Product Group
2Freescale Semiconductor
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)
1. Absolute maximum continuous ratings are those maximum values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these
conditions or conditions beyond those indicated may adversely affect device reliability. Functional operation at absolute-maximum-rated
conditions is not implied.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Rating Unit
VSUPPLY Power Supply Voltage Difference between VCC & VEE 3.9 V
VIN Input Voltage VCC – VEE ≤ 3.6V VCC + 0.3
VEE – 0.3 V
IOUT Output Current Continuous
Surge 50
100 mA
TAOperating Temperature Range –40 to +85 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature Range –65 to +150 °C
Table 2. DC Characteristics (VCC = 3.3 V ± 5%; TJ = 0°C to 110°C)(1)
1. DC characteristics are design targets and pending characterization.
Symbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Condition
HSTL differential input signals (D, D)
VDIF Differential Input Voltage(2)
2. VDIF (DC) is the minimum differential HSTL input voltage swing required for device functionality.
0.2 V
VX, IN Differential Cross Point Voltage(3)
3. VX (DC) is the crosspoint of the differential HSTL input signal. Functional operation is obtained when the crosspoint is within the VX (DC)
range and the input swing lies within the VPP (DC) specification.
0.25 0.68 – 0.9 VCC – 1.3 V
IIN Input Current ±150 mA VIN = VX ± 0.1V
HSTL clock outputs (Q[0:1], Q[0:1])
VX, OUT Output Differential Crosspoint 0.68 0.75 0.9 V
VOH Output High Voltage 1 V
VOL Ouput Low Voltage 0.4 V
Supply Current
ICC Maximum Quiescent Supply Current without
output termination current 80 105 mA VCC pin (core)