VTT Output
VTT starts to ramp up when EN and VDD meet their startup
thresholds. SC2598 regulates VTT to the voltage at VREF
and can support up to 3A for sourcing or sinking
To achieve tight regulation and fast dynamic response at
VTT, it is recommended to connect the VTTS sense signal
to VTT at the ceramic output capacitors.
VREF Output
VREF starts to ramp up when VDD meets the UVLO thresh-
old. SC2598 regulates VREF to one-half of VDDQ. To
reduce the component count and provide a good accu-
racy reference for VTT, SC2598 includes an internal resistor
divider network. SC2598 is capable of sinking or sourcing
up to 40mA at VREF. To reduce the component count
further, SC2598 does not require the user to have a local
ceramic capacitor at the VREF pin - but it is recommended
to layout with a capacitor place holder.
EN Input
The EN pin is used to enable and disable VTT only; it does
not control VREF. When EN is pulled low, the VTT output is
discharged internally to ground through an 8Ω FET.
SC2598 has thermal protection with auto-restart. When
the junction temperature is above the thermal shutdown
threshold (160OC), SC2598 disables VTT, while VREF
remains present. When the junction temperature drops
below the hysteretic window, typically at 140OC, SC2598
will be enabled again.
SC2598 has a built-in current limit feature to prevent
damage to the sink and source FETs. If VTT is shorted to
VDD or ground, SC2598 will sink or source current up to
the current limit threshold.
Input Capacitor
The primary purpose of input capacitance is to provide the
charge to the VTT output capacitor when there is a load
transient at VTT. In the typical application circuit, VDDQ
equals VIN, and VTT equals one-half of VDDQ. As a result,
theory tells us that the input capacitance can be chosen to
be half of the output capacitance.
Ceramic capacitors have a capacitance value that degrades
with temperature, DC and AC bias, and their chemistry.
Usually, ceramic capacitors need to be derated by 50%
when operated at their rated DC voltage. Therefore, it is
recommended to use capacitors with a voltage rating of
6.3V or higher for 3.3V or lower applications.
Stability and VTT Capacitor
Figure 1 shows the small signal model for the sourcing
current loop stability. The low frequency pole is formed by
COUT and RL. Since this pole depends on those variables, it
is recommended to have at least one 10uF ceramic capaci-
tor at COUT for stability. Additional 10uF capacitors can be
added to improve the transient response. SC2598 has an
internal compensation network to ensure the stability as
the load changes.
Figure 2 shows the bode plot with the crossover frequency
at around 0.8MHz and 36 degree phase margin. Another
parameter aecting the loop stability is parasitic induc-
tance in the PCB layout and output capacitor (ESL). The
gain plot shows a peaking around 2.5 MHz after the cross-
over frequency due to the eect of ESL. Minimizing the
ESL reduces this peaking and shifts it to a higher fre-
quency. In addition to following the layout guidelines
below, it is recommended that any VTT capacitor have a
self-resonant frequency (SRF) greater than 1 MHz. This
Applications Information
Figure 1 — Small Signal Model