- Whether or not chip erase operation is completed successfully can be checked by sequence flug with R/B
(Except for MB98A81063), Data Polling or Toggle Bit function. See “WRITE OPERATION STATUS”.
- Any commands written to the chip during programming operation will be ignored.
8. Automated Sector Erase Capability
- We can execute the erase operation on any sectors by 6 bus cycle operation.
- A time-out of 50 µs (typ.) from the rising edge of the last Sector Erase command will initiate the Sector Erase
command(s) for other sector than the sector that sector erase command have been valid.
- Multiple sectors in a chip can be erased concurrently. This sequence is followed with writes of 30H to addresses
in other sectors desired to be concurrently erased. The time between writes 30H must be less than 50 µs,
otherwise that command will not be accepted. Any command other than Sector Erase or Erase Suspend during
this time-out period will reset the chip to Read mode. The automated sector erase begins after the 50 µs (typ .)
time out from the rising edge of WE pulse for the last Sector Er ase command pulse. Whether the sector erase
window is still open can be monitored with D3 and D11.
- Sector Erase does not require the user to pre-prog ram prior to erase . The chip automatically progr ams “0” to
all memory locations in the sector(s) prior to electrical erase. The system is not required to provide any controls
or timing during these operations.
- The card returns to Common Memory Read mode automatically after the sector erasing is completed.
- Whether or not sector erase oper ation is completed successfully can be checked by sequence flug with R/B,
Data Polling or Toggle Bit function. The sequence flug must be read from the address of the sector in v olv ed in
erase operation. See “WRITE OPERATION STATUS”.
9. Erase Suspend
- Erase Suspend command allows the user to interrupt the sector erase operation and then do data reads or
program from or to a non-busy sector in the chip which has the sector(s) suspended erase (only data read is
possible for MB98A81063). This command is applicab le only during the sector erase operation (including the
sector erase time-out period after the sector erase commands 30H) and will be ignored if written during the
chip erase or programming operation. Writing this command during the time-out will result in immediate
termination of the time-out period. The addresses are “don’t cares” in wrinting the Erase Suspend or Resume
commands in the chip.
- When the Erase Suspend command is written during a Sector Erase operation, the chip will enter the Erase
Suspend Read mode. User can read the data from other sectors than those in suspention. The read oper ation
from sectors in suspention results D2/D10 toggling for MB98A81183 and MB98A8xx7x. User can program to
non-busy sectors by writing program commands for MB98A81183 and MB98A8xx7x.
- A read from a sector being erase suspended may result in invalid data.
10. Intelligent Identifier (ID) Read Mode
- Each common memory can execute an Intelligent Identifier operation, initiated by writing Intelligent ID command
(90H). Following the command write, a read cycle from address 00H retrieves the manufacture code, and a
read cycle from address 01H returns the device code as follows. To terminate the operation, it is necessary
to write Read/Reset command.
11. Hardware Reset (not applied for MB98A81063)
- The Card may be reset by driving the RESET pin to VIH. The RESET pin must be kept High (VIH) for at least
500 ns. Any operation in progress will be terminated and the card will be reset to the read mode 20 µs after
the RESET pin is driven High. If a hardware reset occurs during a program operation, the data at that particular
location will be indeterminate.
- When the RESET pin is high and the internal reset is complete, the Card goes to standby mode and cannot
be accessed. Also, note that all the data output pins are High-Z for the duration of the RESET pulse. Once
the RESET pin is taken low, the Card requires 500 ns of wake up time until outputs are valid for read access.
- If hardware reset occurs during a erase operation, there is a possibility that the erasing sector(s) cannot be
used after this.
Part Number Maker Code Device Code
MB98A81063 04 h / 0404 h A4 h / A4A4 h
MB98A81183 04 h / 0404 h D5 h / D5D5 h
MB98A81273/81373/1473/81573 04 h / 0404 h 3D h / 3D3D h
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