GAMMA instabus
Technical Product-Information
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5WG1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Siemens AG Up 204, page 1 / 9 Technical Manual
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Pr oducts and Systems ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
Product a nd Function Description
The Contouch room controller, hereinafter referred to as
Contouch, combines the functions of a graphic display
with up to 18 room operating functions, an individual
room tem perature controller with setpoint indication and
operating mode setting, a temperature sensor and a fan-
coil unit control panel in one bus node.
Contouch is available in the following colou rs variations:
titanium whi te: 5WG1 204-2AB11
carbon metallic 5WG1 204-2AB21
aluminium metallic 5WG1 204-2AB31
piano black 5WG1 204-2AB51
The following accessories ar e available for the Contouch
r oom co ntroller:
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
This flash kit consists of a rem ovable data carrier, a mi -
cro SDHC card with two adapters, a micro SD Adapter
and a USB micro SD reader.
The basis of the equipment is a high-quality 320 x 240
pixel colour display 2.8" with touchscreen and rotary
control. This is equipped with a rotary/push-button func-
Contouch is operat ed by the touchscreen and the rotary
control. The buttons shown on the display can be used
for switching and dimming lights, for regulating sun pro-
tection or for the retrieval and storage of scenes. The
functions and conditions can be shown graphically with
texts and symbols on the display in 4 different designs.
Text and alarm messages can also be displayed. Alarm
messages are speci ally highlighted by an acoustic signal
and the LED display. The touchscreen can be used to
select from up to 6 languages for the display of texts and
The room temperature controller integrated in Contouch
is specially designed for use in rooms which are heated
and / or cooled where the manner of room temperature
control depends on up to four room operating modes
(comfort mode, pre-comfort mode, energy-saving m ode,
and protection mode). As required, a parameter can be
set so that the control ler does not consi der all four oper-
ating m odes, but rather only three (comf ort mode, ener-
gy-saving mode and protection mode) or only two (com-
fort mode and protection mode). The room temperature
controller can be used as a two-point controller ( thermo-
stat) or a continuous controller (P or PI-controller).
The current room operating modes, automatic or m anual
operation, the interior or exterior temperature, the
setpoint te mperature, an ope n heating and cooling valve ,
melting point operation or open windows are clearly
shown on the display in a self-explanatory manner.
By means of a special display page, the room tem pera-
ture control parameters can be set using the
touchscreen. There the room operating mode can be se-
lected directly on site. The manual mode is activated in
this way. In manual mode, every room operating mode
can be perm anently activated and not changed by a bus
The controller offers the option of extending the duration
of the Comfort operating mode. For this purpose, the
"Comfort mode extension" button is pressed on this spe-
cial touchscreen operator page and the length of the
Comfort mode extension set by a rotary control.
The setpoint temperature is set directly in °C/°F on the
display page for room temperature control based on the
room operating mode Comfort mode or as a relative val-
ue,shifting from the base setpoint in K. The rot ary control
of the controller can be used to shift the specified setpoint
to a highe r or lower value, whereby the range of the offset
can be adj usted.
The automatic mode se tting can also be selected directly
on the Contouch. The the controller receives its operat-
ing mode directly by telegram from the bus or via the in-
ternal time switch program.
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product - I nformation
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5WG1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Technical Manual UP 204, page 2 / 9 Siemens AG
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Update: ã Siemens AG 2014 Control Products and Systems
Subject to change without further notice P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
In rooms which are heated and / or cooled by a f an coil
unit, the Contouch can be used as a control panel for the
ventilator control.
The current fan speed is shown on the display.
In manual operation, the speed level of the fan can be
set by the rotary control on the Contouch.
At speed level "0", the fan switches off and a possibly
open valve closes, i.e. the room is then neither heated
nor cooled. If the setpoi nt for heat protection is then ex-
ceed ed or the setpoint for fr ost prot ection fallen short of,
au tomat i c m ode b ecom es act iv e i n th e cas e of a co nti n-
uous controller and the fan is switched to t he highest fan
speed if a two-point controller is used. The controller
heats or cools until reaching the setpoint of the previous-
ly set operating mode.
With option "A", the Contouch rotary control is used to
set the fan control to automatic mode. Then the speed is
specified by the control system.
The display lighting switches on when Contouch is oper-
ated. The lighting switches off after a certain time period,
which must be configured. The device is in standby
Time programs with weekl y switching plans can be con-
figured for the 18 room operating functions and for set-
ti ng the room operating mode of the controll er. Up to 16
switching points can be set for each time switch pro-
gram. The time switch programs for setting the room op-
erating mode are ac tivated in automatic mode.
Contouch off ers a cleaning function. If this has been ac-
tivated by the touchscreen, the n the device is blocked for
servicing for a specific time period, which must be con-
fig ured. The device, in particular the touchscreen, can be
cleaned without triggering unwanted functions.
The internal Contouch signal generator provides the
acoustic displa y of alarm messa ges a nd can be us ed as
a response when a button is activated.
You use the ETS3 (Version 3 and higher) to select the
application program, to allocate specific parameters and
addresses and to transfer these into the Contouch UP
204 room controller.
Application program
Contouch room contro ller:
0705 Contouch room controller 970001
The bus coupler contained in the scope of supply make
it possible to connect the Contouch to the bus line by
means of its user interface.
The telegrams receiv ed through th e bus line are
processed by the bus coupl er and forwarded to
Contouch. In the opposite direction, si gnals coming from
Contouch are converted into telegrams and sent through
the bus.
The bus coupler is connected directly to the bus, where
it monitors this constantly and is therefore always in-
formed as to whether the bus line is free or busy with
telegrams. If an event occurs and the bus line is free, the
bus coupler begins sending immediately. Otherwise the
s ending req uest is stored until the bus line is free.
Note: Contouch can only be used together with the sup-
plie d bus coup le r.
Bus Coupler Technical Data
Power supply
Input voltage
· Bus: DC 24V (DC 21...30 V), 10 mA
· Booster voltage: DC 24 V (DC 12…30 V), 50 m A, from
external SELV power supply
· Recom mended power supplies:
– LOGO! Power 24 V / 1,3 A, (class 2),
Rated input voltage AC 100…240 V wide range,
Input voltage range AC 85…264 V,
Constant current supply DC 24 V / 1,3 A,
Rated output voltage: DC 24 V,
Width: 3 SU
– LOGO! Power 24 V / 2,5 A,
Rated input voltage AC 100…240 V wide range,
Input voltage range AC 85…264 V,
Constant current supply DC 24 V / 2,5 A,
Rated output voltage: DC 24 V,
Width: 4 SU
– LOGO! Power 24 V / 4 A,
Rated input voltage AC 100…240 V wide range,
Input voltage range AC 85…264 V,
Constant current supply DC 24 V / 4 A,
Rated output voltage: DC 24 V,
Width: 5 SU
Output voltage and current on Contouch
· DC 3.3 V, > 150 mA
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product-Information
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5W G1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Siemens AG UP 204, page 3 / 9 Technical Manual
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Pr oducts and Systems ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
Operating elements
1 learning key :
To switch between normal and addressing modes
Indicating elements
1 red LED:
To display normal and addressing modes
· Bus l ine: Bus terminal (black/r ed) , screwless
0.6 ... 0.8 mm Ø solid
· P ow er s u pply: B u s termin al (y el l o w - w hi te), s c rew l es s
0.6...0.8 mm Ø, so lid
· 6-pole socket (AST) for connecting the Contouch
Mechanical specifications
· Casing plastic
· Dimensions:
- Hole pitch: 72 x 72 mm
- mounting depth: 21 mm
· W eight: 58 g (with hanger)
· Fire resistance: approx. 610 kJ
· Assembl y: is fastened to the flush-mounting box
Electrical safety
· Degree of contaminati on (acording to IEC 60664-1): 2
· Degree of prot ection (according to EN 60529): IP 20
· Protection class (according to IEC 61140): III
· Overvoltage cat egory class (according to IEC 60664-
1) : II
· Bus: Secure low voltage SELV 24V DC
· Auxiliary supply voltage SELV 24V DC
· Dev i c e complies wi t h EN 5 049 1 - 3, EN 6 15 58 - 2- 6 an d
EN 61558-2-16
· Failure rate: 136 fit at 40°C
EM C criteria
fulfills EN 50491-5-1, EN 50491-5-2, EN 50491-5-3
Environmental specifications
· Resist ance to climate EN 50090-2-2
· Am bient tem perature in operation: - 5 ... + 45 °C
· Storage tem perature: - 25 ... + 70 °C
· Relati ve humidi ty (non-condensing): 5% to 93%
App roval mark
EC marking
to EMC directive (residenti al and functional building), l ow
voltage gui deli ne
Construction, location and functioning of the
display and op erating elements of the bus cou-
Figure 1: Location of the display and operating Elements
Bus couplers
A1 Red LED for indicating normal mode (LED Off) or
addressing mode (LED On); i t goes out automati-
cally after transferring the physical address
A2 Key for switching between normal mode and ad-
dressing mode for transferring the physical ad-
A3 Nameplate for entering the physical address
A4 Holes for the centring spikes for fastening the
Contouch to the bus coupler
A5 6-pin user interface (AST) for connecting the
A6 Slots for fastening the bus coupler to the installa-
tio n mounting box
A7 Threads for the fixing screw (for the additional
fastening of the Contouch, e.g. theft protection)
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product - I nformation
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5WG1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Technical Manual UP 204, page 4 / 9 Siemens AG
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Update: ã Siemens AG 2014 Control Products and Systems
Subject to change without further notice P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
Technical data for the Room Controller
Power supply
Input voltage from the bus coupler via 6-pin pl ug con-
· 3.3 V DC
Operating elements
· Rotary control with rot ary / push- button function
· Touch display with touc h function
Indicating elements
· 320 x 240 Pixel colour displ ay 2.8" with touchscreen,
18 bit colour depth, effectiv ely used 16 bit colo ur dep th
· RGB LED under the col ourless, transparent ring
around the rotary control/push-button; serves as orien-
tation light to signal alarms and describe the start be-
Te mperature measurement
· Measuring range: 0 ... + 40 °C
· Resolution: 0.1 K
· Ac c u rac y in r elatio n t o t he s en s or t emp era ture:
± 1,5 K under reference conditions
± 2.0 K under environmental condition and in the
m easuring range
· 6-pin plug connector for attac hi ng and connecting with
the bus coupler
Mechanical specifications
· Casing plastic
· Dimensions:
-(L x W x D): 116 x 86 x 14 mm (without rotary/push-
button and without plug connector guidance ),
-(L x W x D): 116 x 86 x 24 mm (with rotary/push-
button and without plug connector guidance ),
-(L x W x D): 116 x 86 x 30 mm (with rotary/push-
button and without plug connector guidance ),
· Weight: 88 g
· Fi re resistance: approx. 2320 KJ
· Mounting: The Contouch is attached to the bus cou-
pler and screwed to its support frame with a Phillips
screw M 2.5 x 5 (theft protection)
Electrical safety
· Degree of contamination (according to IEC 60664-1):
· Degree of prot ection (according to EN 60529): IP 20
· Protection class (according to IEC 61140): III
· Overvoltage category class (according to IEC 60664-
1) : II
· Bus: Secure low voltage SELV 24V DC
· D evic e c ompl i es w it h EN 5 0 491 - 3, EN 6 15 5 8- 2-6 an d
EN 61558-2-16
· Failur e rate: 1198,7 fit at 40°C
EM C criteria
fulfills EN EN 50491-5-1, EN 50491-5-2, EN 50491-5-3
Environmental specifications
· Resist ance to climate EN 50090-2-2
· Am bient tem perature in operation: - 5 ... + 45 °C
· No direction sunlight
· Storage tem perature: - 25 ... + 70 °C
· Relati ve humidi ty (non-condensing): 5% to 93%
App roval mark
EC marking
· according to EMC directive (residential and functional
building), low voltage guideline
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product-Information
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5W G1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Siemens AG UP 204, page 5 / 9 Technical Manual
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Pr oducts and Systems ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
Construction, location and functioning of the
display and operating elements of the
Figure 2: Location of the display and operating elements
Front view of the Contouch unit
B1 Touch display
B3 Rotary control with push-button function
Figure 3: Rear view of the Contouch unit
C1 Spikes for centring the Contouch on the
Bus coupler
C2 6-pin plug connector as user interface to the
Bus coupler
C3 Screw for fastening the Contouch to the support
frame of the bus coupler
C4 Insert for the micro SD card
C5 Temperature sensor
Assembly, wiring and commissioning
Connection exa mple
Bus coupler
Room c ontroller:
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product - I nformation
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5WG1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Technical Manual UP 204, page 6 / 9 Siemens AG
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Update: ã Siemens AG 2014 Control Products and Systems
Subject to change without further notice P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
Inst allation notes
· T h e s y s tem i s us ed for f ixed in s tal lation in d ry intern a l
areas for the installation of flush-mounting boxes.
· The system may only be i nstalled and commissioned
by a l icen sed elec trician.
· The dev ice ma y not be ins erted tog ether in the s ame
socket with 230V equipment and/or 230V cables.
· The relevant safety and accident prevention rules are
to be obeyed.
· The system must not be opened.
· When planning and installing electrical systems, the
relevant national directives, rules and regulations of
the country in question are to be obeyed.
Figure 4: Connection of the bus and supply termi nals
The connection to the bus line (D1) and to the booster
voltage (D2) is achieved using screwless plug-in termi-
Remove bus terminal and supply terminal
The bus termi nal ( D1) and the supply terminal (D2) are
located on the rear side of the bus coupler (Figure 4).
Figure 5 : Termin als
The bus terminal and supply terminal (terminal block)
(E1) consist of two parts (E1.1, E1.2), each with four
terminal contacts. You must take care that both test
sockets (E1.3) are not damaged, either with the bus
lead (accidental attempt to plug in) or with the screw-
driver (when trying to remove the terminal)..
Insert the screwdriver carefully into the wire insertion
slot of the red/black or yellow/white part of the terminal
and rem ove the terminal from the bus coupler (Figure
Do not lever the termi nals outwards from bel ow! Risk of
Attach bus terminal and supply terminal
Plug the terminals into the guid e grooves of the bu s
coupler and push the terminals downwards to the end
Connecting the bus and supply terminals
· The terminals (E1) are suitable for solid leads
with a diameter of 0.6 ... 0.8 mm.
· Remove insulation on the ends of the leads
(E1.4) and plug them into the terminal (E1) (red
= +, black = -) or (yellow = +, white = -) (Fig. 6).
Figure 6: Connection and disconnection of leads
If the bus line is connecte d with reve rse polarity, the n the
bus coupler is switched off by a protective device (re-
verse polarity protection). This also applies for the re-
quired booster voltage.
Disconnection of the bus and supply lines
· Remove the terminal (E1) and pull out its lead
(E1.4) by turning it alternately backwards and
forwards (Figure 6).
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product-Information
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5W G1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Siemens AG UP 204, page 7 / 9 Technical Manual
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Pr oducts and Systems ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
A screw connection is used to install the bus coupler in
Ø 60 mm mounting boxes (see Fig. 7).
Figure 7: Assembly of the bus coupler
F1 Mounting box (60 mm Ø in accordance with
DIN 49073)
F2 Bus coupler
F3 Bus coupler fixing screws
The bus coupler must be mounted in such a way that
the user interface (AST) is located at the bottom (see
Fig. 1 or 7). Please ensure thereby that the Contouch to
be attached to the AST is mounted in the correct posi-
ti on for operati on. For a permanently secure contact
connection to the AST, it is urgently recommended to
lock the Contouch into place with the fixing screw.
Figure 8: Mounting of the Contouch
Starti ng up
- Fasten the bus coupler (F2) t o the fl ash-mounting box
(F1) and connect it to the bus line and the booster
- Press the start-up button (A2): Start-up LED (A1) illu-
- Use the ETS to load the physi cal address and the con-
figu red applic ati on program
- Use the two centring spikes (C1) and the 6-pin plug
connector (C2) to attach Contouch to the bus coupler
and screw this onto the support frame (G1) with the
fixing scr ew (G2) (Theft protection)
- Attach rotary/push-button (G3) to the Contouch
Along with the user interface, Contouch is equipped with
a removable data carrier (micro SDHS card). This flash
card contains various files (Firmware and defined con-
figuration settings) for the start-up of Contouch, which
have been stored or generated by ETS plug-in. Thus,
the removable data carrier is to be connected with the
commissioning PC for every start-up. The Contouch
flash kit, which is available as an accessory for the
Contouch room controller, offers both adapters (micro
SD Adapter and USB microSD reader) along with the
micro SDHC card. The two adapters can be used to in-
stall the removable data carrier into the SD card slot or
in the USB port of the commissioning PC. During start-
up with the Contouch plug-in, the "generate" command
i s u s ed to sto r e t he fol l o win g f iles o n t h e remov a bl e da t a
rc.bin (Firm ware Contouch)
rcconfig.bin (Configuration Contouch)
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product - I nformation
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5WG1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Technical Manual UP 204, page 8 / 9 Siemens AG
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Update: ã Siemens AG 2014 Control Products and Systems
Subject to change without further notice P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
The storage card is subsequently inserted into the
Contouch micro SD card slot. For this purpose, the
Contouch is removed from the bus coupler, Fig. 8. This
occurs by removing the rotary/push-button (G3) and by
loosening the safety screw (G2). After insertion of the
micro SD card into the shaft (C4) on the Contouch (con-
tacts point toward the front of the Contouch) and its at-
tachment to the bus coupler, the Contouch is booted. I n
the process, the current Firmware and the configuration
data are automatically loaded into the Contouch. The
storage card should be removed again after restarting
the Contouch (the main menu is displayed). This will
considerably shorten the start behaviour of the
Contouch. All changes have now been accepted and are
now permanently stored in the memory. After completion
of start-up, relock the Contouch to the bus coupler with
the fixing screw and plug the rotary/push-button (G3)
back into the Contouch.
If the micro SD card is changed without removing the
Contouch from the bus coupler, then the device must
be restarted for the data transfer.
Micro SD and micro SDHC cards can be used as stor-
age media.
- Rem ove rotary/push-button (G3)
- Unscrew the fixing screw (G2).
- Remove Contouch from the bus coupler
- Rem ove the bus coupler fr om the flush-mounting box
Mounting site (see Fig. 9)
Observe the following notes when mounting the
Contouch room controller:
Controller mounting on the interior wall of the room to be
air-conditioned, opposite the heating source:
· at a height of around 1.5 m in the occupied zone and
at least 50 cm away from the neares t wall.
· not on exterior walls
· not i n niches or behind curtains
· not above or near heat sources or shelves
· not on walls, behind which heat sources such as a
firepla ce are lo cated
· not in the radiation range of heat sources and lights
such as spot lamps
· no t i n ar eas w i t h dir ec t s u nl i gh t
· care must be taken to ensure a low-vibration installa-
tion site
Drafts from windows and doors must be avoided!
Figure 9: Installation i nstructions for sensors and
tem pera ture co ntrol lers
The device-side end of the installation tube must be
sealed so that no drafts form in the tube which negative-
ly affect the measur ements, see Fig. 10.
Figure 10: Sealing of the installation tube
GAMMA instabus
Technical Product-Information
Februar y 2014
Room Controller Contouch UP 204 5W G1 204-2AB_1
Contouch Fl ash-Kit 5WG1 204-8AB01
Siemens AG UP 204, page 9 / 9 Technical Manual
Infrastruc ture & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Pr oducts and Systems ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
Dimensional drawing of the bus coupler
Dimensions i n mm
Dimensional drawing of Contouch
Dimensions i n mm
General notes
· The operati ng manual is to be handed over to the
· A defective device is to be sent back to the responsi-
ble sales office with a return shipping note.
· If you have further questions concerning the product,
please contact our Technical Support:
' +49 (911) 895-7222
7 +49 (911) 895-7223
14 10
Ø 23 .5