Charger Switching Power MOSFET
and Diode Selection
Two external power MOSFETs must be selected for use
with the charger: a P-channel MOSFET for the top (main)
switch and an N-channel MOSFET for the bottom (syn-
chronous) switch.
The peak-to-peak gate drive levels are set internally. This
voltage is typically 6V. Consequently, logic-level threshold
MOSFETs must be used. Pay close attention to the BVDSS
specifi cation for the MOSFETs as well; many of the logic
level MOSFETs are limited to 30V or less.
Selection criteria for the power MOSFETs include the “ON”
resistance RDS(ON), total gate capacitance QG, reverse
transfer capacitance CRSS, input voltage and maximum
output current. The charger is operating in continuous
mode at moderate to high currents so the duty cycles for
the top and bottom MOSFETs are given by:
Main Switch Duty Cycle = VOUT/VIN
Synchronous Switch Duty Cycle = (VIN – VOUT)/VIN.
The MOSFET power dissipations at maximum output
current are given by:
Where δΔT is the temperature dependency of RDS(ON) and
k is a constant inversely related to the gate drive current.
Both MOSFETs have I2R losses while the PMAIN equation
includes an additional term for transition losses, which
are highest at high input voltages. For VIN < 20V the high
current effi ciency generally improves with larger MOSFETs,
while for VIN > 20V the transition losses rapidly increase to
the point that the use of a higher RDS(ON) device with lower
CRSS actually provides higher effi ciency. The synchronous
MOSFET losses are greatest at high input voltage or during
a short circuit when the duty cycle in this switch in nearly
100%. The term (1 +δΔT) is generally given for a MOSFET
in the form of a normalized RDS(ON) vs temperature curve,
but δ = 0.005/°C can be used as an approximation for low
voltage MOSFETs. CRSS = QGD/ΔVDS is usually specifi ed
in the MOSFET characteristics. The constant k = 2 can be
used to estimate the contributions of the two terms in the
main switch dissipation equation.
If the charger is to operate in low dropout mode or with
a high duty cycle greater than 85%, then the topside P-
channel effi ciency generally improves with a larger MOSFET.
Using asymmetrical MOSFETs may achieve cost savings
or effi ciency gains.
The Schottky diode D1, shown in the Typical Application
on the back page, conducts during the dead-time between
the conduction of the two power MOSFETs. This prevents
the body diode of the bottom MOSFET from turning on and
storing charge during the dead-time, which could cost as
much as 1% in effi ciency. A 1A Schottky is generally a good
size for 4A regulators due to the relatively small average
current. Larger diodes can result in additional transition
losses due to their larger junction capacitance.
The diode may be omitted if the effi ciency loss can be
Calculating IC Power Dissipation
The power dissipation of the LTC4007 is dependent upon
the gate charge of the top and bottom MOSFETs (QG1 &
QG2 respectively) The gate charge is determined from the
manufacturer’s data sheet and is dependent upon both
the gate voltage swing and the drain voltage swing of the
MOSFET. Use 6V for the gate voltage swing and VDCIN for
the drain voltage swing.
PD = VDCIN • (fOSC (QG1 + QG2) + IQ)
DCIN = 19V, fOSC = 345kHz, QG1 = QG2 = 15nC,
Q = 5mA
PD = 292mW