intel" 270010 1M (128K x 8) CHMOS EPROM m JEDEC Approved EPROM Pinouts m Fast Programming 32-Pin DIP, 32-Pin PLCC Quick-Pulse Programming Simple Upgrade from Lower Algorithm Densities Programming Time as Fast as 15 m Complete Upgrade Capability to Higher Seconds Densities m High-Performance m Versatile EPROM Features 120 ns, + 10% Vec CMOS and TTL Compatibility 30 mA Icc Active Two Line Control @ Surface Mount Packaging Available - Smallest 1 Mbit Footprint in SMT Intels 27C010 is a 5V only, 1,048,576-bit, Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, organized as 129,536 words of 8 bits. It is pin compatible with lower density DIP EPROMs (JEDEC) and provides for simple upgrades to 8 Mbits in the future in both DIP and PLCC. The 27C010 represents state-of-the-art 1 micron CHMOS manufacturing technology while providing un- equaled performance. Its 120 ns speed (tacc) offers no-wait-state operation with high performance CPUs in applications ranging from numerical control to office automation to telecommunications. Intel offers two DIP profile options to meet your prototyping and production needs. The windowed ceramic DIP (CERDIP) package provides erasability and reprogrammability for prototyping and early production. Once the design is in full production, the plastic DIP (PDIP) one-time programmable part provides a ower cost alterna- tive that is well adapted for auto insertion. In addition to the JEDEC 32-pin DIP package, Intel also offers a 32-lead PLCC version of the 27C010. This one-time-programmable surface mount device is ideal where board space consumption is a major concern or where surface mount manufacturing technology is being implemented across an entire production line. The 27C010 is equally at home in both a TTL or CMOS environment. It programs as fast as 15 seconds using Intels industry leading Quick-Pulse Programming algorithm. OATA OUTPUTS Veo Oo Q-07 GND o_>- a , eo LETT OE efoutpuT ENABLE Pam CHIP ENABLE cE PROG LOGIC OUTPUT BUFFERS Y . pecopen [Lt Y-GATING AonAre > soNeurs I x : 1,048,576-BIT INPUTS >| DECODER | CELL MATRIX e P 290174-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram September 1990 5-113 Order Number: 290174-004el 9% 15 [16] [12] [ss] [15] [20] 02 | ono | os | 0, | Os | 06 N i ' + [4 ' i i 290174-3 27C010 Pin Names Ag-Aig | ADDRESSES cE CHIP ENABLE OE OUTPUT ENABLE Qo-O7 | OUTPUTS PEM | PROGRAM NC NO INTERNAL CONNECT 27C010 SMbit | 4Mbit | 2Mbit | 542K | 256K 256K 512K 2Mbit | 4Mbit | SMbit Aig Vpp Vpp Vpp OH 32919 Vee Voc Voo Vec Ate Ate Ae AygC42 31 Pow PGM | Aig Ais Ais Ais Ais Ais Vep. Ays45 ofc Vec Voc Aqz | An? Ai7 Anz Ay Ai Ata Ai2 Ay Os 290 Ay, Ata Aig Arq | Ata Aus Ay A; A? Ay A? a, Cs 28F ays Aas Ais Aig | Ais Ai3 As As Ag As As aC 27D As Ag Aa Ag Ag Ag As As As As As as C7 26PAs Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Aa Ag Ag Ag Aa 4,18 23EIAy, 1 An Ar | Ans Ait Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Aso 241 oF OE | GE/Vpp| OE GE | OE/Vpp A2 A2 Ap Ae Aa A, CJ 10 23 Ato 10 Ato Aro | Ato Aio Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Aint 2 cE ce CE ce te Ao Ao Ag Ao Ao AoC 12 2107 O7 Q7 O7 07 07 O Oo O Oo Oo So 413 201 06 O6 Og O6 O6 O6 O71 0; 0; O71 O71 O,Cy14 199) Og Os Os Os Os Os Oz O2 O2 Oe Oo O2 C415 180, Os O4 O4 Og O4 GND | GND | GND | GND | GND GND Chis 17905 03 O3 OQ, | Og O3 290174-2 Figure 2. DIP Pin Configuration am(asexxa)| f |} f | t |} tt td tf dae N27C010 (128Kx8) | ay | Ais | Ave | Yer | Yoo | Pomp nc / 4 Wap es =|4,[ 5 } 29 Jayl > =|Ae] 6 ] 28 FAi3| ~|As] 7 } [2 ag | 4,1 8 } [2 ag | 32 LEAD PLCC _ 9 0.450" x 0.550" | 25 Ta As [>] TOP VIEW Wh =] A, ] 10 [24 oe | Jap [2s Ayo] +] A> 12 } | 22 | CEL +] 0 13 [ 21 Joy | Figure 3. PLCC Lead Configuration 5-114intel 27C010 EXTENDED TEMPERATURE vamin using Intel's standard bias configuration. iS processing meets or exceeds most industry (EXPRESS) EPROMs burn-in specifications. The EXPRESS product family The Intel EXPRESS EPROM family receives addi- _'S available in both 0C to +70C and 40C to tional processing to enhance product characteris- + 85C operating temperature range versions. Like tics. EXPRESS processing is available for several ll Intel EPROMs, the EXPRESS EPROM family is densities allowing the appropriate memory size to inspected to 0.1% electrical AQL. This allows reduc- match system requirements. EXPRESS EPROMs __ tion or elimination of incoming testing. are available with 168 +8 hour, 125C dynamic EXPRESS EPROM FAMILY OPTIONS Packaging PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Speed CERDIP Type] Operating Temperature| Burn-in 125C (hr) 150V10 QTL Q 0C to 70C 168 +8 T 40C to 85C None L 40C to 85C 168 +8 READ OPERATION DC CHARACTERISTICS Electrical parameters of EXPRESS EPROM products are identical to standard EPROM parameters except for: TD27C010(2) Symbol Parameter LD27C010 Test Condition Min Max loc?) Voc Operating Current (mA) 30 OE = CE = Vit, Tambient = 40C Voc Operating Current 30 OE = CE = Vit at High Temperature (mA) Vpp = Voc, Tambient = 85C NOTES: 1. Maximum current is with outputs Og to O7 unloaded. 2. D refers to the CERDIP package. Ypp 1 ad 322) Yee Aye? 32 Pow AysCV3 soPNc. AO 2D Ay ays 28P ays 30 & 7 BS td, mbes ri 8 270010 aq 25 FI Ay ro _| | f | f 4,9 uDoe 4,0 to 23D Aro Adan 220 TE Yee 4 aq folfiz 21 Oy 1 O Mo 13 20 5 O% : 0) pet] 14 19 ewe Os Als : 02 1S 1a wes 0, 290174-5 GnDd] 16 17d 05 Binary Sequence from Ap to Aig, 290174-4 OE = +65V R= 1k Voo= +5V Vpp = +5V GND = OV CE = GND PGM = +5V Burn-in Bias and Timing Diagrams 5-115intel 27010 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* NOTICE: This is a production data sheet. The specifi- cations are subject to change without notice. Operating Temperature ............. 0C to 70C(1) perating vemperatur to * WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the Absolute Temperature Under Bias........... 10C to 80C Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage. Storage Temperature............. 65C to 125C These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the Operating Conditions is not recommended and ex- tended exposure beyond the Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. Voltage on Any Pin (except Ag, Voc and Vpp) with Respect to GND ........ 0.6V to 6.5V(2, 8) Voltage on Ag with Respect toGND ............. 0.6V to 13.0V(2) Vpp Program Voltage with Respect toGND........... 0.6V to 14V(2) Voc Supply Voltage with Respect to GND .......... 0.6V to 7.0V(2) READ OPERATION DC CHARACTERISTICS() Vcc = 5.0V + 10% Symboi Parameter Notes Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition lu Input Load Current 7 0.01 1.0 pA | Vin = OV to 5.5V lto Output Leakage Current +10 pA | Vout = OV to 5.5V Isp Voc Standby Current 1.0 mA | CE = Vin 100 pA | CE = Voc +0.2V loc Vcc Operating Current 3 30 mA | CE = Vic = 5 MHz, louT = OMA Ipp Vpp Operating Current 3 10 BA | Vpp = Voc los Output Short Circuit Current 4,6 100 mA Vit Input Low Voltage -0.5 0.8 Vv Vin Input High Voltage 2.0 Voc + 0.5 v VoL Output Low Voltage 0.45 v lo, = 2.1 mA Vou Output High Voltage 2.4 Vv lon = 400 pA Vpp Vpp Operating Voltage 5 Voc 9.7 Voc Vv NOTES: 1. Operating temperature is for commercial product defined by this specification. Extended temperature options are available in EXPRESS versions. 2. Minimum DC voltage is 0.5V on input/output pins. During transitions, this level may undershoot to 2.0V for periods <20 ns. Maximum DC voitage on input/output pins is Voc + 0.5V which, during transitions, may overshoot to Vcc + 2.0V for periods <20 ns. 3. Maximum active power usage is the sum Ipp + !oc. Maximum current is with outputs Op to O7 unloaded. 4. Output shorted for no more than one second. No more than one output shorted at a time. 5. Vpp may be connected directly to Voc, or may be one diode voltage drop below Voc. Vcc must be applied simultaneously or before Vpp and removed simultaneously or after Vpp. 6. Sampled, not 100% tested. 7. Typical limits are at Voc = 5V, Ta = 25C. 8. Absolute Maximum Ratings apply to NC pins. 5-116intel 270010 READ OPERATION AC CHARACTERISTICS() Vcc = 5.0v +10% 27C010-150V10 | 270010-200V10 Versions(4) Voc + 10% | 27C010-120V10 P27C010-150V10 | P27C010-200V10 N27C010-150V10 | N27C010-200v10 | Units Symbol Parameter Notes Min Max Min Max Min Max tacc Address to Output Delay 120 150 200 ns tce CE to Output Delay 2 120 150 200 ns toe OE to Output Delay 2 55 60 70 ns tor OE High to Output HighZ | 39 30 50 60 ns toH Output Hold from 3 0 0 0 ns Addresses, CE or OE Change-Whichever is First NOTES: 1. See AC Input/Output Reference Waveform for timing measurements. 2. OF may be delayed up to tce-toe after the falling edge of CE without impact on tog. 3. Sampled, not 100% tested. 4, Model Number Prefixes: No Prefix = CERDIP, P = PDIP,N = PLCC. 5-11727010 CAPACITANCE(1) 1, = 25C, f = 1MHz Symbol Parameter Typ(2) | Max | Unit | Conditions Cin Input Capacitance 4 8 pF Vin = OV Cout Output Capacitance 8 12 PF | Vout = OV Cypp Vpp Capacitance 18 25 pF Vpp 5 OV NOTES: 1. Sampled, not 100% tested. 2. Typical values are for Ta = 25C and nominal supply voltages. AC INPUT/OUTPUT REFERENCE WAVEFORM AC TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT 24 2.0 5 2.0 INPUT , TEST POINTS OUTPUT 0.45 x 0.8 it