OPTISCHE SENSOREN OPTICAL SENSORS 7.Optische Sensoren 7.Optical Sensors Package Type Features Slot width Aperture slit. | fre foeo Ve Ordering code Fig. width on (i-=20 mA, | (i =9, (I-= 20 mA) | emitter/sen- | Vee = 5 V) Vee = 20'V) sor side mm mm mA nA V 7.1 Gabellichtschranken 7.1 Slotted Interrupters no aperture SFH 9300 slits, high | 3. 65 mit s1 2 (< 50) 1.2(<1.4) | Q62702-P5019 54 current trans- . fer ratio with vertical aperture slits, high resolu- tion SFH 9301 3.18 1.27 / 0.25 >O7 | 2 (= 50) 1.2 (6 1.4) Q62702-P5083 | 55 with vertical aperture slits, two moun- ting tabs SFH 9302 3.18 1.27 / 0.25 >O7 2 (= 50) 1.2 (< 1.4) Q62702-P5084 56 with vertical aperture slits, SFH 9303 mounting tab | 3.18 1.27 /0.25 > O07 2 (= 50) 1.2 (= 1.4) 62702-P5085 SE on sensor side with vertical aperture slits, SFH 9304 mounting tab | 3.18 1.27 /0.25 > 0.7 2 (<= 50) 1.2 (= 1,4) Q62702-P5086 58 on emitter side with vertical aperture slits, mounting tab on sensor side, loca- ting pins SFH 9305 3.28 05/05 > O07 2 (= 50) 1.2 (< 1.4) on request 59 with vertical SFH 9306 apertureslits, | 3.18 1.27/0.25 |>07 2 (< 50) 1.2(<1.4) | Q62702-P5130 60 locating pins horizontal SFH 9310 slits 5.00 0.5/0.5 > 0.7 2 (<50) 1.2(<1.4) | Q62702-P5214 61 with vertical aperture slits, photo dar- lington output >1 SFH 9330 fet AD 3.18 1.27 /0.25 <1pA 1.2(<1.4) | Q62702-P5263 62 with vertical aperture slits, SMT version, SFH 9500 suitable for 5.00 0.5/0.5 =I 2 (< 50) 1.2 (< 1.4) Q62702-P5066 63 reflow solde- ring, locating pins OPTISCHE SENSOREN OPTICAL SENSORS Package | Type Features Slot Aperture slit | Voc | Thres- Hystere- | Propagation | V; | Ordering code Fig. width width on hold sis delay time (J-= emitter/sen- input fe-ope! | tee. teu (20 mA) sor side current | te on (RF, = 280 Q, fe an Veo = 5 Vi i,=4mA) mm mm Vv mA ps 7.1 Gabellichtschranken 7.1 Slotted Interrupters (cont'd) Schmitt- at Trigger 1.2 SFH 9340 output, 3.18 1.27 /0.25 4...18 0.6 (<2) | 0.6 2 (< 1.4) Q62702-P5120 SFH 9340 _ active low - 64 Schmitt- Trigger 12 SFH 9341 output, 3.18 127/025 |4..18 |o6(<2) |o6 2 (e 14) Q62702-P5121 SFH 9341 , active high | Package | Type Fe = Vous Ge | Ordering code | Fig. { (p= 10 MA, Vee = 5 V, | (Vce = 10 V) (le = 50 mA) = 1mm) | mA nA Vv V 7.2 SMT-Reflexlichtschranken 7.2 SMT Reflective Sensors SFH 9201 0.25 ... 2.00 | Q62702-P5038 SFH 9201-2/3 0.40... 1.25 3 (= 200) Q62702-P5056 SFH 9201-3/4 0.63 ... 2.00 Q62702-P5057 SFH 9202 0.063 ... 0.8 30 1.25 (< 1.65) Q62702-P5039 | 65 SFH 9202-2/3 0.063 ... 0.2 Q62702-P5009 a t 1 (< 50 (See SFH 9202-3/4 0.10... 0.32 i} Q62702-P5010 SFH 9202-4/5 0.16... 0.50 Q62702-P5472 SFH 9202-5/6 0.25... 0.80 Q62702-P5435 Package Type Features Veo Threshold Hystere- | Propagation vy; Ordering code Fig. : input current | sis delay time (fe = 50 mA} | FF om fe ore! | teu. feta Wee = 5, eon (R, = 280 Q, d=1mm) Vor = 5 V, i, = 20 mA) | Vv mA ns Vv Schmitt- Trigger SFH 9240 Output, Q62702-P5118 active low - 4...18 |3(< 10) 0.6 2 1.25 (< 1.65) | 65 Schmitt- Trigger SFH 9241 Output, Q62702-P5119 active high 35