HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies 1500 Watts xxx Series * High Efficiency up to 92% * High Power Density * Programmable Output Voltage (0105%) * Programmable Output Current (0105%) * Parallel Operation * Fully Featured Signals & Controls * 3 Year Warranty The HDS1500 series offers users both output voltage and output current programming (0 - 105%) via resistance, voltage or I2C bus in a very high efficiency, high power density 3 kW chassis mount package. Measuring just 12.32" x 2.5" x 5.0", the HDS1500 also features active current sharing, remote on/off, remote sense and a power OK signal. The standby output is available whenever the mains supply is present and can be user selected as either 5 V at 0.5 A or 9V at 0.3 A. Dimensions: HDS1500: 12.32 x 2.50 x 5.00" (294.5 x 63.5 x 127 mm) Models & Ratings Output Power Output Voltage V1 Min Output Current Max Efficiency(1) Model Number 1500 W 12.0 VDC 0.0 A 125.0 A 89% HDS1500PS12 1500 W 15.0 VDC 0.0 A 100.0 A 90% HDS1500PS15 1500 W 24.0 VDC 0.0 A 62.5 A 91% HDS1500PS24 1500 W 30.0 VDC 0.0 A 50.0 A 92% HDS1500PS30 1500 W 36.0 VDC 0.0 A 41.7 A 92% HDS1500PS36 1500 W 48.0 VDC 0.0 A 31.3 A 92% HDS1500PS48 1500 W 60.0 VDC 0.0 A 25.0 A 93% HDS1500PS60 Notes 1. Measured with 230 VAC input and full load. Input Characteristic Minimum Input Voltage 90 Input Frequency Maximum Units Notes & Conditions 264 VAC See derating curve 47 63 Hz Input Current 15.0/7.5 A 115/230 VAC Inrush Current 30.0/60/0 A 115/230 VAC 1.0 mA Power Factor Earth Leakage Current 1 Typical 0.99/0.98 115/230 VAC full load www.xppower.com 264 VAC/60 Hz HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies Output Characteristic Minimum Output Voltage 12 Typical Output Trim Maximum Units Notes & Conditions 60 VDC See Models and Ratings table % By potentionmeter Output Voltage Program 0 5.0 105 % Of rated output Output Current Program 0 105 % Of rated output 1 % Initial Set Accuracy Minimum Load 0 A Start Up Delay Start Up Rise Time Hold Up Time 1 s 120 ms 8 At full load ms Line Regulation 1 Load Regulation 1/3 % % 0-100% load. V1/5V standby Transient Response 1 % For a 25% step load change Ripple & Noise 1 % pk-pk 1.25% for 12 V model. Measured with 20 MHz bandwidth and using 12" twisted pair wire terminated with 0.1 F ceramic capacitor and 47 F electrolytic. Overvoltage Protection Tracks output voltage, see application notes Recycle AC to reset Overtemperature Protection Primary and secondary heatsinks, monitored Output shuts down, auto recovers Overload Protection 105 % 0.02 %/C Rated power, constant current Short Circuit Protection Auto recovery Temperature Coefficient Remote Sense 0-50 C Compensates for 0.5 V max voltage drop, if remote sense is not required, local sense must be used Enable Output must be enabled, see application notes, power supply is shipped with enable links fitted Current Share 5 supplies can share within 5% Standby Output 5 V at 0.5 A, present whenever AC is applied (9 V at 0.3 A, user selectable, by connecting `VSET', Pin 18 of CN2 to GND) Output Voltage Programming Via External Voltage 120 100 100 Output Voltage (%) Output Voltage (%) Via External Resistor 120 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 4.8 5 0 1 Programming Voltage (VDC) 2 3 Resistor Value (k ) 4 4.5 4.8 5 4 4.5 4.8 5 Output Current Programming Via External Voltage 120 100 100 Output Current (%) Output Current (%) Via External Resistor 120 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 4.8 5 0 Programming Voltage (VDC) www.xppower.com 1 2 3 Resistor Value (k ) 2 HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies General Characteristic Minimum Efficiency Typical 89 Isolation: Input to Output Input to Ground Output to Ground Maximum Units 93 % See Models and Ratings table 3000 VAC 1500 VAC VAC 500 65 Switching Frequency Notes & Conditions 40 Power Density kHz PFC 200 kHz PWM, variable 9.7 W/in3 Enable, Current Share, V Program, I Program, 5 V Standby, Power OK Signals and Controls Mean Time Between Failure Weight 115 kHrs 5.7 (2.6) lb (kg) MIL-HDBK-217F, 25 C GB Environmental Characteristic Minimum Typical Maximum Units Operating Temperature -20 60 C Storage Temperature -40 +85 C Notes & Conditions Derate linearly from 100% load at 50 C to 60% load at 60 C Internal fan fitted, speed increases with load and internal temperature Cooling Humidity 20 Vibration 90 %RH 2 g 10-500 Hz, 10 min/cycle, 60 min period for each axis, compliant to IEC68-2-16, IEC 68-2-64 Derating Curve Thermal Derating Curve Input Derating Curve 100 100 90 80 Load (%) Load (%) 80 60 40 70 60 50 20 -10 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ambient Temperature (C) 3 60 70 90 100 110 120 Input Voltage (VAC) www.xppower.com 264 HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies Signals & Controls LED Status Output Status Solid (Green) DC Output OK Solid (Orange) DC Output OK in remote control mode Slow Blink (Green) Output Not Enabled Fast Blink (Red) Over Voltage Solid (Red) Over Loaded Slow Blink (Red) Over Temperature Intermittent Blink (Red) Fan Fail Short & Long Blink (Red) AUX Standby Failure Remote Enable 5 V SB 5 V SB 2K SW EN+ OFF Power OFF ON Power ON 5V 2K 5 V SB 2K EN+ L H 5V EN- EN- GND GND OFF Power OFF ON Power ON EN+ SW Power OFF Power ON 5V 5V EN- L/H (A) Using internal 5 V standby GND GND (B) Using external transistor (C) Using external voltage source EMC: Emissions Phenomenon Standard Test Level Conducted EN55022 Class B Radiated EN55022 Class B Harmonic Currents EN61000-3-2 Class A Voltage Flicker EN61000-3-3 Notes & Conditions EMC: Immunity Phenomenon Standard Test Level Criteria ESD Immunity EN61000-4-2 2/3 A Radiated Immunity EN61000-4-3 3 A EFT/Burst EN61000-4-4 3 A Surge EN61000-4-5 Installation class 3 A Conducted EN61000-4-6 3 A Magnetic Field EN61000-4-8 3 A Dips and Interruptions EN55024 DIP: 30% 500 ms A/B INT: >95% 10 ms A INT: >95% 5000 ms B Notes & Conditions 4 kV contact / 8 kV air discharge High Line/Low Line Safety Approvals Safety Agency Safety Standard UL UL60950-1 CSA C22.2 No.60950-1 TUV EN60950-1 Notes & Conditions www.xppower.com 4 HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies Application Notes POK Signal OVP Setting OVP Trip Point POWER SUPPLY 5 V Auxiliary Pin 7 200% 3300R 196% Pin 19 Power not OK Power OK 120% GND Pin 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 114% CN9 Connector 100% 105% 7% % of Nominal Output Voltage Open drain signal, low when PSU turns on Maximum sink current: 20 mA Maximum drain voltage: 40 V Current Sharing with Remote Sense + + + + Remote Sense + CN2 24 V O+ - + L oad 23 VS+ V O- VS- GND POK VSET PAR GND ENEN AUX EN+ 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ VO- VS- VO- VS- VO- VS- VO- VS- GND ACI GND POK GND POK GND POK GND P OK GND VCI VSET PAR VSET PAR VSET PAR VSET PAR GND AUX GND EN- GND EN- GND EN- GND EN- AUX EN+ AUX EN+ AUX EN+ AUX EN+ SDA SCL GND AUX NC NC 2 1 GND ACI GND ACI GND ACI GND ACI GND VCI GND VCI GND VCI GND VCI GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX SD A SCL SDA SCL SDA SCL SDA SCL GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Current Sharing with Local Sense Local Sense + + + + CN2 + 24 23 VO+ - + Load VO- VS- GND POK VSET PAR GND ENEN AUX EN+ VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ VO+ VS+ GND ACI VO- VS- VO- VS- VO- VS- V O- V S- GND VCI GND AUX SDA SCL GND AUX NC NC 2 Must be used if remote sense is not required. VS+ 24 1 23 24 23 24 23 23 GND POK GND POK GND POK GND P OK VSET PAR VSET PAR VSET PAR VSET PAR GND EN- GND EN- GND EN- GND EN- AUX EN+ AUX EN+ AUX EN+ AUX EN+ GND ACI GND ACI GND ACI GND ACI GND VCI GND VCI GND VCI GND VCI GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX SD A SC L SDA SCL SDA SCL S DA SCL GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX GND AUX NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Notes In parallel operation, it is possible that only one unit will operate if the load is less than 5% of the combined rated output load. It is possible to have more than five units in parallel, contact sales for details. 5 24 www.xppower.com HDS1500 Series AC-DC Power Supplies Mechanical Details 0.571 (14.5) 11.024 (280) 9.843 (250) 2.50 (63.5) 5.0 (127) 3.858 (98) 0.591 (15) 1.339 (34) 9.331 (237) 1.378 (35) 0.571 (14.5) 12.323 (313) CN2 Control Pin Connections Pin Function 1 NC. Description Pin Function Pin Function Not Connected 9 VCI V Program Description 17 PAR Parrallel Current Share Description 2 NC. Not Connected 10 GND Signal Ground 18 VSET Auxiliary Output Set 3 AUX Auxiliary Power 11 ACI I Program 19 POK Power OK 4 GND Signal Ground 12 GND Signal Ground 20 GND Signal Ground 5 SCL I2C Serial Data 13 EN+ Inhibit ON/OFF (+) 21 VS- Remote Sense (-) 6 SDA I2C Serial Data 14 AUX Auxiliary Power 22 VO- Output Voltage (-) 7 AUX Auxiliary Power 15 EN- Inhibit ON/OFF (-) 23 VS+ Remote Sense (+) 8 GND Signal Ground 16 GND Signal Ground 24 VO+ Output Voltage (+) Notes 1. All dimensions are in inches (mm). 2. Weight 4.1 lb (1.9 kg) 3. Maintain 2" (50mm) clear space at each end. 4. Mating connector CN2: PHDR-24VS housing, PHD-002T-P05 contacts www.xppower.com 29May14