P/N:PM0558 REV. 1.0, JUL. 31, 1998
The device contains a Status Register which may be read
to determine when a Program or Erase operation is com-
plete, and whether that operation completed successfully .
The Status Register may be read at any time by wr iting
the Read Status command to the command interface.
After writing this command, all subsequent Read opera-
tions output data from the Status Register until another
command is written to the command interface. A Read
Array command must be written to the command inter-
f ace to return to the read arra y mode. The Status Regis-
ter bits are output on DQ[0:7].
In the word-wide(x16) mode the upper byte , DQ(8:15) is
set to 00H during a Read status command, in the byte-
wide mode, DQ(8:14) are tri-stated and DQ15/A-1 re-
tains the low order address function.
The contents of the Status Register are latched on the
falling edge of OE or CE, whichever occurs last in the
read cycle. This prevents possible bus errors which might
occur if the contents of the Status Register change while
reading the Status Register. CE or OE must be toggled
with each subsequent status read, or the completion of a
Program or Erase operation will not be evident from the
Status Register .
When the state machine is active, this register will indi-
cate the status of the state machine, and will also hold
the bits indicating whether or not the state machine was
successful in perf orming the desired operation.
The state machine sets status bits 4 through 7 to "1", and
clears bits 6 and 7 to "0", but cannot clear status bits 4
and 5 to "0". Bits 4 and 5 can only be cleared by the
controlling CPU through the use of the Clear Status Reg-
ister command. These bits can indicate various error
conditions. By allowing the system software to control
the resetting of these bits, several operations may be
performed (such as cumulatively programming several
b ytes or erasing multiple bloc ks in sequence). The Sta-
tus Register may then be read to determine if an error
occurred during that programming or erasure series. This
adds flexibility to the way the device may be programmed
or erased. Once an error occurred, the command Inter-
face only responds to clear Status Register, Read Status
Register and Read Array. To clear the Status Register,
the Clear Status Register command is written to the com-
mand interface. Then, any other command may be is-
sued to the command interface . Note, again, that before
read cycle can be initiated, a Read Array command must
be written to the command interface to specify whether
the read data is to come from the Memory Array, Status
Register , Page Buffer, or silicon ID.
The MX29L8100G features a sofware controlled low
power modes: Sleep modes. Sleep mode is allowed dur-
ing any current operations except that once Suspend
command is issued, Sleep command is ignored. To acti-
vate Sleep mode, a three-bus cycle operation is required.
The C0H command (Ref er to Table 3) puts the de vice in
the Sleep mode. Once in the Sleep mode and with CMOS
input le vel applied, the po wer of the device is reduced to
deep power-down current levels. The only power con-
sumed is diffusion leakage, tr ansistor subthreshold con-
duction, input leakage, and output leakage .
The Sleep command allows the device to complete its
current operations before going into Sleep mode. During
Sleep mode, Silicon ID codes remain valid and can still
be read. The Device Sleep Status bit SR.2 will indicate
that the device in the sleep mode . The device is in read
SR. mode during sleep mode.
Writing the Read/Reset command will wake up the de-
vice out of sleep mode. SR.2 is reset to "0" and device
returns to standby current le v el.
The MX29L8100G has 128 Bytes of page buffers, which
can work as SRAM to store temporary data for fast ac-
cess purpose. To write data into page buff ers, the Write
Page Buffer command is written to the CIR. There are
two "unlock"write cycles, followed by the command E0H.
Loading data to page buffer is similar to that in Page Pro-
gram. Sequential loading is not required. (A-1 to A5 in
byte mode, or A0 to A5 in word mode) must be valid to
specify byte address within the page buffers during each
high-to-low transition of WE or CE. Each ne w byte to be
stored must have its high-to-low transition of WE or CE
within 30 us of the low-to-high transition of WE or CE of
the preceding byte. Otherwise, the Write Page Buffer
mode is terminated automatically.