Preliminary W742E81A/W742C81A
Publication Release Date: April 2000
- 7 - Revision A1
6.1 Program Counter (PC)
Organized as an 14-bit binary counter (PC0 to PC13), the program counter generates the addresses
of the 16384 × 16 on-chip ROM containing the program instruction words. Before the jump or
subroutine call instructions are to be executed, the destination ROM page must be determined firstly.
The confirmation of the ROM page can be done by executing the MOV ROMPR, #I or MOV ROMPR,
R instruction. When the interrupt or initial reset conditions are to be executed, the corresponding
address will be loaded into the program counter directly. The format used is shown below.
Table 1 Vector address and interrupt priority
Initial Reset 0000H -
INT 0 (Divider0) 0004H 1st
INT 1 (Timer 0) 0008H 2nd
INT 2 (Port RC) 000CH 3rd
INT 3 (Divider1) 0014H 4th
INT 4 (Timer 1) 0020H 5th
JP Instruction XXXXH -
Subroutine Call XXXXH -
6.2 Stack Register (STACK)
The stack register is organized as 49 bits x 16 levels (first-in, last-out). When either a call subroutine
or an interrupt is executed, the program counter will be pushed onto the stack register automatically.
At the end of a call subroutine or an interrupt service subroutine, the RTN instruction must be
executed to pop the contents of the stack register into the program counter. (Refer to Table 8)
When the stack register is pushed over the sixteen levels, the contents of the first level will be lost. In
other words, the stack register is always sixteen levels deep.
6.3 Program Memory (ROM)
The read-only memory (ROM) is used to store program codes; and the look-up table is arranged as
65536 x 4 bits. The program ROM is divided into eight pages; the size of each page is 2048 x 16 bits.
So the total ROM size is 16384 x 16 bits. Before the jump or subroutine call instructions are to be
executed, the destination ROM page must be determined firstly. The ROM page can be selected by
executing the MOV ROMPR,#I or MOV ROMPR, R instruction. But the branch decision instructions
(e.g. JB0, SKB0, JZ, JC, ...) must jump to the same ROM page which the branch decision instructions
are in. The whole ROM can store both instruction codes and the look-up table. Each look-up table
element is composed of 4 bits, so the look-up table can be addressed up to 65536 elements.
Instruction MOVC R is used to read the look-up table content and transfer table data to the RAM. But
before reading the addressed look-up table content, the content of the look-up table pointer (TAB)
must be determined firstly. The address of the look-up table element is allocated by the content of
TAB. The MOV TAB0 (TAB1, TAB2, TAB3), R instructions are used to allocate the address of the
wanted look-up table element. The TAB0 register stores the LSB 4 bits of the look-up table address.