PCF21 19X All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2015. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 12 — 16 April 2015 11 of 88
NXP Semiconductors PCF2119x
LCD controllers/drivers
factor 4, three stages are used. A multiplication factor of for example, 4 does not mean
that a volt age of 4 VDD2,3 is generated in the in ternal high-volt age generator. The charge
pump is part of a control loop. This means that the control loop a ims to regulate VLCD at
the program m ed valu e.
The ITO track resistance limit the speed by which the capacitors can be charged. The
multiplication factor exceeds the required VLCD under all circumstances (that is, at low
temperatures and along with the temper ature co mpe nsation, see Section If still
a higher multiplication factor is chosen, VLCD will remain as set by Equation 2 but the
ripple will increase. The increase in ripple can be counteracted by increasing the external
decoupling capacitor at VLCD. A higher multiplication factor will also result in a higher
current consumption (see Section 16.6). However the current that can be delivered will be
higher, for example, for larger display are a.
When the VLCD generator and the direct mode are switched off, an external voltage may
be supplied at connected pins VLCDIN and VLCDOUT. VLCDIN and VLCDOUT may be higher or
lower than VDD2.
In direct mode (see Icon_ctl instruction, Section the internal VLCD generator is
turned off and the VLCDOUT output voltage is directly conn ec te d to VDD2. This reduces the
current consumption depending on VDD2 value and LCD liquid properties.
The VLCD gener ator ensures that, as long as VDD2 and VDD3 are in the valid range (2.2 V
to 4 V), the required peak voltage VLCD = 6.5 V can be generated at an y time.
8.5 LCD bias voltage generator
The intermediate bias voltages for the LCD display are also generated on-chip. This
removes the need for an extern al resistive bias chain and significantly reduces the system
current consumption. The optimum value of VLCD depends on the multiplex rate, the LCD
threshold volt age (Vth) and the number of bias levels. Using a 5-level bias scheme for the
1:18 multiplex rate allows VLCD < 5 V for most LCD liquids.
The intermedia te bias levels for th e different multip le x rat es ar e sh ow n in Table 7. These
bias levels are auto m ati ca lly set to the giv en valu es when switch in g to the co rr esp o nd in g
multiplex rate.
The RMS on-state voltage (Von(RMS)) for the LCD is calculated with Equation 3 and the
RMS off-state voltage (Voff(RMS)) with Equation 4:
Table 7. Bias levels as a function of multiplex rate
rate Number of
bias levels Bias voltages
1:18 5 VLCD VSS
1:9 5 VLCD VSS
1:2 4 VLCD VSS