Thick Film Chip Resistor Chip resistors, which are available for surface mounting, are general passive component which is useful for voltage drop, current controlling in circuit and surface mounting is available. Samsung electro-mechanics also manufactures a wide range of chip resistors such as general, precision, trimmable and low ohms and so on. Production is increasing with demand for small size & light weight of set product. We provide ultra-small, high-reliability, high-stability resistors. We have obtained ISO-9002/QS-9000 and ISO-14001 certification. General Features - Very small, thin, and light weight. - Both flow and reflow soldering are applicable. - Owing to the reduced lead inductance, the high frequency characteristic is excellent. - Suitable size and packaging for surface mount assembly. - Reel type and Bulk type Packaging are applicable. - General purpose. - Home Appliances (DVD, Digital TV, Camcorder, VTR, Digital Camera, Audio, Tuner) - For Computers & Communication Device. (Notebook, Memory Module, Mobile, Network Equipment, etc) Part Numbering RC 1005 J 1 2 3 101 4 CS 5 1 CODE DESIGNATION RC : This code expresses the Resistor that is produced by Samsung ElectroMechanics CO.LTD. (with the exception of Trimmable Chip Resistor(RT)) Chip Resistor Applications 2 DIMENSION The dimension is expressed as a 4 digit number base on SI unit (mm).
First 2 digits are length of resistor, and last 2 digits are width. l1 H W l2 L [ Unit : ] (inch) L W H l1 l2 *0 40 2 (01005) 0.400.02 0.200.02 0.120.03 0.150.03 0.150.03 06 03 (0201) 0.600.03 0.300.03 0.230.03 0.100.05 0.150.05 10 05 (0402) 1.000.05 0.500.05 0.350.05 0.200.10 0.250.10 16 08 (0603) 1.60 0.10 0.80 0.15 0.45 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.35 0.10 20 12 (0805) 2.00 0.20 1.25 0.15 0.50 0.10 0.40 0.20 0.35 0.20 32 16 (1206) 3.20 0.20 1.60 0.15 0.55 0.10 0.45 0.20 0.40 0.20 32 25 (1210) 3.20 0.20 2.55 0.20 0.55 0.10 0.45 0.20 0.40 0.20 50 25 (2010) 5.00 0.20 2.50 0.20 0.55 0.10 0.60 0.20 0.60 0.20 64 32 (2512) 6.30 0.20 3.20 0.20 0.55 0.10 0.60 0.20 0.60 0.20 * New : under developing('08) 3 RESISTANCE TOLERANCE The Resistance Tolerance is expressed as a letter base on EIAJ standard. Item F G J K M Tolerance (%) 1 2 5 10 20 Producing Series E-24, E-96 E-48 E-24 E-12 E-6 Type P, L G, L G, L G, L, T T Type Representation : G(General), P(Precision), L(Low ohms), T(Trimmable) Chip Resistor D imensio n 4 NOMINAL RESISTANCE VALUE The Nominal Resistance Value is expressed as 3 or 4 digits base o EIAJ standard. Item Resistance Tolerance Only number Number & alphabet "R" 3 Digits mark 4 Digits mark F, G, J, K, M F, G First 2 digits : Resistance value First 3 digits : Resistance value Last 1 digit : Exponential number of 10. Last 1 digit : Exponential number of 10. Read alphabet "R" as decimal point. Read alphabet "R" as decimal point. 1) 101 : 10 x 101 = 10 x 10 = 100 Example 2) 7R5 : 7 . 5 = 7.5 3) R75 : 0.75 1) 1001 : 100 x 10 1 = 100 x 10 = 1 2) 9R09 : 9.09 = 9.09 If resistance value in E-96 is same resistance value in E-24, we mark 3 or 4 digits. In case of JUMPER(0 ohm), '000' is marked on that resistor. 0603, 1005, 1608 (4 digits mark) : No Marking on the resistor. Chip Resistor 5 PACKAGING CODE The Packaging Code is expressed as 2 digits alphabet. Packaging Code C S E S A S G S Description 7" REEL PACKAGING 10" REEL PACKAGING 13" REEL PACKAGING BULK CASE PACKAGING Dimension Packaging Q'ty 0603 15,000 PCS 1005 10,000 PCS 1608, 2012, 3216, 3225 5,000 PCS 5025, 6432 4,000 PCS 1005 30,000 PCS 1608, 2012, 3216, 3225 10,000 PCS 1005 40,000 PCS 1608, 2012, 3216, 3225 20,000 PCS 5025, 6432 15,000 PCS 1608 25,000 PCS 2012 10,000 PCS 3216 5,000 PCS CHARACTERISTIC LINE UP RESISTANCE RANGE The Resistance Range that we produce depends on the Dimension and the Resistance Tolerance of the resistor. [ unit : ] Dim. (inch) Tol. *0402 0603 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 5025 6432 (01005) (0201) (0402) (0603) (0805) (1206) (1210) (2010) (2512) 101M 101M 101M 101M 101M 101M 101M 10 1M 101M P *0.07~ 1 0.2 ~ 1 0.2 ~ 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.11 0.11 0.0471 0.0391 L 101M 10 1M 1 1M 1 1M 11M 11M 11M 11M G *0.07~ 1 0,047 - 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.071 0.11 0.1 1 0.11 L 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M G *0.07~ 1 0,047 - 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.071 0.11 0.1 1 0.11 L 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M G - 0,047 - 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.1 ~ 1 0.071 0.11 0.1 1 0.11 L - - 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M T - - 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M 110M T Type F 101M G 101M K M * New : under developing ( '08) Type Representation : G(General), P(Precision), L(Low ohms), T(Trimmable) Chip Resistor J CARACTERISTIC LINE UP RATED POWER The Rated Power is classified by the dimension of the resistor. Dimension 0603 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 5025 6432 (0201) (0402) (0603) (0805) (1206) (1210) (2010) (2512) Rated Power 1/20 W (0.05 W) 1/16 W (0.063 W) 1/10 W (0.100 W) 1/8 W (0.125 W) 1/4 W (0.25 W) 1/3 W (0.33 W) 2/3 W (0.67W) 1.0 W Working Volt.(Max.) 25 V 50 V 50 V 150 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V STOL, IOL Volt.(Max.) 50 V 100 V 100 V 300 V 400 V 400 V 400 V 400 V item STOL : Short Time OverLoad IOL : Intermittent OverLoad The rated power is specified as continuous full loading power at the ambient temperature of Chip Resistor 702. In case of the temperature exceeding 702, the power should be derated in accordance to . [0603, 1005, 3225, 5025, 6432] [1608, 2012, 3216] Rated load percent (%) 100 100 Rated load percent (%) Ambient temperature () Ambient temperature () 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 -55 70 0 -40 0 40 -55 125 80 120 Working Temperature - 55 + 125 : 0603, 1005, 3225, 5025, 6432 - 55 + 155 : 1608, 2012, 3216 0 155 70 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 RELIABILITY TEST CONDITION Jumper's reliability test data are only applied to General type resistor. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC The electrical characteristic test should satisfy the test method, procedure, and standard. If there is no special comment, each test is performed at standard conditions. (temperature 20, humidity 65%RH, pressure 1023mbar) Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor Jumper Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.5 Test voltage : Applying time : within 5 seconds. Test board : DC resistance value DC resistance should be within the specified resistance 50m Type 100 P 200 L Coefficient G Table 9 G, P, L J Table 9 G, L K Table 9 G, L M Table 9 G, L, T of Resistance Range() Short time overload (STOL) Temp. : 20 -55 20 125 20 Test board : Calculation : - 1 R < 10 +300, -200 10 R < 1M 200 1M R < 10M 300 2. R should be R - R0 1 x x106 R0 T - T0 R0 : Resistance at T 0 () T : Test temperature ( -55, 125) R : Resistance at T () Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.13 1. No mechanical damage TCR(ppm/) = T0 : 20 2 ppm/ +600, -300 1 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.8 0.1 R < 1 < < < < < < < 50m Maximum within (1%+0.1) Test voltage : 2.5 times of rated voltage Max. surge current at the Jumper. Applying time : 5 seconds Test board : Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.13 Intermittent overload (IOL) Test voltage : 2.5 times of rated voltage Max. 1. No mechanical damage 2. R should be within (3%+0.1) 50m Maximum surge current at the Jumper. Test method : 1 sec ON, 25 sec OFF 10,000+40 0cycles Test board : Chip Resistor Temperature 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 10 25 50 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M ppm/ F Voltage (V) R R R R R R R R Maximum tolerance. Tolerance Range () Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor Withstanding voltage Insulation resistance No mechanical damage, short circuit, Jumper Same as left or disconnection. Should have more Same as than 1,000M left Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.7 Test voltage : 0603 AC 50V 1005,1608 AC 100V, others AC 500V Applying time : 60 +10/-0 seconds Test board : Standard : JIS C 5201- 4.7 Test voltage : 0603 DC 50V 1005,1608 DC 100V, others DC 500V Applying time : 60 seconds Test pressure : 1.00.2 N Test board : Noise standard R ange ( ) Noise dB M ax. 0.1 R < 1 -10(L-T ype) 1 R < 100 -10 100 R < 1K 0 1K R < 100K 15 100K R < 1M 20 1M R < 10M 30 Measure equipment : QUAN-TECH NOISE - METER (MODEL 315C) The mechanical characteristic test should satisfy the test method, procedure, and standard. If there is no special comment, each test is performed at standard conditions. (temperature 20, humidity 65%RH, pressure 1023mbar) Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor New solder Solderability coated more than 95% of termination Jumper Same as left Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.17 Test temperature : 245 5 Test time : 3 0.5 sec (dipping both side) Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.33 Test board : Test speed : 100mm/min Test procedure : press until 3mm, then keep 5 seconds 1. No mechanical Bending strength damage 2. R should be within (0.5%+0.05) Same as left 20 R205 3 Chip Resistor MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTIC Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor Termination strength Jumper No mechanical damage, or sign of Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.16 Same as left disconnection soldering heat Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.18 50m damage 2. R should be Maximum within (1%+0.05) 2. R should be Test time : 10 1second (both side dipping) Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.22 50m damage Temperature : 260 5 Test procedure : measures after 24 hours 1. No mechanical Vibration Test tension : 0603,1005,1608 - 3N (300gf) Others (500gf) 1. No mechanical Withstanding Test time : applying pressure for 5 seconds Maximum within (1%+0.05) Test amplitude : 1.5mm Test procedure : frequency 10Hz - 55Hz 10Hz each 2 hours in x, y, z direction. The Environmental characteristic test should satisfy the test method, procedure, and standard. If there is no special comment, Each test performs in standard state. (temperature 20, humidity 65%RH, pressure 1023mbar) Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor Jumper Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.19 Test procedure : Measure : after 100 cycles of procedure 1. No mechanical Temperature cycle 50m damage 2. R should be Maximum within (1%+0.1) Test board : item tem p() tim e(m in) 1 -55 2 30 2 5~35 15 3 125 2 30 4 5~35 15 1. No mechanical Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.14 damage Test condition : temp 40 3, humid 90 ~ 2. R should be Moisture resistance life within Range( ) 0.1 R < 1 R M AX 5%( L-Type) 1 R < 10 5% 10 R < 1M (3 %+0.1) 1M R < 10M 5% 100m Maximum 95%RH Test voltage : rated voltage Test time : repeat 90min ON, 30min OFF during 1000 +4 8 hours Test board : Chip Resistor ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTIC Permissible deviation item Test method Resistor Jumper 1. No mechanical Low temperature exposure damage 50m 2. R should be Maximum within (3%+0.1) 1. No mechanical High temperatur exposure damage 50m 2. R should be Maximum within (3%+0.1) 1. No mechanical damage 2. R should be within Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.23 Test temperature : -55 2 Test time : 1000 +4 8 hours (without load) Measure : after 1 hour Test board : Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.23 Test temperature : 1608,2012,3216 1552, Others 125 2 Test time : 1000 +4 8 hours (without load) Measure : after 1 hour Test board : Standard : JIS C 5201-1 4.25 Test temperature : 70 2 100m Load life Maximum Test voltage : rated voltage Test time : repeat 90min ON, 30min OFF during 1000 +4 8 hours Test board : . Soldering (for lead free type) The resistor should be fixed on PCB(printed circuit board) for testing. - Soldering specification : JIS C 5201-1 4.18 * Soldering method : Flow type(Dipping type), Reflow type * Solder : Sn -3.0Ag -0.5Cu * FLUX : ROSIN 25WT% (JIS K 5902), IPA 75WT% (JIS K 5901) - Flow soldering condition * FLUX dipping time : 510 sec * Pre-treatment : None * Soldering temp : 2605 * Soldering time : 101 sec Chip Resistor TEST BOARD AND SPECIFICATION Test board Test board item c Dimension (mm) Dimension Power 0603 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 5025 6432 1/20W 1/16W 1/10W 1/8W 1/4W 1/3W 2/3W 1W a 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 5.2 b 1.1 1.9 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 c 0.45 0.7 1.2 1.65 2.0 2.9 3.0 3.5 10 - 1.0 3 3.5 f 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.3 3.3 3.3 3.0 2.5 f a b 25 5.5 7.5 5.08 3 Connector 58.5 : COPPER PATTERN : SOLDER - RESISTOR , are dimensions of test board. * Board material : epoxy JIS C 6484 * pattern material : pure copper 99.5% or above JIS C 6484 Bending Test Board a item f d=4. Dimensio n (mm) Dimension Power 0603 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 5025 6432 1/20W 1/16W 1/10W 1/8W 1/4W 1/3W 2/3W 1W a 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 5.2 b 1.1 1.9 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 c 0.45 0.7 1.2 1.65 2.0 2.9 3.0 3.5 5 f 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.3 3.3 3.3 3.0 2.5 40 c b 100 : COPPER PATTERN : SOLDER - RESISTOR , are dimensions of bending test board. * Board material : epoxy JIS C 6484 * pattern material : pure copper 99.5% or above JIS C 6484 Sketch of Withstanding voltage and Insulation resistance Cu Cu Cu P2 P1 P1 V Substrate Chip Resistor RELIABILITY PACKAGINGTEST CONDITION PACKAGING METHOD Packaging protects the resistor from damage during the shipping or storage. There are two types of packaging method ; one is "Reel" type, and the other is "Bulk" type. REEL TYPE PACKAGING SPECIFICATION The packaging specification is based on the EIAJ RC-1009. is tape dimension For 0603type. is for pocket sizes, A and B. 0.1 1.50 1.750.1 1.0 3.50.05 B 2.00.05 0.5 Max 8.00.1 A Chip Resistor Top Tape 0.5 Max Carrier Tape [ press type carrier : 0603 ] Top Tape Chip Resistor 0.6 Max Carrier Tape Bottom Tape [ Punched type carrier : 1005 ] Chip Resistor 4.00.1 is tape dimension For 1608, 2012, 3216, 3225 type. is for pocket sizes, A and B. 4.00.1 0.1 0 1.5 1.750.1 1.0 3.50.05 8.00.1 B 2.00.05 1.0 Max 4.00.1 Top Tape A Chip Resistor 1.0 Max Carrier Tape Bottom Tape is tape dimension For 5025, 6432 type. is for pocket sizes, A and B. Chip Resistor Dimension Symbol 0603 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 5025 6432 (0201) (0402) (0603) (0805) (1206) (1210) (2010) (2512) A 0 .38 0.05 0 .70 0.10 1 .10 0.20 1 .65 0.20 2 .00 0.20 2 .90 0.20 2 .80 0.20 3 .50 0.20 B 0 .68 0.05 1 .20 0.10 1 .90 0.20 2 .40 0.20 3 .60 0.20 3 .60 0.20 5 .30 0.20 6 .75 0.20 TAPING METHOD There are empty pocket at both the start and end part of the carrier tape. Reel Packed Part Empty Part Lead Part Adhesion Tape Empty Portion Chips 10 Pitches or more ** 5,000 Pitches or 20,000 Pitches Lead Part Start End **** Empty Portion *** 10 Pitches 200~250 mm or more Note The resistor should not adhere to the top or bottom tape. There should be no vacant pocket. Peeling strength of the top tape should be within 5g and 80g. Peeling Top Tape Chip Resistor Carrier Tape 0 ~10 F Bottom Tape Chip Resistor The resistor should move in the pocket freely. REEL DIMENSION The Reel dimension is classified by the diameter of Reel. < Table 6 > [ Unit : mm ] Diameter A B C D C S 7" 178 60 9.5(13.0) 0.5 1.2 0.2 E S 10" 258 80 9.5 0.5 2.0 0.2 F S, A S 13" 330 80 9.5(13.0) 0.5 2.0 0.2 BULK TYPE PACKAGING Bulk cassette specification is based on the EIAJ ET-7201. The standard packaging quantity depends on the dimension. 6.0 0.05 4.4 0.05 3.4 0.05 12 36 110 Dimension Inch Standard packaging quantity Weight (g, avg.) 1608 0603 25,000 PCS 71 2012 0805 10,000 PCS 65 3216 1206 5,000 PCS 67 Chip Resistor Packaging Code LABELING Reel type Label The reel type label includes the following contents as . Resistance Value 100 Tolerance, Marking Part Number Quantity LOT Number Bar - Code Serial Number Ohm J101 P/N : RC1608J101CS QTY : 5000PCS L/N : RSJA71980 007 Q-2 RoHS logo SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS CO.,LTD. Bulk type Label The bulk type label includes following contents as . Chip Resistor Part Number Resistance Value LOT Number Quantity Bar - Code RC3216J100GS 10 ohm RC3216J100GS RSGHN0040 5000pcs 10 ohm 007 V-2 Serial Number RoHS logo SAMSUNG ELECTRO- MECHANI CS CO.,LTD. BOX PACKAGING METHOD The bulk or reel type packaging is packaged twice by paper box, inner box and outer box. The packaging should protect the resistor from damage during shipping by land sea or air The information of contents is indicated on both inner and outer box. For other packaging methods, please contact us. BOX DIMENSION FOR REEL TYPE Max 75,000 pcs ( 5 EA x 7" ) Max 300,000 pcs ( 20 EA x 7" ) 301.0 1851.0 1955.0 1875.0 661.0 2855.0 1851.0 ( Unit : mm ) ( Unit : mm ) Max 900,000 pcs ( 60 EA x7" ) Chip Resistor 2155.0 3705.0 4105.0 ( Unit : mm ) Max 800,000 pcs ( 20 EA x13" ) Max 160,000 pcs ( 4 EA x 13" ) 401.0 3351.0 3485.0 661.0 3301.0 3365.0 3395.0 ( Unit : mm ) ( Unit : mm ) BOX DIMENSION FOR BULK TYPE Inner box ( Cassette x 5 EA ) Outer box ( Inner box x 20 EA ) 215 41 135 65 116 ( Unit : mm ) 242 ( Unit : mm ) Chip Resistor APPLICATION MANUAL APPLICATIONS Chip resistors are designed for general electronic devices such as home appliances, computer, mobile communications, digital circuit, etc. If you require our products with high reliability-performing at more than 125C or below -55C for medical equipments, aircraft, high speed machines, military usage, and items that can affect human life or if you need to use in specific conditions (corrosive gas atmosphere), please contact us beforehand. Normal Operation temperature ranges() as follows. - 1608, 2012, 3216(general, precision) : -55 ~ + 155 - Others (rectangular, array, trimmable) : -55 ~ + 125 Although resistor body is coated, sharp excessive impact should be avoided to prevent damages and adverse effects on characteristics(resistor value, open circuited, T.C.R.). To maintain proper quality of chip components, the following precautions are required for storage environment, method and period. Storage Environment - Chip components may be deformed, if the temperature of packaged components exceeds 40. - Do not store where the soldering properties can be deteriorated by harmful gas such as sulphurous gas, chlorine gas, etc. - Bulk packed chip components should be used as soon as the seal is opened, thus preventing the solderability from deteriorating. - The remaining unused chips should be put in the original bag and sealed again or store in a desiccator containing a desiccating agent. Storage Time Period - Stored chip components should be used within 6 months after receiving the components. If 6 months or more have elapsed, please check the solderability before actually using. Chip Resistor STORAGE MOUNTING Proper nozzle height must be given attention so as not to give excessive pressure on the chip during mounting on the PCB. (Excessive pressure may cause exterior damage, change in resistance, circuit open, etc.) SOLDERING Our products have Ag electrodes protected by double layer. 1st Ni Coating - This prevents Ag electrode from leaching and enhance the bonding with Sn 2nd Sn Coating - This is made of Sn 100% with melting point 232 to prevent it from melting when solder cream melts, and to enhance the bonding. - Commercial solder creams are made of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu with melting point 217. CLEANING flux may dissolve into some types of cleaning fluids, thereby affecting the chip capacitors. This means that the cleaning fluid must be carefully selected, and should always be new. CAUTION FOR CHIP RESISTOR SEPERATION FROM PCB Chip resistor installation on PCB is similar phenomenon as chocolate chip on top of cake. PCB has enough flexibility on outer force but Chip resistor can be defected without any bending. (By chip resistor use of Ceramic, solder, metal) Therefore, when separate from Chip resistor on PCB, be ware of any crack of chip OTHERS Manual work Manual soldering can pose a great risk of creating thermal cracks in chip resistors. The hot soldering iron tip comes into direct contact with the end terminations, an operator's carelessness may cause the tip of the soldering iron to come into direct contact with the ceramic body of the resistors. Therefore the soldering iron must be handled carefully, and close attention must be paid to the selection of the soldering iron tip and to temperature control of the tip. Do not use more than rated voltage.(check the contents on the file) Chip Resistor If rosin flux is used, cleaning usually is unnecessary. When strongly activated flux is used, chlorine in the NOTICE RECOMMENDED USAGE OF THE RESISTOR Flow Soldering After mounting the resistor to PCB with paste, dip the PCB into solder bath. Reflow Soldering After printing solder creams on PCB, place the resistor on the solder cream. CAUTION Storage condition Please make sure to keep the storage conditions. * Temperature : 540, * Humidity : 20%RH 70%RH Damage control Please handle with care to prevent damaging the resistor. Specially, the excessive nozzle height of SMD or the extreme pressure with tweezers. Leaching prevention It is important to keep the soldering conditions to prevent Ag leaching in Flow soldering. Chip Resistor Then heat the PCB.