That covers the fundamental stuff on the Tiny AVR Programmer. If you plan
on doing more advanced stuff with the board, or just want to know more,
feel free to read on. Otherwise, skip ahead to the next page.
Output Programming Pins
The Tiny ISP Programmer is not limited to ATtiny85’s. It’s a full-fledged
AVR programmer. This row of six pins can be connected to other AVRs via
the standard 2x3- or 2x5-pin ISP headers. You could, for example, connect
these pins to your Arduino Uno, Leonardo, etc. to re-flash a bootloader, or
upload code using a programmer.
Refer to the pin labels in the image above if you’re connecting the Tiny AVR
Programmer to another AVR chip. Most AVR development boards break
out either a 2x3 or 2x5 programming header, which have the following pin-
Just match up the labels on the Tiny Programmer to the pins on your AVR
board/chip, and get ready to program!
The Jumpers
There are two jumpers on the top side of the Tiny AVR Programmer: one is
labeled RST and the other is VCC. Both of these jumpers affect the
unpopulated 2x3 ICSP (in-circuit system programmer) header in the middle
of the board. Unless you’re planning on reprogramming the on-board
ATtiny84, these jumpers and pins can generally be ignored.
The VCC jumper is normally closed. It controls the flow of power to the
VCC pin on the ICSP header. When closed, power from USB will flow to the
ICSP header. When open you’ll need to supply power externally to that pin.
The RST jumper is normally open. When closed, this jumper connects the
ATtiny84’s reset pin to the to the 2x3 programming header. If you ever need
to reprogram the ATtiny84 (which, for standard use cases, you shouldn’t),
you’ll have to close this jumper to enable programming it.
Enough talk. Let’s start using the programmer. On the next few pages we’ll
cover driver installation (for Windows users) and show how you can use the
Tiny AVR Programmer to program an ATtiny85 in Arduino.
Driver Installation
Before you can start using the Tiny AVR Programmer, you may need to set
it up on your computer. If you’re using a Mac or Linux machine, you don’t
need to install drivers. Just plug the board in, and skip to the
Programming in Arduino page.
If you’re using any version of Windows, you’ve got a few steps to follow
before you can join your Mac/Linux comrades. Further to that, if you’re
using Windows 8, before you can install the drivers you’ll need to disable
driver signature enforcement. Check out our Disabling Driver Signature
on Windows 8 tutorial for help with that.
Step 1: Plug the Programmer In
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