PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET HAL400, HAL401 Linear Hall Effect Sensor ICs # MICRONAS Edition June 29, 1998 6251-346-4PD INTERMETALLHAL400, HAL401 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Linear Hall Effect Sensor ICs in CMOS technology Release Notes: Revision bars indicate significant changes to the previous edition. Introduction The HAL 400 and HAL401 are Linear Hall Effect Sen- sors produced in CMOS technology. The sensors in- clude a temperature-compensated Hall plate with chop- pered offset compensation, two linear output stages, and protection devices (see Fig. 2). The output voltage is proportional to the magnetic flux density through the hall plate. The choppered offset compensation leads to stable magnetic characteristics over supply valtage and temperature. The HAL400 and HAL401 can be used for magnetic field measurements, current measurements, and detec- tion of any mechanical movement. Very accurate angle measurements or distance measurements can also be done. The sensor is very robust and can be used in elec- trical and mechanical hostile environments. The HAL 400 operates linear in the magnetic field range from 75 mT up te 75 mT. The HAL 401 operates linear in the magnetic field range from 50 mT up te 50 mT. The sensor is designed for industrial and automotive ap- plications and operates in the ambient temperature range from 40 C up to 150 C. The HAL 400 and HAL 401 sensors are available in the SMD-package SOT-89A. Features: switching offset compensation at 147 kHz low magnetic offset extremely sensitive operates from 4.8 to 12 V supply voltage wide temperature range Ta = 40 C to +150 C overvoltage protection reverse voltage protection of Vpp-pin differential output accurate absolute measurements of DC and low fre- quency magnetic fields on-chip temperature compensation low 1/f-noise Marking Code HAL 40080 HAL 40180 401A 401E 401C Operating Junction Temperature Range (T,) A: T, = 40 C to +170 C E: Ty = 40 C to +100 C C: Ty =0C to +100 C The relationship between ambient temperature (Ta) and junction temperature (TJ) is explained on page 15. Hall Sensor Package Codes HAL XXXPA-T Temperature Range: A, E, or CG Package: SO for SOT-89A Type: 400, 401 Example: HAL401S0-E Type: 401 Package: SOT-89A Temperature Range: Ty = 40 C to +100 C Hall sensors are available in a wide variety of packaging versions and quantities. For more detailed information, please refer to the brochure: Ordering Codes for Hall Sensors. Solderability Package SOT-89A: according to IEC68-2-58 Fig. 1: Pin configuration MICRONAS INTERMETALLPRELIMINARY DATA SHEET HAL400, HAL401 Functional Description GND 4 Chopper |_| Oscillator Temp. Offset ji _ Dependent L-4 Compensation; [7] eaitcring Bias Hallplate [| Protection Device Loy Yoo PL oun oura|_ 1 2 __ 3 Fig. 2: Block diagram of the HAL 400 (top view) The Linear Hall Sensor measures constant and low fre- quency magnetic flux densities accurately. The ditferen- tial output voltage Voutpie (difference of the voltages on pin 2 and pin 3) is proportional to the magnetic flux densi- ty passing vertically through the sensitive area of the chip. The commen mode voltage Voy (average of the voltages on pin 2 and pin 3) of the differential output am- plifier is a constant 2.2 V. The differential output voltage consists of two compo- nents due to the switching offset compensation tech- nique. The average of the differential output voltage rep- resents the magnetic flux density. This component is overlaid by a ditferential AC signal ata typical frequency of 147 kHz. The AC signal represents the internal offset voltages of amplitiers and hall plates that are influenced by mechanical stress and temperature cycling. Note: The numbers do not le represent pin numbers. 1 a) Otfset Voltage Fig. 3: Hall Offset Compensation b) Switched Current Supply External filtering or integrating measurement can be done to eliminate the AC component of the signal. Re- sultingly, the influence of mechanical stress and temper- ature cycling is suppressed. No adjustment of magnetic offset is needed. The sensitivity is stabilized over a wide range of temper- ature and supply voltage due to internal voltage regula- tion and circuits tor temperature compensation. Offset Compensation (see Fig. 3) The Hall Offset Voltage is the residual voltage measured in absence of a magnetic field (zero-field residual volt- age). This voltage is caused by mechanical stress and can be modeled by a displacement of the connections for voltage measurement and/or current supply. Compensation of this kind of offset is done by cyclic commutating the connections for current flow and volt- age measurement. First cycle: The hall supply current flows between points 4 and 2. In the absence of a magnetic field, V3 is the Hall OH- set Voltage (+ Vo). In case of a magnetic field, V1 is the sum of the Hall voltage (Vy) and Vogs. Vis =Vut Votts Second cycle: The hall supply current flows between points 1 and 3. In the absence of a magnetic field, Vo4 is the Hall OT- set Voltage with negative polarity (-Vogs). In case of a magnetic field, V2,4 is the difference of the Hall volt- age (Vy) and Vorts- Voa = Vu Votts In the first cycle, the output shows the sum of the Hall voltage and the offset; in the second, the ditference of both. The difference of the mean values of Voy71 and Voutz2 (VoutpiF) is equivalent to Vuai- Vv A for B=>OmT Vout Von VoutbiF2 VouTDIF Vourbir2 , Voutac tifoy = 6.7 ps | Youre ke ._$ i - c) Output Voltage MICRONAS INTERMETALLHAL400, HAL401 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Outline Dimensions Dimensions of Sensitive Area 0.37 mm x 0.17 mm ag 4.55+0.1__! at 1.7 m a 4 | | . | sensitive area Position of Sensitive Area a cco top view + a x=0+40.2 mm seat | Foe y =0.98mm+02 mm 1.53+0.05 | ] x is referenced to the center of the package 0.0640.04 SPGS7001-5-A4ME Fig. 4: Plastic Small Outline Transistor Package (SOT-89A) Weight approximately 0.04 g Dimensions in mm Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage -Ipp Reverse Supply Current 1 - 501) mA lppz Supply Current through 1 3002) 3002) mA Protection Device Vo Output Voltage 2,3 -0.3 12 Vv lo Continuous Output Current 2,3 5 5 mA lomax Peak Output Current 2,3 - 50?) mA loz Output Current through 2,3 2002) 2002) mA Protection Device Ts Storage Temperature Range -65 150 C Ty Junction Temperature Range 40 150 C 40 1703) C 1) as long as Tymax is not exceeded 2)t| 15R OUT1 R OUT2 8 + 330 p L GND i nf be Fig. 32: Differential HAL40x output te single-ended output R=10kQ9, C = 7.5nF, AR for offset adjustment, BW_ggp = 1.3 kHz 14 ADC |44 Cc - Do not connect OUT1 or OUT2 to Ground. MICRONAS INTERMETALLPRELIMINARY DATA SHEET HAL400, HAL401 Vpp 4.7n 1 T] suave HAL40x OUT1 OUT2 O Voc26V *#OVer=-6V Fig. 33: Differential HAL 40x output to single-ended output (referenced to ground), filter -BW_ggp = 14.7 kHz Ambient Temperature Due to the internal power dissipation, the temperature on the silicon chip (junction temperature Ty) is higher than the temperature outside the package (ambient tem- perature Ta). Tj =Ta + AT At static conditions, the following equations are valid: AT = Ipp* Vop * Rithuss For typical values, use the typical parameters. For worst case calculation, use the max. parameters for Ipp and Rin, and the max. value for Vpp from the application. Application Notes Mechanical stress on the device surface (caused by the package of the sensor module or overmolding) can influ- ence the sensor performance. The parameter VoutTacpp (see Fig. 3) increases with ex- ternal mechanical stress. This can cause linearity errors at the limits of the recommended operation conditions. MICRONAS INTERMETALL 15HAL400, HAL401 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Data Sheet History 1. Preliminary data sheet: HAL400 Linear Hall Effect Sensor IC, March 29, 1994, 6251-346-1PD. First re- lease of the preliminary data sheet. 2. Preliminary data sheet: HAL400 Linear Hall Effect Sensor IC, Aug. 1, 1995, 6251-346-2PD. Second re- lease of the preliminary data sheet. Major changes: Marking code 3. Preliminary data sheet: HAL400 Linear Hall Effect Sensor IC, Sept. 3, 1997, 6251-346-3PD. Third release of the preliminary data sheet. Major changes: Electrical and Magnetic Characteristics diagram: Typical output voltages versus magnetic flux density page 14: Ambient Temperature 4. Preliminary data sheet: HAL400, HAL401 Linear Hall Effect Sensor ICs, June 29, 1998, 6251-346-4PD. Fourth release of the preliminary data sheet. Major changes: additional new type HAL401 various changes in the electrical and magnetic char- acteristics page 4: package diagram outline dimensions changed MIGRONAS INTERMETALL GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19 D-79108 Freiburg (Germany) P.O. Box 840 D-79008 Freiburg (Germany) Tel. +49-761-517-0 Fax +49-761-517-2174 E-mail: Internet: http://www. Printed in Germany Order No. 6251-346-4PD All information and data contained in this data sheet are with- out any commitment, are not to be considered as an offer for conclusion of a contract nor shall they be construed as to create any liability. Any new issue of this data sheet invalidates previous issues. Product availability and delivery dates are ex- clusively subject to our respective order confirmation form; the same applies to orders based on development samples deliv- ered. By this publication, MIGRONAS INTERMETALL GmbH does not assume responsibility for patent infringements or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. Reprinting is generally permitted, indicating the source. How- ever, our prior consent must be obtained in all cases. 16 MICRONAS INTERMETALL