MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Features Functional Schematic 3 Terminal LPF Broadband Shunt Structure 50 MHz - 12 GHz Broadband Frequency >100 W Peak Power Handling < 0.1 dB Shunt Insertion Loss > 25 dB Shunt Isolation < 20C/W Thermal Resistance Lead-Free 1.5 x 1.2 mm 6-lead TDFN Package RoHS* Compliant and 260C Reflow Compatible Description The MADP-011029 is a lead-free 1.5 x 1.2 mm TDFN surface mount plastic package that provides both low and high signal frequency operation from 50 MHz to 12 GHz. The higher breakdown voltage and lower thermal resistance of the PIN diode provides peak power handling in excess of 100 W. RFIN 1 6 RFOUT GND 2 5 GND GND 3 4 GND 7 Pin Configuration3 This device is ideally suitable for usage in higher incident power switches, phase shifters, attenuators, and limiter microwave circuits over a broad frequency where higher performance surface mount diode assemblies are required. 1,2 Ordering Information Pin No. Pin Name Description 1 RFIN RF Input 2 GND Ground 3 GND Ground 4 GND Ground Part Number Package 5 GND Ground MADP-011029-14150T 3000 piece reel 6 RFOUT RF Output MADP-011029-000SMB Sample board 7 Paddle4 Ground 1. Reference Application Note M513 for reel size information. 2. All RF Sample boards include 5 loose parts. 3. MACOM recommends connecting unused package pins to ground. 4. The exposed pad centered on the package bottom must be connected to RF, DC, and thermal ground. * Restrictions on Hazardous Substances, European Union Directive 2011/65/EU. 1 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Electrical Specifications: TA = +25C 5. 6. 7. 8. Parameter Test Conditions Units Min. Typ. Max. Forward Voltage + 50 mA DC V 0.7 0.9 1.1 Reverse Leakage Current -200 V DC nA -- |- 20| |-1000| Total Capacitance5 -50 V @ 1 GHz pF -- 0.31 0.40 Series Resistance 6 +10 mA @ 1 GHz -- 1.5 1.9 Parallel Resistance6 -Vdc = -40 V, @ 100 MHz K -- 1000 -- Minority Carrier Lifetime +If = 10 mA / -Ir = -6 mA (50% Control Voltage, 90% Output Voltage) s -- 1.0 2.0 CW Thermal Resistance ( Infinite Heat Sink at Thermal Ground Plane) I High = 4 A, I low = 10 mA @ 10 kHz C/W -- 20 -- Power Dissipation7,8 ( Infinite Heat Sink at Thermal Ground Plane) +If = 50 mA @ 1 GHz W -- 7.5 -- Insertion Loss F = 1 GHz, -Vdc = -10 V dB -- 0.1 -- Isolation F = 1 GHz, +I bias = +10 mA dB 23 25 -- Ct ( Total Capacitance ) = CJ ( Junction Capacitance ) + Cp ( Parasitic Package Capacitance ). Rs and Rp are measured on an HP4291A Impedance Analyzer. De-rate power dissipation linearly by -50 mW/C to 0 W @ +175C: Pd (T) = Pd (+25C) - P = Pd (+25) - (50 mV/C) (T). PD = Tj / or PD=(IF + IRF) 2 (Rs), where IF is the forward bias DC current and IRF is the forward bias RMS RF current. Absolute Maximum Ratings9,10 Parameter Absolute Maximum DC Forward Voltage @ +250 mA 1.2 V DC Forward Current 250 mA Please observe the following precautions to avoid damage: DC Reverse Voltage |-400 V| Static Sensitivity Junction Temperature +175C Operating Temperature -65C to +125C Storage Temperature -65C to +150C These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and can be damaged by static electricity. Proper ESD control techniques should be used when handling these Class 1B devices. Handling Procedures 9. Exceeding any one or combination of these limits may cause permanent damage to this device. 10. MACOM does not recommend sustained operation near these survivability limits. 2 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz PCB Layout Rev. V3 500 - 5000 MHz Parts List12 Part Value Case Style C1 62 pF 0402 C2, C3 100 pF 0402 FB1 470 @ 1 GHz 0402 R1 150 0402 L1 82 nH 0402 12. Max DC voltage with recommended components not to exceed 100 V. PCB Schematic Assembly Recommendations Devices may be soldered using standard Pb60/Sn40, or RoHS compliant solders. Leads are plated NiPdAuAg to ensure an optimum solderable connection. For recommended Sn/Pb and RoHS soldering profile See Application Note M538 on the MACOM website. Cleanliness and Storage These devices should be handled and stored in a clean environment. Ends of the device are NiPdAuAg plated for greater solderability. Exposure to high humidity (>80%) for extended periods may cause the surface to oxidize. Caution should be taken when storing devices for long periods. General Handling 11. R1 is not needed when using the recommended ferrite FB1. Device can be handled with tweezers or vacuum pickups and are suitable for use with automatic pick-and-place equipment. 3 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Typical 1 GHz Parametric Curves Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage 1000 0.40 100 0.35 CT (pF) RS (ohms) Series Resistance vs. Forward Current 10 0.30 0.25 1 0.1 0.001 0.010 0.20 0.100 0 10 20 30 Reverse Bias (V) Forward Bias (A) Parallel Resistance vs. Reverse Voltage RP (ohms) 1000000 100000 10000 0 10 20 30 40 Reverse Bias (V) 4 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: 40 MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Typical RF Small Signal Performance Curves Return Loss 0.0 0 -0.1 -10 -0.2 -20 S11 (dB) S21 (dB) Insertion Loss -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -30 0V 10 V 50 V 0 2 0V 10 V 50 V -40 4 6 8 10 -50 12 0 2 4 Frequency (GHz) 6 8 10 Frequency (GHz) Isolation -10 10 mA 25 mA 50 mA S21 (dB) -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 5 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: 12 MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Lead-Free 1.5 x 1.2 mm 6-Lead TDFN NOTES: 1. REFERENCE JEDEC MO-153-AB FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONAL AND TOLERANCE INFORMATION. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN AS INCHES/MM. Reference Application Note S2083 for lead-free solder reflow recommendations. Meets JEDEC moisture sensitivity level 1 requirements. Plating is NiPdAuAg. 6 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Applications Section Schematic of High Power SP2T Shunt Switch using MADP-011029-14150T PIN Diodes F = Octave Bandwidth from 1 to 12 GHz Pinc = +40 dBm CW Pinc = +50 dBm, 10 s PW, 1% Duty B1 B2 J0 J1 J2 = 90 L = 11.807 / ( eff 1/2 = 90 = 90 = 90 * F * 4 ) inches, = * L = ( 2 / ) * L = 90 Frequency is in GHz, eff is Effective Dielectric Constant of Transmission Line Medium RF State B1 Bias B2 Bias J0-J1 Low Loss & J0-J2 Isolation -50 V @ 0 mA +1 V @ +20 mA J0-J2 Low Loss & J0-J1 Isolation +1 V @ +20 mA -50 V @ 0 mA 7 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Applications Section Schematic of 3 Stage Limiter using MADP-011029-14150T F = 1000 - 8000 MHz Pinc = +47 dBm CW Pinc = +50 dBm, 10 s P.W., 1% Duty C1 C2 RFIN RFOUT D1 D2 L1 D3 Part PN Case Style Description Quantity D1 MADP-011029-14150T ODS-1415 Input PIN Diode 1 D2 MADL-011023-14150T ODS-1415 2nd Stage PIN Diode 1 D3 MADL-011023-14150T ODS-1415 3rd Stage PIN Diode 1 L1 33 nH 0402 RF Choke / DC Return 1 C1 27 pF 0402 DC Block 1 C2 27 pF 0402 DC Block 1 8 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MADP-011029-14150 High Power PIN Diode 50 MHz - 12 GHz Rev. V3 Microwave Model of MADP-011029-14150T 1 2 3 1 Ls Ls Cj Cpkg/2 Rj 2 Cpkg/2 3 Rj = Rs (Forward Bias Current) Rj = Rp (Reverse Bias Voltage) Parameter Value Cpackage 8.0E-14 F L bond = Ls 4.0E-10 H Rs 0.9 Rp 5E+5 9 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: