK Generic Clock W aveform
Figure 7. System Bus Valid Delay Timings
Figure 8. System Bus Setup and Hold Timings
1.7V (2.0V*) 1.25V
0.7V (0.5V*)
= T5, pT25, T34 (Rise Time)
= T6, T26, T35 (Fall Time)
= T3, T23, T32 (High Time)
= T4, T24, T33 (Low Time)
= T1, T22, T31 (BLCK, TCK, PCICLK Period)
Note: BCLK is referenced to 0.5 V and 2.0 V. PICCLK and TCK are referenced to
0.7 V and 1.7 V
V Valid Valid
TxT7, T11, T29 (Valid Delay)
Tpw T14, T15 (Pulse Wdith)=
V1.0V for GTL+ signal group; 1.25V for CMOS, APIC and JTAG signal groups=
TsT8, T12, T27 (Setup Time)=
ThT9, T13, T28 (Hold Time)=
V1.0V for GTL+ signal group; 1.25V for CMOS, APIC and JTAG signal groups=
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 35
Figure 9. System Bus Reset an d Configuration Tim i ngs
Figure 10. Power-On Reset and Configuration T imings
Safe Valid
(A20M#, IGNNE#,
(A[14:5]#, BR0#,
= T9 and T9' (GTL+ Input Hold Time)
= T8 and T8' (GTL+ Input Setup Time)
= T10 and T10' (RESET# Pulse Width)
= T16 (Reset Configuration Signals (A[14:5]#, BR0#, FLUSH#, INIT#) Setup Time)
= T17 (Reset Configuration Signals (A[14:5]#, BR0#, FLUSH#, INIT#) Hold Time)
T20 (Reset Configuration Signals (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) Hold Time)
Ty = T19 (Reset Configuration Signals (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) Delay Time)
Tz = T18 (Reset Configuration Signals (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) Setup Time)
V ,
V ,
A20M#, IGNNE#,
Valid Ratio
= T15 and T15'
PWRGOOD Inactive Pulse Width
= T10 and T10'
RESET# Pulse Width
= T20
Reset Confi
uration Si
A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]
Hold Time
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
36 Datasheet
3.0 S
stem Bus Si
nal Simulations
Si gnals driven on the Pentium II processor system bus should meet signal quality specifications to
ens ure that the components read da ta properly and to ens ure that incoming signals do not af fect the
long term reliability of the component. Specific ations are provided for simulation at the processor
core; guidelines are provided for correlation to the processor edge fingers. The se edge finger
guidelines are intended for use during test ing and meas urement of system signal integrity.
Violations of these guideline s are permitted, but if they occur, simulation of signal quality at the
processor core should be performed to ensure that no violations of s ignal quality specific ations
occu r. Mee ti n g th e spec if i catio n s at th e p ro c esso r co re in Table 21, Tabl e 23, and Table 25 ensures
that si gnal quality effects will not adversely affect process or operation, but does not necessarily
guar an t ee th at th e gu id eli n es in Table 22, Table 24, and Table 26 will be met.
Figure 11. Te st T imings (TAP Co nnection)
Figur e 12. Test Reset Tim ings
TrT43 (All Non-Test Inputs Setup Time)=
TsT44 (A ll Non -Test Inputs Hold Time)=
TuT40 (TDO Float De lay)=
TvT37 (TDI, TMS Se t up Ti me)=
TwT38 (TDI, TMS Hold Time)=
TxT39 (TDO Va lid De lay)=
TyT41 (A ll Non -Test Outputs Valid Delay)=
TzT42 (A ll Non -Test Outputs Float Delay)=
TqT37 (TR ST# Pulse Width)=
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 37
3.1 Syste m Bus Clock (BCLK) Signal Quality Specifications and
Measurement Guidelines
Table 21 describes t he s ignal qua lity specifica tions at the processor core for the Pentium II
processor syste m bus cl ock (BCLK) signa l. Table 22 describe s guidelines for si gnal quality
measur ement at the processor edge fingers. Figure 13 des cribe s the sign al quality wa veform for the
syste m bus clock at the proce ssor cor e pi ns. Figure 14 d escribe s the signal qual ity wav eform fo r the
syste m bus clock at the processor edge fingers.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. This is the Pentium II processor syst em bus clock overshoot and undershoot sp ecification for 100-MHz system bus
3. The ri s ing and falling edge r ingba ck voltage specified is the mini mum (rising) or maximum (falling) absolute vol tage
the BCLK signal can dip back to after passing the VIH (rising) or VIL (fallin g ) volta ge lim its. This spe cific ation is an
absolute value.
Table 21. BCLK S ignal Quality Specifications for Simulation at the Processor Core 1
T# Parame ter Min Nom Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
V1: BCLK VIL 0.5 V 13
V2: BCLK VIH 2.0 V 13 2
V3: VIN Absolu te Volta ge Rang e –0 .7 3.3 V 13 2
V4 : R ising Edge Ringback 1.7 V 13 3
V5: Falling Edge Ringback 0.7 V 13 3
Figur e 13. BCLK, TCK, PICCLK Generic Clock Waveform at the Processor Cor e Pins
T6 T4 T5
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
38 Datasheet
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II process or fr e quencies and cache sizes.
2. This is the Pentium II processor system bus clock overshoot and undershoot measurement guideline.
3. The rising and fall ing edge r ingback voltage guideline is the minimum (r ising) or maxi mum (falling ) absolut e voltage
the BCLK sign al may dip back to after passing the VIH (rising) or VIL (falling) voltage limits. This guideline is an
absolute value.
4. The BCLK at the proce s s or edge fi ngers may hav e a dip or ledge midway o n th e risi ng or falling edge. T he midpoint
voltage level of this ledge should be within the range of the guideline.
5. The ledge (V7’) is allowed to have peak-to-peak oscillation as given in the guideline.
3.2 AGTL+ Signal Qualit y Specifi cations and Measuremen t
Many scenarios have be en sim ulated to genera te a set of GTL+ layout guidelines which are
available in AP-827, 100 M Hz GTL+ Layout Guidelines for the Pentium® II Processor and Intel®
440BX AGPset (Order Number 243735). Refer to the Pentium® II Process or Developer' s Manua l
( Order Num ber 243502) for the GTL+ buffer speci f icat ion.
Table 22. BCLK Signal Quality Gu idelines fo r Edge F in ger Meas urem en t 1
T# Parameter Min Nom Max Unit Fi
ure Notes
V1’: BCLK VIL 0.5 V 14
V2’: BCLK VIH 2.0 V 14
V3’: VIN Absolute Voltage Ran ge –0.5 3.3 V 14 2
V4’: Rising Edge Ringback 2.0 V 14 3
V5’: Fal li ng Edge Rin gback 0.5 V 14 3
V6’: Tline Ledg e Voltage 1.0 1.7 V 14 At L edge Midpoint 4
V7’: Tline Ledge Oscillation 0.2 V 14 Peak-to-Peak 5
Figure 14. BCLK, TCK, PICCLK Generic Clock Waveform at the Processor Edge Fingers
T6 T4 T5
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 39
Table 23 provides the AGTL+ si gnal quality sp ecifications for Pentium II proces sors for use in
simulating si gnal quality at the processor core. Table 24 provides AGTL+ signal quality guidelines
for measuring and testing si gnal quality at the processor edge fingers. Figure 15 describes the
sign al quali ty wav eform for AGTL+ signals at the proce ssor c ore and edge fingers. For mor e
in form ation on the AGTL + interface, see the Pentium® I I Processor Developer's Manual (Order
Number 243502).
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. Specificat ions are for t he edge rate of 0.3 - 0. 8 V /ns. See Figure 15 for the generic waveform.
3. All va lues specifi ed by des ign charact erizat ion.
4. This s pecification applies to Pentiu m II pr ocessors operating w ith a 100- MHz Penti um II proces sor syst em bus only.
5. Ringback below VREF + 20 mV is not supported.
6. Intel recommends performing simulations using an amplitude of -120 m V to allow margin for other sources of sy s tem
1. Unless otherwise noted, all guidelines in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. Guideli nes are fo r the edge rate of 0.3 - 0 .8 V/ns . See Figure 15 for the generic waveform.
3. All va lues specifi ed by des ign charact erizat ion.
4. Th is guid e lin e applie s to Pen tiu m II pro c es sors ope ra tin g with a 100 -MHz Pent iu m II p ro cesso r syste m bus only.
5. Ringback below VREF + 210 mV is not supported.
Table 23. AGTL+ Signal Groups Ringback Tolerance Specifica tions at the Processor Core 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Unit Fi
ure Notes
α: Over s hoot 100 mV 15 4
τ: Minimum Time at High 0.50 ns 15 4
ρ: Am plitude of Ring back –20 mV 15 4, 5, 6
φ: Final Settling Voltage 20 mV 15 4
δ: Durat ion of Squarewave Ringback N/A ns 15
Table 24. AGTL+ Signal Groups Ringback Tolerance Guide lines for Edge Finger Measurement 1, 2, 3
T# Parameter Min Unit Fi
ure Notes
α’: Overshoot 100 mV 15
τ’: Min imu m Time at Hig h 0 .5 ns 15 4
ρ’: Amplitude of Ringback –210 mV 15 4,5
φ’: Final Settling Voltage 210 mV 15 4
δ’: Duration of Squarewave Ringback N/A ns 15
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
40 Datasheet
3.3 Non- AGTL+ Signal Qualit y Specif icatio ns and Measurement
The re are three s ignal qua lity parameters de fined for non-AGTL+ signals: over sh oot/undershoot,
r ingback, an d settling limit. All thre e s ignal quality parameters a re s hown in Figu re 16 for the non-
AGTL+ signal group.
Figure 15. Low to High AGTL+ Receiver Ringback Tolerance
V +0.2
V –0.2
Note: High to Low case is analogous.
δ0.7V Clk Ref
Figure 16. Non-AGTL+ Overshoot/U nde rshoot, Settling Limit, and Ringback
Overshoot Settling Limit
Settling Limit
Ringback Falling-Edge
VSS Time
V =
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 41
3.3.1 Overshoot/Undershoot Guidelines
Overshoot (or unders hoot) is the absolute value of the maxi mu m vol tage above the nominal high
volta ge or below VSS. The overs hoo t/under sh oot guidel in e limi ts tran siti ons beyo nd VCC or VSS due
to the fast signal edge rates. (See Figure 16 for non-AGTL+ signals.) T he processor can be
damaged by repeated overshoot events on 2.5 V tolerant buffers if the charge is large enough (i.e. ,
if the overshoot is great enough). However, excess ive ringback is the domina nt detrimental system
tim ing effect resulting from overs hoot/undershoot (i.e., vi olating the overshoot/undersh oot
guideline will ma ke s atisfying the ringback s pecification difficult). The ove rs h oot/undershoot
gu idel in e is 0. 7 V a nd assumes the absence of diodes on the input. These guidelines should be
ve r i f ied in s imu lati o n s without the on-c hip ESD protection diodes p resent because the diodes
will begin clamping the 2.5 V tolerant signals begi nning at approximately 0.7 V above the 2.5 V
supply and 0. 7 V below VSS. If signals ar e not reaching the clam ping voltage, this will n ot be an
issue. A system sho uld not rely on the diodes for over shoot/unders hoot pr otection as this will
negatively affect the li fe of the com ponents and m ake meeting the ringback specification very
3.3.2 Ringback Specification
Ringbac k refers to the amount of reflection seen after a signal has swit ched. T he ringback
specific ation is the voltage that the signa l rings back to after ac hieving its m aximum absolu te
value. ( See Figure 16 for an il lus tration of ringback.) Excess ive ringbac k ca n cau se f alse signal
detec tion or extend the propagation delay. The ringbac k specification applie s to the input pin of
eac h rec eiving agent. Violations of the sign al ringback specification are not allowed under any
circ umstanc es for non-AGTL+ signals.
Ringback can be simul ated with or without the input pro tection diodes tha t can be added to the
input buffer model. However, signals that reach the clamping voltage should be evalua ted f urther.
See Table 25 for the signal ringbac k specifications for non-AGTL+ signals for simulations at the
proce ssor c ore, and Table 26 for guideline s on measuring ringback at the edge fingers.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all Pentium® II processor frequencies and cache sizes.
Table 25. Signal Ringback Specifications for Non-AG TL+ Signal Simulation at the Processor Core 1
ut Si
nal G rou
Transition Maximum Rin
(with In
ut Diodes P resent) Unit Fi
Non-AGTL+ Signals 0 11.7V16
Non-AGTL+ Signals 1 00.7V16
Table 26. Signal Ri ngback Guidelines for Non-AGTL+ Signal Edge Finger Measurement 1
ut Si
nal G rou
Transition Maximum Rin
(with In
ut Diodes Present) Unit Fi
Non-AGTL+ Signals 0 1 2.0 V 16
Non-AGTL+ Signals 1 0 0.7 V 16
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
42 Datasheet
3.3.3 Settling Limit Guideline
Settling li mit defines the maximum amount of ringing at the receiving pin that a signal must rea ch
befor e i ts ne xt t ransi tion. The am ount a llo wed is 10% of the to tal sign al swi ng (VHI –VLO) above and
b elow its final value. A signal should be within the s ettling li mits of its final value, when eit h er in
its high state or low state , before it transitions again.
Signals that are not within their settling limit before transitioning are at risk of unwanted
osc illations which c ould j eopa rdize signal integrity. Simulations to verify settling limit ma y be
done either wit h or without the input pr otection diodes prese nt. Violation o f the s ettling li mi t
gu ideli ne is a ccept able if sim ulatio ns o f 5 to 10 suc cessi ve tr ansi tions do not show t he ampl itude of
the ringing incre asing in the subsequent transitions.
4.0 Thermal S
ecifications and Desi
n Considerations
I nitial Pentiu m II process o rs take advatange of S.E.C.C. package technology. This technology uses
an ex te nded the rmal pl ate for hea tsin k attac hment . The e xtende d th ermal plate int erface is in tended
to prov ide ac cessibli ty for multi ple type s of the rmal soluti ons. Follo w-on re leases of t he Pe ntium II
processor use S.E.C.C.2 packaging technology. This pakaging te chnology does n’t incorporat e an
ext ended th erm al pla te. Pr ocess ors whi ch use S.E.C. C.2 pa ckag ing te chno logy have eithe r a PL GA
or an OLGA process or core that is surface mounted onto the substra te. All three of these pac kage
variations require unique thermal measuring processe s. Thi s chap ter provides n eeded da ta for
des igning a therm al s olution. Howeve r, for the c orrect thermal m easuring proc es s es please refer to
AP-586, Pentium® II Processor Therm a l De sign Gui del ine s (Order Number 243331 ).
Figure 17 provides a side view of a n S .E .C.C. package. This figure provides the the r m al plate
Figure 17. Pent ium® II Processor S.E.C.C. - Side View
Right Latch
Left Latch
Enhanced Thermal Plate
Extended Thermal Plat e
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 43
4.1 Thermal Specifications
Table 27 and Table 28 provide the ther mal design power dissipation and maximu m and mini mum
tem peratures for Pentium II processors with S. E.C. C. and S .E .C.C.2 packa ge technologies,
respectively. While the processor core dissipates the majority of the thermal power, thermal power
dissipated by the L2 cache also impac ts the overa ll processor power specification. Sys tems should
des ign for t he highest possible thermal power, e ven if a proce ssor wi th a lower thermal dissipat ion
is pla nned.
1. These v alues are specified at nomi nal VCCCORE for the processor core and nominal VCCL2 for the L2 cache.
2. Process or power in cludes the powe r dissipated by the processor c or e, the L2 cache, and the AGTL + bus t e rmination.
The maximu m power for each of the s e components does not occur simu ltaneously.
3. Extended Thermal Pl ate power is the processor power that is dissipa ted through the ext ended thermal plate.
4. These processors use the extended thermal plate for the Pentium® II processor (see Figure 17).
Ta b l e 28 . Therm al Sp ec if i ca t io n s for S.E.C.C.2 Pa ck a g e d Proc es s or s 1
1. These v alues are specified at nomi nal VCCCORE for the processor core and nominal VCCL2 for the L2 cache.
2. Process or power includes t he pow er dissipated by the proces s or core, the L2 cache, and the AGTL + bus t e r m inat ion.
The maximu m power for each of the s e components does not occur simu ltaneously.
For S.E.C.C. packaged processors , t h e extended therma l p late is the attach location for all thermal
solutions. T he m aximum and min imum extended thermal plate te mperatures are spec ified in Table
27. For S.E.C. C.2 pack aged processors, therm al sol utions attach to the processor by connecting
through the substrate to the cover . The maxi mum and minimum temper atures of the pertinent
locations are specified in Table 28. A the rmal s olution should be designe d to ensure the
temperature of the specified locations never exceeds these temperatures.
The t otal processor power is a res ult of heat dis si pation that is a com bination of heat from both the
processor core an d L2 cache. The overall system chassis thermal design must compreh end the
entire proc es sor power. In S.E.C. C. packa ged processors, the extended thermal plate power is a
comp onent of thi s power, and is c omposed of a combina tion of th e process or core a nd the L2 c ache
dissipating heat through the extended thermal plate. The heatsink need only be designed to
dissipat e th e exten ded the rmal plate pow er. See Table 2 7 fo r current Pen tium II processor thermal
des ign s pecificati ons.
Ta b l e 27 . Therm al Specifi ca t io n s fo r S .E .C . C . Pa ckaged Proc esso rs 1
Pr ocessor Cor e
L2 Cache
Power 2
Ther mal Plate
Power 3
450 4512 27.1 26.4 5 70 5 75
400 4512 24.3 23.6 5 75 5 75
350 4512 21.5 20.8 5 75 5 75
L2 Cache
Pr ocessor
Power 2
L2 Cache
L2 Ca che
450 512 27.1 N/A N/A 5 90 5 105 5 75
400 512 24.3 N/A N/A 5 90 5 105 5 75
350 512 21.5 5 80 N/A N/A 5 105 5 75
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
44 Datasheet
For S.E.C.C.2 packaged processors, no extended thermal plate exists and thermal solutions need to
con ta c t th e co r e pa ck a g e di r ectl y and at ta ch th r o ug h th e s u b str a te to th e cover. T h e to t al pr o cesso r
power that must be diss ipated for S.E. C.C.2 proc essors can be thought of just as it is for S.E.C. C.
package d processors: a combination o f both the processor core and L2 cache. In rega rds to the
core, thermal specifications depe nd on the packaging technology used. Pentium II processors in
S. E. C.C.2 util izing PLGA core packa g ing t echnology have a case te mp er a tu r e s p ec if i ed . Pent i um
I I process ors in S.E.C. C.2 uti li zing OL GA core pac kaging techno logy have a junction tem pe rat u re
spe cified. Specifics on how to meas ure these two parama ters a r e outlined in AP-586, Pentium® II
Processor Ther mal Design Guidelines (Order Number 243331). In addition, the re are surface
mounted SRAM components for the L2 Cach e on the substrate tha t have a separate TCASE
specification in Table 28.
4.1.1 Thermal Diode
The Pentium II proc es sor incorporates an on-die diode that must be used to monitor the die
t emperature (junction temperature). A thermal s ensor located on t h e mother board, or a stand-al o n e
meas urement kit, may monitor the die temperature of the Pe ntium II proc essor for thermal
management or instrumentation purposes.Table 29 and Ta ble 30 provide the diode parameter and
interface specifications.
1. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
2. In tel do es not support or recommend ope r a tion of t he thermal diode under reverse bias.
3. At room temperature with a forwar d b ias of 63 0 mV.
4. n_ideality is the diode ideality factor parameter, as represented by the diode equation:
I-Io(e (Vd*q)/(nkT) - 1).
5.0 S.E.C.C. and S.E.C.C.2 Mechanical S
Pentium II processors use either S.E. C.C. or S.E.C.C.2 package technology. Both package types
contain the processor c ore, L2 cache, and other passive components. The cartridges connect to the
motherboard through an edge connector. Mechanic al specifications for the proc essor are given in
th is section. See Section 1.1.1 for a complete te rminology listing.
Table 29. Thermal Diode Parameters1
mbol Min T
Max Unit Notes
Iforwa r d bias 5500uA2
n_ideality 1.0000 1.0065 1.0173 3,4
Table 30. Thermal Diode Interface
Pin Name SC 242 C onnector Si
nal # Pin Des cri
THER MD P B14 diode anode
THERMDN B15 diode cathode
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 45
5.1 S.E. C .C. Mechnical Specifications
S.E.C.C. pa ckage dra w ings and dim ens ion d etails are pro vided in Figure 18 throu gh F igure 27.
Figure 18 shows all views of the Pentium II proc essor in an S.E.C.C. package; Figure 19 through
Figure 22 show the S.E. C.C. package dimensions; Figure 23 and Figure 24 show the extended
therma l plate dim ensions ; and Figure 25 and Figu re 26 provide details of th e processor su bstrate
edge finger contacts. Figure 27 and Table 31 contain process or marking informati on.
The processor ed ge connec tor defined in this docu me nt is referred to as the “SC 242 connector.”
See the Slot 1 Connector Spec ification (Order Number 243397) for further details on the SC 242
Note: For Figur e 18 through Figure 35, the following apply:
1. Unl es s otherwise specified, the f o llowing drawings are dimensioned in inches .
2. All dimensions provided with tolerances are guaranteed to be met for all norm al produc tion
3. Fig ures and drawings labeled a s “Ref erence Dimensions are pr ovided for informat ional
pur pos es only. R eference Dimensions are extrac ted from t he mechani cal design databa s e and
are nominal dimensions with no tolerance inform ation applied. Ref erence Dimens ions are
NOT checked as part of the processor manufa cturing. Dimensi ons in pare ntheses without
tole ranc es are Reference Dimensions.
4. Drawings are not to scale.
Figure 18. Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Top and Side View
Left Right Right
Side LeftRight Thermal Plate
Side View
Cover Side view
Top View
Left Latch Right Latch
Cover Thermal
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
46 Datasheet
Figure 19. Pent ium® II Processor (S.E .C.C. Package)—Extended Thermal Plate Side Dimensions
Figure 20. Pent ium® II Processo r (S.E.C.C. Package )—Bottom V iew Dimensions
These dimensions are from the bottom
of the substrate ed
e fin
2X .365±.005 1.745±.005 1.877±.020
2X .342±.005
2X .125±.005
Thermal Plate
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 47
Figure 21. Pentium® II Proc esso r (S .E .C .C. Pa ck a ge)— L a tch A rm , Ex t e n ded Therm al Pla te Lug , an d
Cover Lug Dime nsions
2X 0.174 ±0.005
2X 0.488
2X 0.238
2X 0.103 ± 0.005
2X 0.647
2X 0.253
2X 0.058
±0.005 2X 0.136
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
48 Datasheet
Figure 22. Pent ium® II P r oc ess or ( S.E. C. C. P ack ag e)—L at c h Arm, Extend ed T herm al P la t e, a nd Cove r
Detail Dimensions (Reference Dimensions Only)
Detail A Detail B
(Bottom Side View)
Detail C Detail D Detail E
Note: All dimensions without tolerance information
are considered reference dimensions only
0.120 Min.
0.316 0.116
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 49
Figure 23. Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C. Package)—Extended Thermal Plate At tachm ent Detail
Detail A
6X 0. 124 +0.001
8X R 0.0 625 ± 0 .002
4X 0. 365
See Detail A
2.11 0 ± 0 .0080.00 0
0.97 8 ± 0 .008
0.50 0 ± 0 .008
0.25 0 ± 0 .008
0.37 5 ± 0 .008
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
50 Datasheet
Figure 24. Pent ium® II Processo r (S.E.C.C. Package )—Extended Thermal Plate Attachmen t Deta il
Dimensions, Continued
Figure 25. Pent ium® II Processor Substrate (S.E.C.C. Package)—Edge Finger Contact Dimensions
0.0032 / 1.000 x 1.000
.062 +.007
.045 70°
2.01 ±.0082.992 ±.008
2.835 1.85
All dimensions without tolerance information are
considered reference dimensions only.
See Detail A in
Next Figure
Thermal Plate
Pin A121
Pin A1
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 51
Figure 26. Pentium® II Processor Substrate (S.E.C.C. Package)—Edge Finger Contact Dimensions,
Detail A
Figure 27. Pentium® II Processor Markings (S.E.C.C. Package)
.074 ±.002
121 X 0.043 ±.002
.138 ±.005
121 X 0.16 ±.002
Pin A73 Pin A74
1. All dimensions without tolerance information are considered reference dimensions only.
2. Z reference datum shown in Figure 35
.008 Z W
.002 Z
.008 Z W
.002 Z
2-D Matrix Mark
'94 '96
Dynamic Mark Area
P R O C E S S O R See Note
Please refer to the Pentium® II
Pr ocess or Specifica tion Update
for this information.
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
52 Datasheet
5.2 S.E .C.C.2 Mechanical Specifi cation
S. E. C.C.2 package d drawings and dimens ion de tails are provi ded in Figure 28 through Figure 35 .
Figure 28 shows all views of the P entium II processor in an S.E.C.C.2 package using an OLGA
p ackaged p rocessor core; Figure 29 shows all views of a Pentium II processor in an S.E.C.C.2
package using a PLGA packaged processor core; Figure 30 through Figure 34 show the S. E.C.C.2
package dimensions ; Figure 35 provides dimensi ons of the processor substrate edge fing er
contacts; an d Figure 36 and Table 32 contain processor marking information.
Tabl e 3 1 . De script ion Table for Processor Markings (S.E.C.C . Packaged P rocessor)
Code Letter Descri
BProduct Name
C Trademark
EProduct Name
F Dynamic Mark Are a – with 2-D matrix
Figure 28. Pent ium® II Processor (S.E.C.C.2 Package) Top and Side Views—OLGA Processor Core
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 53
Figure 29. Pentium® II Processor (S.E.C.C.2 Package) Top and Side Views—PLGA Processor Core
Figure 30. Pentium® II Proces sor A sse mbly (S.E. C .C. 2 Pac ka ge) Pri m ary View
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
54 Datasheet
Figure 31. Pent ium® II Processor Assembly (S.E.C.C.2 Package)—Cover Vi ew with Dimensions
Figure 32. Pent ium® II Processor Assembly (S.E.C.C.2 Package)—Heat Sink Attach Boss Section
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 55
Figure 33. Pentium® II Processor Assembly ( S.E.C.C.2 Package), Side View—OLGA Substrate Shown
Figur e 34. Detail View of Cove r in th e Vicinity of the Su bstrate Attach Featu res
See Figure 40
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
56 Datasheet
Figure 35. Pent ium® II Processor Substrate (S.E.C.C.2 Package), Edge Finger Contact Dimensions
Figure 36. Pent ium® II Processor Markin gs (S.E.C.C.2 Package)
iCOMP® 2.0 index=YYY
2-D Matrix Mark
Dyn ami c Mark Are a
See Note
Please refer to the Pentium® II
Processor Specificatio n Update
for this information.
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 57
Table 32. Des cription Table for Process or M arkings (S.E.C.C.2 Packaged Processor)
5.3 Proc essor Pack age Materials Inform ation
Both the the S.E.C .C. and S.E. C.C.2 proc essor cartri dge s are compri sed of multi ple pieces to make
the complete assembl y. This section provides information r elevant to the use and ac ceptance of the
package. Ta ble 33 and Section 34 contain piec e-part information of the S.E.C.C. and S.E.C.C.2
processor packages, respectively.
1. Unless otherw ise n oted, t hese specifications apply to all S.E.C.C . packaged Pen tium® II pr ocessor frequencie s and
cac he sizes.
Table 34. S.E.C.C.2 Materials 1
1. Unless otherwise n oted, these specifications apply to all S.E.C.C.2 packaged Pentium® II processor frequencies and
cac he sizes.
Code Letter Descri
B Product Name
C Trademark
E Product Name
F Dynamic Mar k Area – with 2-D matri x
Table 33. S.E.C.C. Mate rials 1
S.E.C.C. Piece Piec e Material Maximum Piece Wei
ht (Grams)
Extended Thermal Plate Aluminum 6063-T6 84.0
Latch Arms GE Lexan 940-V0, 30% glass filled Less than 2.0 per latch arm
Cover GE Lexan 940-V0 24.0
Total Pentium® II Processor 150
S.E .C.C.2 Piece Pi e ce Material M aximum Piece Wei
ht (Grams)
Cover GE Lexan 940-V0 18.0
Total Pen tium ® II Pro cessor 57.0
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
58 Datasheet
5.4 Pentium® II Processor Signal Listing
Table 35 and Table 36 provide the processor edge finger and Pentium II processor connector si gnal
definitions for Pentium II pr ocessors. The signal locations on th e SC 242 edge conne ctor are to be
use d for si gnal routing, si mulation, an d component placement on the motherboard.
Table 35 is the Pentium II processor substrate edge finger listing i n or der by pin numb er.
Tabl e 35. Signal Listing in Orde r by Pin Number ( She et 1 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
A1 VCC_VTT AGTL+ VTT Supply B1 EMI EMI Management
A4 IERR# CMOS Output B4 INIT# CMOS Input
A5 A20 M# C MOS Input B5 VCC_VTT AGTL+ VTT Supp l y
A7 FERR# CMOS Output B7 TCK JTAG Input
A8 IGNNE# CMOS Inp ut B8 SLP# CMOS Input
A11 TDO JTAG Output B11 TRST# JTAG Input
A12 PWRGOOD CMOS Input B12 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
A13 TESTHI CMOS T est Input B13 VCC_CORE Processo r core VCC
A14 GND VSS B14 THERMDP Diode Anode
A15 THERMTRIP# CMOS Output B15 THERMDN Diode Cathode
A16 Reserved Re served for Future Use B16 LINT[1]/NMI CMOS Input
A17 LINT[0]/INTR CMOS Inp ut B17 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A19 P ICD[0] C MOS I/O B19 BP#[2] AGTL + I/O
A20 PREQ# CMOS Input B20 Rese rved Reserv ed for Futu re Use
A21 BP#[3] AG TL + I /O B21 1 00/66# BCLK F requency S elect
A23 BPM# [0] AGTL+ I/O B23 PRDY# AGTL+ Output
A25 DEP#[0] AGTL+ I/O B25 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A26 GND VSS B26 D EP#[2 ] AGTL+ I/O
A27 DEP#[1] AGTL+ I/O B27 DEP#[4] AGTL+ I/O
A28 DEP#[3] AGTL+ I/O B28 DEP#[7] AGTL+ I/O
A29 DEP#[5] AGTL+ I/O B29 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A30 GND VSS B30 D#[ 62] AGTL + I/O
A31 DEP#[6] AGTL+ I/O B31 D#[5 8] AGTL+ I/O
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 59
A32 D#[61] AGTL+ I/O B32 D#[63] AGTL+ I/O
A33 D#[55] AGTL+ I/O B33 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A34 GND VSS B34 D#[56] AGTL+ I/O
A35 D#[60] AGTL+ I/O B35 D#[50] AGTL+ I/O
A36 D#[53] AGTL+ I/O B36 D#[54] AGTL+ I/O
A37 D#[57] AGTL+ I/O B37 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A38 GND VSS B38 D#[59] AGTL+ I/O
A39 D#[46] AGTL+ I/O B39 D#[48] AGTL+ I/O
A40 D#[49] AGTL+ I/O B40 D#[52] AGTL+ I/O
A41 D#[51] AGTL+ I/O B41 EMI EMI Management
A42 GND VSS B42 D#[41] AGTL+ I/O
A43 D#[42] AGTL+ I/O B43 D#[47] AGTL+ I/O
A44 D#[45] AGTL+ I/O B44 D#[44] AGTL+ I/O
A45 D#[39] AGTL+ I/O B45 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A46 GND VSS B46 D#[36] AGTL+ I/O
A47 Reserved Rese rved for Future Use B47 D#[40 ] AGTL+ I/O
A48 D#[43] AGTL+ I/O B48 D#[34] AGTL+ I/O
A49 D#[37] AGTL+ I/O B49 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A50 GND VSS B50 D#[38] AGTL+ I/O
A51 D#[33] AGTL+ I/O B51 D#[32] AGTL+ I/O
A52 D#[35] AGTL+ I/O B52 D#[28] AGTL+ I/O
A53 D#[31] AGTL+ I/O B53 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A54 GND VSS B54 D#[29] AGTL+ I/O
A55 D#[30] AGTL+ I/O B55 D#[26] AGTL+ I/O
A56 D#[27] AGTL+ I/O B56 D#[25] AGTL+ I/O
A57 D#[24] AGTL+ I/O B57 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A58 GND VSS B58 D#[22] AGTL+ I/O
A59 D#[23] AGTL+ I/O B59 D#[19] AGTL+ I/O
A60 D#[21] AGTL+ I/O B60 D#[18] AGTL+ I/O
A61 D#[16] AGTL+ I/O B61 EMI EMI Management
A62 GND VSS B62 D#[20] AGTL+ I/O
A63 D#[13] AGTL+ I/O B63 D#[17] AGTL+ I/O
A64 D#[11] AGTL+ I/O B64 D#[15] AGTL+ I/O
A65 D#[10] AGTL+ I/O B65 VCC _CORE P rocessor core VCC
A66 GND VSS B66 D#[12] AGTL+ I/O
A67 D#[14] AGTL+ I/O B67 D#[7] AGTL+ I/O
A68 D#[9] AGTL+ I/O B68 D# [6] AGTL+ I/O
A69 D#[8] AGTL+ I/O B69 VCC_CORE P rocessor core VCC
Table 35 . S ignal List ing in Order b y P i n Num b e r ( S h e e t 2 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
60 Datasheet
A70 GND VSS B70 D#[ 4] AGTL+ I/O
A71 D#[5] AGTL+ I/O B71 D# [2] AGTL+ I/O
A72 D#[3] AGTL+ I/O B72 D# [0] AGTL+ I/O
A73 D#[1] AGTL+ I/O B73 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A74 GND VSS B74 R ES ET # A GTL + Inpu t
A75 BCLK Proc essor Clock Input B75 BR1# AGTL+ Input
A76 BR0# AGTL+ I/O B76 Rese rved Reserved for Futu re Use.
A77 BERR# AGTL+ I/O B77 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A78 GND VSS B78 A#[ 35] AGTL + I/O
A79 A#[33] AGTL+ I/O B79 A#[32] AGTL+ I/O
A80 A#[34] AGTL+ I/O B80 A#[29] AGTL+ I/O
A81 A #[30 ] AGTL+ I/O B81 EMI EMI Management
A82 GND VSS B82 A#[ 26] AGTL + I/O
A83 A#[31] AGTL+ I/O B83 A#[24] AGTL+ I/O
A84 A#[27] AGTL+ I/O B84 A#[28] AGTL+ I/O
A85 A#[22] AGTL+ I/O B85 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A86 GND VSS B86 A#[ 20] AGTL + I/O
A87 A#[23] AGTL+ I/O B87 A#[21] AGTL+ I/O
A88 R eserve d R eserve d for Future Use B88 A#[25] AGTL+ I/O
A89 A#[19] AGTL+ I/O B89 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A90 GND VSS B90 A#[ 15] AGTL + I/O
A91 A#[18] AGTL+ I/O B91 A#[17] AGTL+ I/O
A92 A#[16] AGTL+ I/O B92 A#[11] AGTL+ I/O
A93 A#[13] AGTL+ I/O B93 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A94 GND VSS B94 A#[ 12] AGTL + I/O
A95 A#[14] AGTL+ I/O B95 A#[8] AGT L+ I/O
A96 A#[10] AGTL+ I/O B96 A#[7] AGT L+ I/O
A97 A#[5] AGTL+ I/O B97 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A98 GND VSS B98 A#[ 3] AGTL+ I/O
A99 A#[9] AGTL+ I/O B99 A# [6] AGTL+ I/O
A100 A#[4] AGTL+ I/O B100 EMI EMI Management
A101 BNR# AG TL + I/O B10 1 SLOTOCC# SC 2 42 O ccupied
A102 GND VSS B102 REQ#[0 ] AGTL + I/O
A103 BPRI# AGTL+ I nput B103 REQ#[1] AGTL+ I/O
A104 TRDY# AGTL+ Input B104 REQ#[4] AGTL+ I/O
A105 DEFER# AGTL+ Input B105 VCC_CORE Processor c ore VCC
A107 REQ#[2] AGTL+ I/O B107 DRDY# AGTL+ I/O
Tabl e 35. Signal Listing in Orde r by Pin Number ( She et 3 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 61
Table 36 is the Pentium II proc es sor substrate edge connect or listing in order by signal name.
A108 REQ#[3 ] AGTL+ I/O B108 RS#[ 0] AGTL+ Input
A109 HITM# AGTL+ I/O B10 9 VCC5 Othe r VCC
A111 DBSY# AGTL+ I/O B111 RS#[2] AGTL+ Input
A112 RS#[1] AGTL+ Input B112 Reserved Reserve d for Future Use
A113 Reserved Rese rved for Fu ture Use B113 VCC_L2 Other VCC
A11 5 ADS# AGTL+ I/O B115 RS P# AGTL+ Input
A116 Reserved Reserved for Future Use B11 6 AP#[1] AGTL+ I/O
A11 7 AP#[0] AGTL+ I/O B117 VCC_L 2 Oth er VCC
A119 VID [2] Voltage Identi f ication B119 VID[3] Voltage Identific ation
A1 20 VID[1] Voltage Identi f ication B120 VID[0] Voltag e Id entificati on
A121 VID[4] Voltage Identification B121 VCC_L2 Other VCC
Table 35 . S ignal List ing in Order b y P i n Num b e r ( S h e e t 4 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
Table 36 . S ignal List ing in Order b y S ignal Na me ( S h e e t 1 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffe r T
B21 100/6 6# BCLK Fr equency Select A29 DE P#[ 5] AGTL+ I/O
B98 A#[3] AGTL+ I/O A31 DEP#[6] AGTL+ I/O
A100 A#[4] AGTL+ I/O B28 DEP#[7] AGTL+ I/O
A97 A#[5] AGTL+ I/O B107 DRDY# AGTL+ I/O
B99 A#[6] AGTL+ I/O B1 EMI EMI Management
B96 A#[7] AGTL+ I/O B41 EMI EMI Man agement
B95 A#[8] AGTL+ I/O B61 EMI EMI Man agement
A99 A#[9] AGTL+ I/O B81 EMI EMI Management
A96 A#[10] AGTL+ I/O B100 EMI EMI Management
B92 A#[1 1] AGTL+ I/O A7 FERR# CMOS Output
B94 A#[12] AGTL+ I/O B2 FLUS H# CMOS Input
A93 A#[13] AGTL+ I/O B76 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
A95 A#[14] AGTL+ I/O A2 GND VSS
B90 A#[15 ] AGTL+ I/O A6 GND VSS
A92 A#[16] AGTL+ I/O A10 GND VSS
B91 A#[17 ] AGTL+ I/O A14 GND VSS
A91 A#[18] AGTL+ I/O A18 GND VSS
A89 A#[19] AGTL+ I/O A22 GND VSS
B86 A#[20 ] AGTL+ I/O A26 GND VSS
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
62 Datasheet
B87 A#[21] AGTL+ I/O A30 GND VSS
A85 A#[22] AGTL+ I/O A34 GND VSS
A87 A#[23] AGTL+ I/O A38 GND VSS
B83 A#[24] AGTL+ I/O A42 GND VSS
B88 A#[25] AGTL+ I/O A46 GND VSS
B82 A#[26] AGTL+ I/O A50 GND VSS
A84 A#[27] AGTL+ I/O A54 GND VSS
B84 A#[28] AGTL+ I/O A58 GND VSS
B80 A#[29] AGTL+ I/O A62 GND VSS
A81 A#[30] AGTL+ I/O A66 GND VSS
A83 A#[31] AGTL+ I/O A70 GND VSS
B79 A#[32] AGTL+ I/O A74 GND VSS
A79 A#[33] AGTL+ I/O A78 GND VSS
A80 A#[34] AGTL+ I/O A82 GND VSS
B78 A#[35] AGTL+ I/O A86 GND VSS
A5 A20M# CM OS Input A90 GND VSS
A11 7 AP#[0] AGTL+ I/O A102 GND VSS
B116 AP#[1] AGTL+ I/O A106 GND VSS
A75 BCLK Processor Clock Input A110 GND VSS
B19 BP#[2] AGTL+ I/O A109 HITM# AGTL+ I/O
A21 BP#[3] AGTL+ I/O A4 IER R# CMOS Output
A23 BPM#[0] AGTL+ I/O A8 IGNNE# CMOS Input
B24 BPM#[1] AGTL+ I/O B4 INIT# CMOS Input
A103 BPRI# AGTL+ Input A17 LINT[0]/INTR CMOS Input
A76 BR0# AGTL+ I/O B16 LINT[1]/NMI CMOS Input
B75 BR1# AGTL+ Input B106 LOCK# AGTL+ I/O
B72 D#[0] AGTL+ I/O B18 PICCLK APIC Clock Input
A73 D#[1] AGTL+ I/O A19 PICD[0] CMOS I/O
B71 D#[2] AGTL+ I/O B22 PICD[1] CMOS I/O
A72 D#[3] AGT L+ I/O B23 PRDY# AGTL+ Output
B70 D#[4] AGTL+ I/O A20 PREQ# CMOS Input
A71 D#[5] AGTL+ I/O A12 PWRGOOD CMOS Inpu t
B68 D#[6] AGT L+ I /O B102 RE Q #[0] AGTL + I/O
Tabl e 36. Signal Listing in Orde r by Si gn al Name (She et 2 of 4)
Pin No. P in Name S i
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 63
B67 D#[7] AGTL+ I/O B103 REQ#[1] AGTL+ I/O
A69 D#[8] AGTL+ I/O A107 REQ#[2] AGTL+ I/O
A68 D#[9] AGTL+ I/O A108 REQ#[3] AGTL+ I/O
A65 D#[10] AGTL+ I/O B104 REQ#[4] AGTL+ I/O
A64 D#[11] AGTL+ I/O A16 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
B66 D#[12] AGTL+ I/O A47 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
A63 D#[13] AGTL+ I/O A88 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
A6 7 D#[14] AGTL+ I/O A113 Reser ved Reserved for Futur e Use
B64 D#[ 15] AGTL + I/O A116 Reserved Reserved for Fut ure Use
A61 D#[16] AGTL+ I/O B12 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
B63 D#[17] AGTL+ I/O B14 THER MD P Diode Anode
B60 D#[18] AGTL+ I/O B15 THER MD N Diode Cathode
B59 D#[19] AGTL+ I/O B20 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
B62 D#[20] AGTL+ I/O B11 2 Reserved Reserve d for Future Use
A60 D#[21] AGTL+ I/O B74 RESET# AGTL+ Input
B58 D#[22] AGTL+ I/O B114 RP# AGTL+ I/O
A59 D#[23] AGTL+ I/O B108 RS# [0] AGTL+ Input
A57 D#[24] AGTL+ I/O A112 RS#[1] AGTL+ Input
B56 D#[25] AGTL+ I/O B111 RS#[2] AGTL+ Input
B55 D#[26] AGTL+ I/O B11 5 RSP# AGTL+ Input
A56 D#[27] AGTL+ I/O B101 SL OTO CC# SC 242 Occupied
B52 D#[28] AGTL+ I/O B8 SLP# CMOS Input
B54 D#[29] AGTL+ I/O B3 SMI# CMOS Input
A55 D#[30] AGTL+ I/O B6 STPCLK# CMOS Input
A53 D#[31] AGTL+ I/O B7 TCK JTAG Input
B51 D#[32 ] AGTL+ I/O A9 TDI JTAG Input
A51 D#[33] AGTL+ I/O A11 TDO JTAG Output
B48 D#[34 ] AGTL+ I/O A13 TESTHI CMOS Test Input
A52 D#[35] AGTL+ I/O A15 T H ER MTRIP# CMOS Output
B46 D#[36] AGTL+ I/O B10 TMS JTAG Input
A49 D#[37] AGTL+ I/O A104 TRDY# AGTL+ Input
B50 D#[38] AGTL+ I/O B11 TRST# JTAG Input
A45 D#[39 ] AGTL+ I/O B13 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B47 D#[40] AGTL+ I/O B17 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B42 D#[41] AGTL+ I/O B25 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A43 D#[42 ] AGTL+ I/O B29 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A48 D#[43 ] AGTL+ I/O B33 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B44 D#[44] AGTL+ I/O B37 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
Table 36 . S ignal List ing in Order b y S ignal Na me ( S h e e t 3 of 4)
Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffe r T
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
64 Datasheet
6.0 Boxed Proce sso r S
6.1 Introduction
The Pentium II processor is also offered as an Intel boxed processor. Intel boxed processors are
intended for system integra tors who build systems from motherboards and components. Boxed
Pentium II proc es sors are supplied wit h an attache d fan heatsink. This section documents
motherboard and sy st em requirements for the f an he atsink that will be s upplied with the boxed
Pentium II proc es sor. This section is pa rticularly imp ortant for OEM's tha t manufacture
motherboards for syste m integrators. Unless otherwise noted, all figures i n this section are
dimensioned in inches. Fig ure 37 shows a mechanic al repre sent ation of a box ed Pent ium II
A44 D#[45] AGTL+ I/O B45 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A39 D#[46] AGTL+ I/O B49 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B43 D#[4 7] AGTL+ I/O B53 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B39 D#[4 8] AGTL+ I/O B57 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A40 D#[49] AGTL+ I/O B65 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B35 D#[5 0] AGTL+ I/O B69 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A41 D#[51] AGTL+ I/O B73 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B40 D#[5 2] AGTL+ I/O B77 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A36 D#[53] AGTL+ I/O B85 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B36 D#[5 4] AGTL+ I/O B89 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A33 D#[55] AGTL+ I/O B93 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B34 D#[5 6] AGTL+ I/O B97 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
A37 D#[57] AGTL+ I/O B105 VCC_CORE Processor core VCC
B31 D#[58] AGTL+ I/O B1 13 VCC_L2 Other VCC
B38 D#[59] AGTL+ I/O B1 17 VCC_L2 Other VCC
A35 D#[60] AGTL+ I/O B121 VCC_L2 Other VCC
A32 D#[61] AGTL+ I/O A1 VCC_VTT AGTL+ VTT Supp l y
B30 D#[62] AGTL+ I/O A3 VCC_VTT AGTL+ VTT Supp l y
B32 D#[63] AGTL+ I/O B5 VCC_VTT AGTL+ VTT Su pp l y
A105 DEFER# AGTL+ Inp ut B109 VCC5 Other VCC
A25 DEP#[0] AGTL+ I/O B120 VID[0] Voltage Identification
A27 DEP#[1] AGTL+ I/O A120 VID[1] Voltage Identification
B26 DEP#[2] AGTL+ I/O A1 19 VID[2] Voltage Identification
A28 DEP#[3] AGTL+ I/O B119 VID[3] Voltage Identification
B27 DEP#[4] AGTL+ I/O A121 VID[4] Volta ge Identification
Tabl e 36. Signal Listing in Orde r by Si gn al Name (She et 4 of 4)
Pin No. P in Name S i
nal Buffer T
e Pin No. Pin Name Si
nal Buffer T
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 65
proce ssor in the Single Edge Cont act Cartrid ge (S. E.C.C.) pa ckage in its re tenti on mechanis m with
heatsink supports installed. Figu re 38 shows a mechanical representation of a boxed Pent ium II
processor in the S.E.C.C.2 package.
Note: T he ai rflow of the fan heatsink is into the center and out of the sides of the f an he ats ink. The lar ge
arrows in F igure 37 denote the direction of airflow.
Fi gur e 37 . B o xed P entium® II Processor in the S.E.C.C. Packaging Installed in Retention Mechanism
(Fan Power Cable Not Shown)
Figure 38. Boxed Pentium®
II Processor in the S.E .C.C.2 Packaging (Fan Po wer Cable Not Shown)
Heatsink Support Mechanism
Processor Fan
Shroud Covering Heatsink Fins
Fan Power
Heatsink Support Mechanism
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
66 Datasheet
6.2 Mechanical Specifications
This section documents the mechanical specifications of the boxed Pentium II proc essor fan
heatsinks. Motherboard manufac turers and system designers should take into ac count the spac ial
r equirement for both the boxed Pentium II pr ocessor in the S.E.C.C. package and the boxed
Pentium II proc es sor in the S.E.C.C. 2 package.
6.2.1 Boxed Process or Fan Heatsink Dimensions
The boxed processor is shipped with an attached fan heatsink . Clearance is required around the f an
heatsink to ensure unimpeded air fl ow for proper cooling. The space requirements and dimens ions
for the boxed p rocessor in t h e S.E.C.C. package ar e shown i n F igure 39 (Side View), Figure 40
( Fr ont View), and Figure 43 (Top View). Spacia l requirements and dimensions for the box ed
pro c essor in th e S .E .C.C . 2 p ac ka g e ar e sh o w n in Figure 41 (Side Vi ew ), Figure 42 (Front View),
and F igure 43 (Top View). All dimensions are in inches.
Figure 39. Side View Space Requir ements for the Boxed Processor wi th S.E.C.C. Packag ing
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 67
Figur e 40. Front View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processor with S.E.C.C. Packaging
Figure 41. Side View Space Require ments for the Boxed Processor with S.E.C.C.2 Packaging
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
68 Datasheet
Figure 42. Fr on t View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processo r with S .E.C.C.2 Packaging
Figure 43. Top View Air Space Requirements f or the Boxed Processor
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 69
1. See Figure 45, label N.
6.2.2 Boxed Processor Fan Heatsink Weight
The bo xed proces sor fan heatsin k will not weigh mo re than 2 25 grams. See Se ction 4 .0 and S ecti on
5.0 for details on the heat sink pre f orm ance requirements and proces sor weight.
6.2.3 Boxed Processor R etention Mechanism and Fan Heatsink Supports
The boxed process or requires processor retenti on mechanism(s ) to secure the proc essor in the 242-
contact sl ot connector. S.E.C. C. pr ocessors must use either the rete ntion mechani sm desc ribed in
AP-588, Mechan ical and Assembly Technology for S.E. C. Cartr idge Proce sso rs (Order Number
243333), o r retention me chanisms tha t have bee n des igned to support S .E .C.C., S.E. C.C.2, and
Single Edge Processor Pac kage (S.E.P.P.) form factors (also known a s uni versal reten tion
mechanisms). S.E.C.C.2 proces sors must us e either retention m echanis ms described in AP-826,
Mech anical Assembly and Cus tomer Manufacturing Technology for S.E.P. Packages (Order
Number 243748). The boxe d proc essor will not ship with a retention mechanism. Motherboards
des igned for use by system integrators must include retention mech anisms that support the
S.E.C.C. an d S.E. C.C.2 form factors and the approp riate installation instruct ions.
Some bo xed Penti um II proc essors usin g the S.E.C .C. packa ging te ch nology were ship ped with fa n
heatsink supports. T hes e supports differ from supports for passive he atsinks. Th e boxed processor
fan heatsink support r equires heats ink support holes in the motherboard. Loca tion and s ize of these
holes are give n in Figure 44.
Tabl e 37. B oxed Processor Fan Heatsi nk Spatial Dimensi ons
. Ref.
Label Refers to
ure Dimensions (Inches) Min T
AFigure 39 S.E.C. C. Fan Heatsink Dept h (off processor ex tended
thermal plate) -1.11.3
BFigure 39 S.E.C.C. Fan Heatsink Height Above Motherboard Note 1 0.5 -
CFigure 40 S.E.C.C. Fan Heatsink Heig ht - 2.1 2.2
DFigure 40 S.E.C.C. Fan Heatsink W idth (plastic shroud only) - 4.8 4.9
EFigure 40 S.E.C.C. Power Cable Connector Location From Edge
of Fan Heatsink Shroud 1.3 - 1.45
FFigure 41 S.E.C.C. 2 Fan Heatsink Depth (off processor subst rate) - 1.3 1.4
GFigure 41 S.E.C. C. 2 Fan Heatsink Height A bove Moth erboard 0.4 0.6 -
HFigure 42 S.E.C. C. 2 Fan Heatsink Height - 2.0 2.2
IFigure 42 S.E.C. C. 2 Fan Heatsink Width (plastic shro ud o nly) - 4.7 4.8
JFigure 42 S. E.C .C. 2 Powe r Cable Con necto r Locat ion Fr om Edge
of Fan Heatsink Shroud 1.4 - 1.45
KFigure 43 A ir flow keep out zon e s from e nd of fan heats ink 0.40 - -
LFigure 43 A irflow keepout zones fr om f ace of fan heatsi nk 0.20 - -
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
70 Datasheet
Any mot herboard compone nts placed in the area be neath the fan he atsi nk supports must recognize
the cl earan ce giv en in Ta ble 38. Component height restrictions for passive heatsi nk support
des igns, as described in AP-588, Mec hanical and Assembly Technology for S. E. C. Ca rt ridge
Processors (O rder Num ber 243333), still apply.
Motherboards designed for use by system integrators should not have objec ts installed in the
heat sink support holes. Othe rwise, removal instructions for objec ts preinstalled in the heatsink
support holes should be included in the mot herboard documentation.
1. All dimensions are in inches. Unless otherw ise speci f ied, all dimensions with th ree significant digits have a tolerance of
± 0.005 inches. All dimens ions with two significant di git s have a tol e r ance of ± 0.01 inches.
Figure 44. Heatsink Support Hole Loc ations and Size
Table 38. Boxed Pr ocessor Fan Heatsi nk Support Dimensions1
. Ref.
Label Refers to
ure Dimensions (Inc hes) Min T
MFigure 45 Fan He atsin k s upport height 2.261
NFigure 45 Fan Hea tsi nk suppor t clearance above mother board 0.43 0
OFigure 45 Fan Heatsin k s upport standoff diameter 0.275 0.30 0
PFigure 45 Fan Heatsin k s upport front ed ge to heatsink su pport hole
center 0.240
QFigure 45 Fan Heats ink support standoff protrusion ben eath mother board 0.06
RFigure 45 Moth erb o ard th ic kne ss 0.0 5 0.0 6 0 .0 75
SFigure 46 Spacing between FH S Suppor ts 4.084
TFigure 46 Fan Heatsink support width 0.600
UFigure 46 Fan He atsin k s upport inner edge to heatsink support hole 0.40 0
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 71
Figure 4 5. Si de Vi ew Space Requirements for Box ed Processor Fan Heatsink Supports
Figure 46. Top Vi ew Space Requirements for Boxed Processor Fan Heatsink Supports
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
72 Datasheet
6.3 Boxed Processor Requirements
6.3.1 F an Heatsink Power Supply
The boxed processor's fan hea ts ink requires a +12 V powe r su pply. A fan power cable will be
shipped with the boxed processor to draw power from a power he ader on the motherboard. The
power cable connector a nd pinout are shown in Figure 47. Motherboards must pr ovide a matched
power he ade r to support the boxed processor. Table 3 9 contains specifications for the input and
output signals at the fan heatsi nk connec tor. T he cable length will be 7.0 ± 0.25 inches. The fan
heat sink outputs a SENSE signal, which is an open-collector output, that pulses at a rate of two
pulse s per fan revolution. A motherboa rd pull-up resistor provides VOH to match the motherboard-
mounted fan speed mon itor requirements , if appl icable. Use of the SENSE s ignal is optional. If the
SENS E signal is not used, pin 3 of the conn ec tor should be tied to GND.
The power hea der on the baseboard mu st be posit ioned to allow the fan heatsi nk power cable to
r each it. The power head er identificat ion and location shoul d be document ed in the motherboard
do cum entation, or on the mot herboard itself. Figure 48 shows the location of the fan power
connect or relative t o the 242-contact slot connec tor. The mo therboard power header should be
positioned within 4.75 inches (lateral) of the fan power connector.
Figur e 47. Boxed Processor Fan Heatsi nk Power Cable Connector Desc ript ion
Table 39. Fan Heatsink Power and Signa l Specifications
tion Min T
+12 V: 12 volt f a n po w e r su p pl y 9 V 12 V 1 3. 8 V
IC: Fan current draw 100 mA
SENSE: SENSE frequency (motherboard should pull this pin
up to appropria te VCC with re sisto r) 2 pulses per fan revolution
Pin Signal
Straight square pin, 3-pin terminal housing with
polarizing ribs and friction locking ramp.
0.100" pin pitch, 0.025" square pin width.
Waldom/Molex P/N 22-01-3037 or equivale nt.
Match with straight pin, friction lock header on motherboard
Waldom/Molex P/N 22-23-2031, AMP P/N 640456-3,
or equivalent.
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 73
6.4 Thermal Specifications
This section describes the cooling requirements of the fan heatsink solution utilized by the boxed
6.4.1 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements
The boxed processor will be coo led with a fa n hea tsink. The boxed proce sso r f an heats ink will
keep the proc essor temperature , within the specifications ( see Section 4.0), provided a irflow
through the fan heatsink is unimpeded and the a ir temperature entering the fan is below 45 °C ( see
Figure 43 for measurement location).
Airspace is re quired around the fan to ensure that the airflow through the fan heatsink is not
blocke d. Blocking the a irflow to the fan he atsink reduces the cooling efficiency a nd de creases fan
life. Figure 43 i l lu strat es an acce pt ab l e ai rs p ac e cl earan ce fo r th e fa n hea ts in k .
Figur e 48. Recommended Motherboard Power Header Placement Relative to Fan Power Connector and
Pentium® II P roces so r
Ta bl e 40 . Mot herbo a rd Fan Po w e r C onnec t or Loca t i on
. Ref. Labels Dime nsio ns (I nches) Min T
VAproximate perpendicular di s tance of the fan power
connector from the center of the 242-conta ct slot connector 1.44
WAproximate parallel distance of the fan power connector
from the edge of the 242-contact slot connector 1.45
XLateral distance of the motherboard fan power header
locat ion from the fan power connector 4.75
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
74 Datasheet
7.0 Pentium® II Processor Si
nal Descri
This section provides an alphabetic al lis ting of all Pentium II processor sig nals. The tables at the
end of this section summarize the signa ls by direction: output, input, and I/O.
7.1 Alph abet ical Signals Reference
Table 41. Signal Descri ption (She et 1 of 8)
Name T
e Descri
100/66# I/O
This bidirectional signal is used to select the system bus frequency. A logic low will select a
66 M H z s ystem bus frequenc y and a logic high (3 .3 V) will s elect a 100 M Hz sy s tem bus
frequenc y. The frequenc y is de termined by the p rocessor(s), PCIset, and frequency
synthesizer. All sy stem bus agents mus t operate at the same fr equency; in a two - wa y MP
Pentium® II procesor configuration, t his signal must connect the pins of bo th Pentium II
processors. This signal will be gr ounded by pr ocessors that ar e only capab le of operating at
a hos t frequenc y of 66 MHz. On mother boards which support op eration at either 66- or
100 MHz, t his sig nal mus t be pul led up to 3. 3 V w ith a 2 00 resistor (as shown in the figure
be low) an d provided as a f r e quency selection sig nal to the clo c k dr iver/synth es izer. If the
syst em motherb oard is not capable o f ope rating at 100 MHz (e.g., Intel® 440FX and 440LX
PCIs et-based s ys tems), it s hould ground this signal and generate a 66 MHz system bus
frequency. This s ignal can also be in corporated into RESET# logic on the motherboard if
only 100 MHz operation is supported (thus forcing the RESET# signal to remain active as
long as the 100/66# signal is low).
100/66# Pin Exam
A[35:3]# I/O
The A[ 35:3]# (Address) signals define a 236-byte physical memor y address space. When
ADS# is act ive, these pins transmit th e address of a transaction; whe n AD S# i s inactive,
these pins t ran smit tr ansac tion ty pe infor mati on. Th ese signa ls mu st connec t the ap prop riate
pins of all agent s on the Pentium II processor system bus. The A[35:24]# signals are parity-
protected by the AP1# parity signal, and the A [23:3]# s ignals ar e parity-protected by the
AP0# parit y s ignal.
On the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#, the processors sample the A[35:3]# pins to
de termin e their power - on configur ation. See the Pentium® II Processor Developer’s
Manual (Order Number 243502) for details.
3. 3 Vol ts
Pentium® II Processor
3.3 K
1 K
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 75
A20M# I
If the A20M# (Address-20 Mask) input signal is asserted, the Pentium II processor masks
phys ical address bit 20 (A20#) before looking up a li ne in any internal cache and before
driving a read/write t r ansaction on the bus. Asserting A20M# emulates the 80 86 pro cessor's
address wra p-around at th e 1-Mbyte b oundary. Assertion of A20M# is only supported in
real mode.
A20M # is an a s ynchronous s ignal. H ow ever , to ensure recog niti on of t his signal following
an I/O write in struc t ion, it m ust be valid along with the TRD Y# asse rtio n of the
corresponding I/O Write bus transacti on.
During active RESET#, each processor begins sampling the A20M#, IGNNE#, and
LINT[1:0] values to determine the ratio of core-clock frequency to bus-clock frequency.
See Tab le 9. On the active- to-inactiv e transition of RESE T#, each processor latches these
signal s and freezes the frequency rati o i nternally. Syst em logic must then release these
signals for nor mal operat ion.
The ADS# (Address Strobe) signal is asserted to indicate the validity of the transaction
address o n the A[35: 3]# pins. Al l bus agents observe the A D S# activation to begin par it y
chec king, protocol check ing, addres s decode, internal snoop, or deferr ed reply ID match
ope r ati ons associated with th e new transacti on. This s ignal mus t connect the a ppr opriate
pins on all Pentium II processor system bus agents.
The AERR# (Address Parity Error) s ignal is observed a nd driven by all Pentium II
processor syst em bus ag ents, and if us ed, must connect the appropriate pi ns on all P entium
II proc e s s or s ys tem bu s age nts . AERR# obs erv ation is op t iona lly e na b l e d du r i n g pow e r - o n
config urati on; if enabled, a valid assert ion of AERR# abo r ts the current transaction.
If AERR# observation is disabled during power-on configuration, a central agent may
handle an assertion of AERR# as ap propriate to th e error handling architecture of the
AP[1:0]# I/O
The AP[1:0]# (Address Parity) signals are driven by the request init iator along with ADS#,
A[35:3]#, REQ[4:0]#, and RP#. AP1# covers A[35 :24]#, and AP0# covers A[ 23:3]#. A
correct parity signal is hig h if an even number of cover ed s ignals are low and lo w if an odd
number of cove red signals are low. This allows parity to be high when all the covered
signals are high. AP[1: 0]# should connect the appropriat e pi ns of all Pentium II processor
system bus ag ents.
The BCLK (Bus Clock) si gnal deter mines the bus fre quency. All Pentium II processor
system bus agents must receive this signal to drive their outputs and latch their inputs on the
BCLK ris ing edge.
All external timing parameters are specifie d with respect to the BCLK signal.
The BERR# (Bus Error) signal is asserted to indicate a n unrec overable error without a bus
prot ocol viola tion . It ma y be dri ven b y all Pe ntiu m II proc ess or syst em bu s agents , and must
connect the appropriate pins of all such agents, i f used. Ho w ever, Penti um II pr ocessors do
not observe asser tions of t he B ER R# signal.
BERR# assertion conditions are configurable at a system level. Asserti on options are
defi ned by the follow ing option s :
Enabled or disabl ed.
Asserted optionally for internal errors along with IERR#.
Asserted optionally by the request initiator of a bus transaction after it observes an
Asserted b y any bus agent when it obse r ves an error in a bus transac tion.
Table 41. Si gnal Desc ription (Sheet 2 o f 8)
Name T
e Descri
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
76 Datasheet
The BINIT# (Bus I nitializat ion) sign al may be observed and driven by all Pentium II
pro ces s or s ys tem bus agents, and i f us ed mus t connect the appropriate pins of all s uch
agents. If the BINIT# driver is e nabled during power on configuration, BINIT# is asserted
to signal any bus condition that prevents reliable future information.
If BIN IT# observation is e nabled duri ng power-on configuration, an d BIN IT# is sampled
asserted, al l bu s st at e machines are reset an d any data which was in tra nsit is lost. All agents
reset their rotating ID for bus arbitration to the state after Reset, and internal count
infor mation is lost. The L1 and L2 caches are not affected.
If BIN IT# observation is disabled du ring power-on configurati on, a central agent may
handle an assertion of BINIT# as app ropri ate to the error handlin g archi tecture of the
The BN R# (Block Next Reques t) s ignal i s us ed to assert a bus st all by any bus agen t who is
unabl e to acc ept new bu s tra nsacti ons. Duri ng a bus stal l, the cu rr ent bus ow ner can not i ssue
any new transactions.
Sin ce multip le agent s might need to reque st a bus st all at the same time, BNR# is a wire- OR
signal which must connect the appropriate pins of all Pentium II processor system bus
agents. In order to avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge transitions
driven by multiple drivers, BNR# is activated on specific clock edges and sample d on
specific clock edges.
BP[3:2]# I/O The BP[3:2]# (Breakpoint) signals are outpu ts from the proces s or that indicate the status of
BPM[1:0]# I/O The BPM[1 :0]# (Breakpoint Monitor) signal s are breakpoint and perfor m ance monitor
signals. They are outputs from the pr oces sor which indicate the status of breakpoints and
program ma ble counter s used for m on ito ring proce ssor performan ce.
The BPRI# (Bus Priority Request) signal is used to arbitrate for ownership of the Pentium II
processor system bus. It must connect the appropriate pins of all Pentium II processor
system bus agents. O bse r ving BPRI# act ive (as assert ed by the priority agent) c aus es all
othe r agent s to s top iss uing new req uests, unles s such request s are par t of an ong oi ng loc ked
operation. The priority agent keeps BPRI# asserted until all of its requests are completed,
then releases the bus by deasserting BPRI#.
The BR0 # and BR1# (Bus R equest) pins dr iv e the BRE Q [ 1:0]# s ignals in the sys tem. The
BREQ[ 1:0]# sig nals are interconnected i n a r otating mann er to individual processor pi ns .
The t able below gives the rotating int e r connect between the pro ces s or and bus s ignals.
D[63:0]# I/O The D[63: 0]# (Data) signals are t he data signals. These signals provi de a 64-bit da ta path
be tween the Pentium II processor system bus agents, and must connect the appr opriat e pins
on all s uch a gents. The data dr iver assert s D RDY# to i ndicate a vali d data transfer .
Table 41. Signal Descri ption (She et 3 of 8)
Name T
e Descri
Du rin g pow er-up con fig urati on, the central agent must ass ert t he BR0# bus s ignal. All
symmetric agents sample their BR[1:0]# pins on active -to-inactive transition of RESET#. T
pin on which the agent samples an active level determines its agent ID. All agents then
c onf igure their pins to match the appropriate bus signal pr otocol, as shown below .
BR0# (I/O) and BR1# Si
nals Rotatin
Bus Si
nal A
ent 0 Pins A
ent 1 Pins
BREQ0# BR0# BR1#
BREQ1# BR1# BR0#
BR[1:0]# Si
nal A
ent IDs
Pin Sam
led Act ive in RESET# A
ent ID
BR0# 0
BR1# 1
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 77
The DB SY# (Data Bus Bus y) signal is asserted by the agent responsible for driving dat a on
the Pentium II processor system bus to indicate that the data bus is in use. The data bus is
released after DBSY# is deasserted. This signal must connect the approp riate pins on all
Pentium II processor system bus agents.
The DEF ER# s ignal is asse r ted by an agent t o indicate that a transaction cannot be
gua ranteed in-order completion. Assertion of DEFER# is normally the responsibility of the
addressed memory or I/O agent. Th is signal must connect the appropriate pins of al l
Pentium II processor system bus agents.
DEP[7:0]# I/O
The DEP [7:0]# (Dat a Bus ECC Protection ) si gnals provide option al ECC protect ion for the
data bus. They are dri ven by the agent re s ponsible fo r drivin g D [63:0]#, and mus t connect
the appropr iate pins of all Pentium II pr ocessor system bus agents whi c h us e th em. The
DEP[ 7:0]# signals are enabl e d or di s abled for ECC protection during power on
The DRDY# (Data R eady) signal is asse r ted by the data dr iver on each dat a transfer,
indi cating valid data on the dat a bus. In a multi-cycle data transfer, DRDY# may be
deas s e r ted to insert idle clocks. This signa l must c onnect the appropriate pins of all Pentium
II pr ocessor system bus agents.
EMI pi ns sho ul d be conn ect ed to mo ther boa rd grou nd an d/or to ch assi s gr ound t hrou gh ze ro
ohm (0) resist ors. The zero ohm resistors should be placed in c lose proximity to the
Penti um II processor connector. Th e path to chassi s ground sho uld be short in length and
h a ve a low imp eda n ce . The s e pins are us e d for EM I man a ge m e nt purposes.
The FERR# (F loating-poin t E rror) signal is ass erted when t he processor detects an
unma s ked floating- point error. F ERR # is similar to the ER ROR # s ignal on the In tel 387
co proc es sor, and is include d for compa tib ili ty with syste ms using MS-DOS *-type floating-
point error reporting.
When the FL U SH# input sig nal is asserted, processors wri te back al l dat a in the Modi fied
state from the ir internal caches and inval idate a ll int ernal cache lines. At the compl etion of
thi s oper ation, the proce s s or issues a Flush Acknow ledge tr ans action. The proces s or does
not cache any new data while the FLUSH # signal r emains asserted.
FLUSH # is an asynchronous s ignal. However, to ensure recognition of this s ignal following
an I/O write in struc t ion, it m ust be valid along with the TRD Y# asse rtio n of the
corresponding I/O Write bus transacti on.
On the act ive-to-inactive transi tion of RESET#, each processor sa mples FLUSH# to
de term in e its powe r-o n config ur at io n. See P6 Family of Processors Hardwa re Developers
Manual (Order Number 244001) for det ails.
The HIT# (Snoop Hit) a nd H I TM# (Hit Mo dified) signals con vey transacti on snoop
operation results, and must connect the appropriate pi ns of all Pentium II processor system
bus ag ents. Any such agent may as s ert both HIT # and HITM# tog ether to i ndicate th at it
requires a s noop stall, w hich can be conti nued by reas s erting HIT# and HI TM# to gether.
The IERR# (Internal Error) signal is asserted by a processor as the result of an internal error .
Assertion of IERR# is us ually acco mpanied by a SHUTDOWN transaction on the Pentium
II processor system bus. This tr ansaction may optionally be converted t o an external error
signal ( e .g., NMI) by system cor e logic. The pro cess or will kee p I ERR# asse r ted until the
asser tion of RESET #, BINIT#, or INIT#.
Table 41. Si gnal Desc ription (Sheet 4 o f 8)
Name T
e Descri
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
78 Datasheet
The IGNNE# (Ignore Numeric Error) signal is asserted to force the processor to ignore a
numeric error and continue t o execute noncontrol fl oating-point instructions. If IGN NE# is
de as s erted, th e pr ocessor generates an exception on a noncontrol floating-poi nt instr uction
if a previous floating-point instruction ca used an error. IGNNE# has no effect whe n the NE
bit in contro l regis ter 0 is set.
IGNNE# is an asynch ronous signal. However, to ensure recognition of this signal following
an I/O write instruction, it must be valid along with the TRDY# assertion of the
corresponding I/O W r ite bus transaction.
During active RESET#, the Pentium II processor begins sampling the A20M#, IGNNE#,
and LINT[1:0] values to determine the ratio of core-clock frequency to bus-clock
frequency. See Table 9. On the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#, the Pentium II
pro ces s or latches these sign als and freezes the fr equency rat io inte rn ally. Syst em logic must
then release these signals for normal op eration.
The INIT# (Initialization) signal, when asserted, resets integer registers inside all proc essors
without af f ecting t heir inter nal (L1 or L2) caches or floating-p oint re gisters. Each processor
then begi ns execution at the power-on Res et vect or configured during powe r-o n
configuration. The processor continues to handle snoop requests during INI T# assertion.
INI T# is an asynchronous signal and mus t connect the ap propriate pi ns of all Pentium II
processor system bus agents.
If INIT# is sampled active on the active to inactive transition of RESET#, then the proc essor
execu te s its Built- in Self-Test (BIST).
LINT[1:0] I
The LINT[1:0] (Local APIC Int errupt) sign als must connect the appropriate pi ns of all
APIC B us ag ents, incl udin g all proce ssor s an d the co re l ogic or I/O APIC co mpon ent. When
the APIC is disabled, t he LINT0 signal becomes INTR, a mas kable interrupt request s ignal,
and LIN T1 becomes NMI, a nonmaskable int errupt. IN TR and NMI are b ackw ard
compatible with the signals of those names on the Pentium processor. Both signals are
Both of these s ignals mus t be so f tware conf igured vi a BIO S pr ogramming of the API C
regis ter space to be used either as NMI/ I N TR or LIN T[1:0]. Because the APIC is en abled
by default after Reset, operation of the se pins as LINT[1:0] is the default configuration.
During active RESET#, the Pentium II processor begins sampling the A20M#, IGNNE#,
and LINT[1:0] values to determine the ratio of core-clock frequency to bus-clock
frequency. See Table 9. On the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#, the Pentium II
pro ces s or latches these sign als and freezes the fr equency rat io inte rn ally. Syst em logic must
then release these signals for normal op eration.
The LOCK# sig nal in di cates to the syst em th at a transa ctio n must occ u r atomic a lly. T his
signal must connect the appropriate pins of all Pent ium II processor system bus agents. For
a locked sequence of trans actions , LOC K # is asserted from the beginning of the first
transaction end of the last transaction.
When the priority agent asserts BPRI# to arbitrate for ownership of the Pentium II proc essor
system bus, it will wait until it observes LOCK# deasserted. This ena bles symme tric agents
to retain owne rshi p of the Pen tiu m II proce ssor syste m bus thro ugh out th e bus lock ed
operation and ensure the atomicity of lock.
PICCLK I The PICCLK (APIC Clock) signal is a n input clock to the processor and core logic or I/O
APIC which is re quired for operation of all processors, core log ic, and I/O APIC
components on the A PI C bus.
PICD[1:0] I/O The PICD[1:0] (APIC Data) signals are used for bidirectional serial message passing on the
APIC bus, and must connect the appropriate pins of all processors and core logic or I /O
APIC component s on t he A PI C bus.
PRDY# O The PRDY (Probe Ready) signal is a processor o utput use d by debug tools to determi ne
processor debug readiness.
PREQ# I The PREQ# (Probe Reque s t) signal is used by debug tools to request debug operation of the
Table 41. Signal Descri ption (She et 5 of 8)
Name T
e Descri
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 79
The PWRGOOD (Power Go od) signal is a 2.5 V tolerant proce ssor input. The pr ocessor
requires this signal to be a clean indication that the clocks and power supplies (VCCCORE,
etc. ) are stable and within their spec ifications. Clean implies that the s ignal w ill r emain low
(capable of s inking l eakage curr ent), wi thout gl itches, from the ti me that t he power s upplies
are turne d on until th e y come withi n spec ific a tion . The s igna l mus t then transition
monotonically to a high (2.5 V) state. The figure below illustrates the relationship of
PWRGOOD to other system signals. PWRGOOD can be driven inactive at any time, but
clocks and power must ag ain be stable before a subsequent rising edge of PWRGOOD. It
must also meet the minimu m pulse width specificati on in Table 14 and Table 15, an d be
foll owed by a 1 ms RESET# pulse.
The PWRGOOD signal must be sup pli ed to the p roces sor; it is used to protect internal
cir cuits agains t voltage sequencing issues. I t should be dri ven high thr oughout boundary
scan operation.
PWRGOOD Relationshi
at Pow er- On
REQ[4:0]# I/O The REQ [ 4:0]# (Request Command) signals must connect the appropriate pins of all
Penti um II proc es s or s ys tem bus agents . They are assert ed by the cur rent bus ow ner over
tw o clock cycl es to define the cu rren tly activ e trans a ctio n type.
Asserting th e RESET# signal resets all processors to known states and invalidates their L1
and L2 caches without writing back any of their contents. RESE T# must remain active for
one mi crose con d for a “warm” Re set; for a powe r-on Re set, RES ET# must stay act ive for at
least one mill isecond aft er VCCCORE and CLK have reached their pr oper specif ications. O n
observing active RESET#, all Pentium II processor system bus agents will deassert their
ou tp uts with in two cl ock s.
A numbe r of bu s s ignals are sampled at t he active-to-inactive transition o f RE SE T# for
power-on config uration. These configuration opti ons are desc r ibed in the P6 Family of
Processor s Ha rdware Developers Manual (Order Number 244001) for details.
The pr ocessor may have it s outputs tr istated via power-on con figuratio n. Otherwise , i f
INI T# is sam p led act iv e during the activ e -to -in acti ve tra nsi tio n of RESET #, the proces so r
wi ll exe cute its Buil t-in Se lf-Te st (BIST ) . Whet her or not BIST is exec uted , the pr oces sor
will begin program execution at th e powe r on Rese t vector (def ault 0_FFFF_FFF0h).
RESET# mus t connect t he appropriate pins of al l Pentium II processo r sys tem bus agents.
The RP# ( Request Par it y) signal is driven by the request initiator, an d provides par ity
protection on AD S# and REQ [4:0] #. It must connect the appropri ate pins of all Pentium II
processor system bus agents.
A corr ect parity signal is high i f an even number of covered signals are low and low if an
odd number of covered signals are low. This definition allows parity to be high when all
cove r e d s ignals are hi gh.
RS[2:0]# I The RS[2: 0]# (Response Status) signals are driven by the response ag ent (the agen t
responsible for completion of the current transaction), and must connect the appropriate
pins of all Pentium II processor system bus agents.
Table 41. Si gnal Desc ription (Sheet 6 o f 8)
Name T
e Descri
1 m sec
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
80 Datasheet
The RSP# (Response Par ity) signal is driven by the response agent (the agent responsible
for completion of the current transaction) during assertion of RS[2:0]#, the signals for
which RSP# provides par ity protect ion. It must connect the appropri ate pins of all Pentium
II processor system bus agents.
A corr ect parity signal is high if an even number of covered signals are low and lo w if an
odd number of covered s ignals are low. While RS[2:0]# = 000, RSP# is also hi gh, sinc e this
indi cates it is not bein g driven by any agent guara nteeing correct p arity.
The SLOTOCC# signal is defined to allow a system design to detec t the presence of a
terminator card or processor in a S C 242 connector. Combined with the VID combination of
VID[4:0]= 1111 1 (see Section 2.6), a s ys tem can determin e if a SC 242 connector is
oc cupied, and whet her a proces s or core is present. Se e the ta ble below for states and val ues
for determining the ty pe of cartridge in th e SC 242 connector.
The SLP# (Sleep) signa l, w hen asserted in Stop- G r ant state, ca uses processors to enter the
Sleep state. Dur ing Sleep s tate, the pro ces s or stops provi ding internal clock signals to all
units, leaving only the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) still operating. Processors in this state will
not recognize sn oops o r interr upts. The processor will recognize only as s ertions of the
SLP#, STPCLK#, and RESET# signals while in Sleep state. If SLP# is deasserted, the
processor exits Sleep state and returns to Stop-Grant state, rest arting its internal clock
signals to the bus and APIC processor core un its.
The SMI# (System Management Interrupt) signal is a sserted asynchronously by system
logi c. On accept ing a Syst em Management Int errupt, processors s ave the current stat e and
enter S ystem Manageme nt Mode (SMM). An SMI Acknowledge tra ns action is issued, and
the processor begins prog ram execution fro m the SMM handler.
The STPCLK # (Stop Cl ock) signal, when asserted, causes pr oces s ors to enter a low pow er
Stop-Grant s tate. The processor i s sues a Stop-Grant Ac knowledge transa ction, and stops
provi ding internal cl ock signals to all processor core units except the bus and APIC units.
The pr ocessor continues t o s noop bus trans actions and ser vice interrupts while i n Stop-
Grant state. When STPCLK# is deasserted, the processor restarts its internal clock to all
unit s and resumes execution. Th e as s ertion of STPCLK# has no effect on the bus clock;
STPCLK# is an asynchronous input.
TCK I The TCK (Test Clock) signal provides the clock input for the Pentium II processor Test Bus
(al s o known as the Test Acces s Port).
TDI I The TDI (Test Data In) signal transfers serial test da ta into the Pentium II processor . TDI
provi des the serial input needed for JTAG specif ication support.
TDO O The TDO (Test Data Out) signal transfers serial test data out of the Pentium II processor.
TDO provides the serial output needed for JTAG specification support.
TESTHI I The TESTHI signal must be connected to a 2.5 V power s ource through a 1 -100 k resistor
for proper processor oper ation.
THERMDN O Thermal D iode Cathod e. Use d to calculate core t emperature. See Se ction 4. 1.
THERMDP I Thermal Diode Ano de. Used to calcul ate core temperature. See Section 4. 1.
Table 41. Signal Descri ption (She et 7 of 8)
Name T
e Descri
SC 242 Occu
at io n Tr u t h Tabl e
nal Value Status
Any thing other than
‘11111’ Process or with core in SC 242 connect or.
VID[4:0] 0
11111 Termi nator cartr idge in SC 242 connector
(i.e., no core present).
VID[4:0] 1
An y va l u e SC 242 connector no t occupied.
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 81
7.2 Si gnal Summaries
Table 42 through Table 45 list attributes of the Pentium II process or output, input, a nd I/O si gnals.
The processor protects itsel f from catastroph ic over heating by use of an in tern al thermal
sensor. This sen s or is set w ell ab ove the n or mal operating temperature to ensure that ther e
are no false trips. T he pr ocessor will s top all execution when th e ju nction temperature
exce eds approximate ly 135 °C. Th is is signaled to the s ys tem by t he THER MTRI P#
(Thermal Trip) pin. Once acti vated, the si gnal remain s lat ched, and the proc es s or s topped,
until RESET# goes active. There is no hysteresis built into the thermal sensor itself; as long
as the die temperature drops below the trip lev e l, a RES ET # pulse will res et the processor
an d exec ut io n will con tin u e. If the tempe ra tur e ha s not drop p ed belo w the trip level, the
pro cess o r will con tin ue to drive THER MTRIP# and rem ain sto pp ed.
TMS I The TMS ( Test Mode Sel ect) si gnal is a JTAG specif ication support si gnal used by debug
TRDY# I The TRDY# (Target Ready) signal is asserted by the target to indicate that it is ready to
receive a write or implicit writeback data transfer. TRDY# must connect the appropri ate
pins of all Pentium II processor system bus agents.
TRST# I The TRST# (Test Reset) sign al resets the Test Access Port (TAP) logic. TRST # must be
dri ven low during power on Reset. This can be done with a 680 ohm pull- down resi s tor.
VID[4:0] O
The VID[4:0] ( Voltage ID) pins can be us ed to sup port auto matic selection of power supp ly
volt ages. These pins are n ot signals, but are eit her an o pen circuit or a short circuit to VSS
on the processor. Th e combination of opens and shorts defines the voltage requ ire d by the
processor. The VID pins are needed t o cleanly support voltage specification variat ions on
Pentium II proc essors. See Table 1 for definitions of these pi ns. The power supply must
supp ly th e voltage that is requested by these pins, or disable i tself.
Table 41. Si gnal Desc ription (Sheet 8 o f 8)
Name T
e Descri
Table 42. Output Signals
Na m e Active L e ve l Cloc k Si
na l G rou
FERR# Low Asyn ch CMOS Output
IERR# Low Asyn ch CMOS Output
SLOTOCC# Low Asynch Power/Other
TDO High TCK JTAG Output
THERMTRIP# Lo w Asyn ch CMOS Output
VID[4:0] High Asynch Power/Other
Pentium® II Proce ssor at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
82 Datasheet
1. Synchronous as s ertion with act ive TDRY# ensur es s ynchron ization.
Table 43. Input Signals
Name Active Level Clock Si
nal Grou
A20M # L ow Asynch CMOS Inp ut Al w ays1
BPRI# Low BCLK AGTL+ In put Alw ays
BR1# Low BCLK AGTL+ Input Always
BCLK High Clock Always
DEFER# Low BCLK AGTL+ Input Always
FLU SH# Low Asynch CMOS Input Alwa ys1
IGNNE# Low Asynch CMOS Input Al ways1
INIT# Low Asynch CMOS Input Always1
INTR High Asynch CMOS Input APIC disabl ed mo de
LINT[1:0] High Asynch CMOS Input APIC enabled mode
NM I High Asynch CMOS Inp ut APIC disabled mo de
PICCLK High APIC Clock Always
PREQ# Low Asynch CMOS Input Alw a y s
PWRGOOD High Asynch CMOS Input Always
RESET# Low BCLK AGTL+ Input Al ways
RS[2:0]# Low BCLK AGTL+ Input Always
RSP# Low BCLK AGTL+ Input Always
SLP# Low Asynch CMO S Input Duri ng Stop- Grant sta te
SMI# Low Asynch CMOS Input
STPCLK# Low Asynch CMOS Input
TCK High JTAG Input
TESTHI High Asynch Power/Other Always
TRST# Low Asynch JTAG Input
Pentium® II Proces s or at 350 MHz, 400 MHz, and 450 MHz
Datasheet 83
Table 44. Input/Output Signals (Single Driver)
Name Active Level Clock Si
nal Grou
100/66# Low Asynch Power/Other Always
A[35:3]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O ADS#, ADS#+1
ADS# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Always
AP[1:0]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O ADS #, ADS#+1
BR0# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Alwa ys
BP[3:2]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Always
BPM[1:0]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Always
D[63:0]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O DRDY#
REQ[4:0]# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O ADS#, ADS#+1
Table 45. Input/Output Signals (Multiple Driver)
Name Active Level Clock Si
nal Grou
BNR# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Always
HIT# Low BCLK AGTL+ I/O Always
PICD[1:0] High PICCLK APIC I/O Always