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Orifice MOPD
CV1 Primary Prefix
Body Stop Body Stop Grommet
1/16 — 400 0.065 — B2011 B2021
5/64 — 300 0.090 — B2012 B2022
3/32 — 250 0.155 — B2013 B2023
7/64 — 200 0.200 — B2014 B2024
1/8 — 150 0.240 — B2015 B2025
5/32 — 100 0.300 — B2016 B2026
3/16 — 50 0.430 — B2017 B2027
— 1/32 400 — 0.019 B2211 B2221
— 3/64 300 — 0.040 B2212 B2222
— 1/16 200 — 0.075 B2213 B2223
— 5/64 150 — 0.090 B2214 B2224
Free Vent
1/32 1/32 250 0.018 0.018 B3011 B3021
3/64 3/64 175 0.040 0.040 B3012 B3022
1/16 1/16 125 0.065 0.070 B3013 B3023
5/64 5/64 100 0.090 0.090 B3014 B3024
3/32 5/64 75 0.155 0.090 B3015 B3025
1/8 5/64 50 0.240 0.090 B3016 B3026
5/32 5/64 15 0.300 0.090 B3017 B3027
1/32 1/32 250 0.018 0.018 B3111 B3121
3/64 3/64 175 0.040 0.040 B3112 B3122
1/16 1/16 125 0.065 0.070 B3113 B3123
5/64 5/64 100 0.090 0.090 B3114 B3124
3/32 5/64 75 0.155 0.090 B3115 B3125
1/8 5/64 50 0.240 0.090 B3116 B3126
5/32 5/64 15 0.300 0.090 B3117 B3127
1/32 1/32 200 0.018 0.018 B3211 B3221
3/64 3/64 150 0.040 0.040 B3212 B3222
1/16 1/16 125 0.065 0.070 B3213 B3223
5/64 5/64 100 0.090 0.090 B3214 B3224
3/32 5/64 75 0.155 0.090 B3215 B3225
1/8 5/64 50 0.240 0.090 B3216 B3226
5/32 5/64 15 0.300 0.090 B3217 B3227
1/32 1/32 175 0.018 0.018 B3311 B3321
3/64 3/64 125 0.040 0.040 B3312 B3322
1/16 1/16 100 0.065 0.070 B3313 B3323
5/64 5/64 75 0.090 0.090 B3314 B3324
3/32 5/64 50 0.155 0.090 B3315 B3325
1/8 5/64 25 0.240 0.090 B3316 B3326
5/32 5/64 15 0.300 0.090 B3317 B3327
1/32 1/32 275 0.018 0.018 B3411 B3421
3/64 3/64 200 0.040 0.040 B3412 B3422
1/16 1/16 150 0.065 0.070 B3413 B3423
5/64 5/64 100 0.090 0.090 B3414 B3424
3/32 5/64 75 0.155 0.090 B3415 B3425
1/8 5/64 50 0.240 0.090 B3416 B3426
5/32 5/64 25 0.300 0.090 B3417 B3427
* Standard selection; will be used unless otherwise specified.
Standard selections are not referenced in final part number.
Part Prefix Table
2 Coil Construction
(blank) = Tape-wrapped, Class-B, with 18” lead wires*
W___ = Tape-wrapped coil, lead-wires, non-standard length
(specify length)
1M = Over molded coil, Class-B, lead-wires
2M = Over molded coil, Class-F, lead-wires
3M = Over molded coil, Class-H, lead-wires
4M = Over molded coil, Class-B, 1/4” spade terminals
5M = Over molded coil, Class F, 1/4” spade terminals
6M = Over molded coil Class H, 1/4” spade terminals
4 = Encapsulated coil, Class-B, 3/16” spade terminals
5 = Encapsulated coil, Class-B, 0.110” spade terminals
8 = Encapsulated coil, Class F, 3/16” spade terminals
10 = Externally rectified coil (lead wires only)
11 = Tape-wrapped coil, Class H, lead wires
2 Coil Construction, continued
HC = molded coil, Class F, EN175301-803 Form B DIN,
Industrial. 11mm, 2+1 poles
HC2 = Encapsulated coil, Class B, EN175301-803 Form C DIN,
Industrial, 9.4mm, 2+1 poles
TK = Higher efficiency coil (2-way N.C. only)
3 Body Material
(blank) = 303 Stainless Steel*
BB = Brass
SB = 304 Stainless Steel
SB5 = 316 Stainless Steel
SBF = 430F Stainless Steel
4 Plunger Seal Material
(blank) = Nitrile*
GV = Gasoline Viton®
(2-way N.C. only)
N = Neoprene
NS = Nitrile (NSF/FDA material)
PF = Perfluoroelastomer
R = Rulon® (2-way N.C. only)
V = Viton®
6 Body Port Configuration
(blank) = 1/8-27 NPT female thread*
LB = 1/4-18 NPT female thread
BD = #10-32 female straight thread (max. orifice = 1/8˝)
LT = 1/8-28 BSPT female thread
LU = 1/4-19 BSPT female thread (2-way N.C. only)
MM = Manifold mount (1/4-28 UNF-2A mounting stud)†††
MM3 = Manifold mount (5/16-24 UNF-2A mounting stud)†††
OB = Omit body (operator style)
MB = Bottom metering (2-way N.C. only)
BI = Bottom over-seat port, female thread
(max. orifice = 1/8˝)
BIM = Bottom over-seat port, 1/8-27 NPT male thread
(max. orifice = 5/64˝, brass body only)
BO = Bottom under-seat port, female thread
BOM = Bottom under-seat port, 1/8-27 NPT male thread
(max. orifice = 1/8˝, brass body only)
RL = 90° porting - left hand
RR = 90° porting - right hand
BS = Stop port, #10-32 female straight thread
7 Voltage†† (see note below)
___VDC = DC (specify DC voltage)
___VAC = AC (specify AC voltage; includes copper shading ring)
8 Additional Options
Y = Yoke (2-way N.C. only)
WM = Mounting bracket
TP = PTFE coated plunger
QO = Quiet operation (2-way N.C. only)
S = Silver shading ring
OC = Cleaned for oxygen use
VAC = Vacuum application (0 to 29.5˝ Hg)
G1 = One-piece 303 Stainless Steel guide assembly
(standard on 2-way normally open and all 3-way valves)
G5 = One piece 316 Stainless Steel guide assembly
SH = 1˝ Diameter housing, grommet
SC = 1˝ Diameter housing, conduit
† Internal rectified available. Consult factory.
†† Can be AC rectified without shading ring. Use coil construction Code 10.
††† Teflon® o-ring not suitable for manifold mount.
5 O-Ring Material
(blank) = Nitrile*
NO = Neoprene
NSO = Nitrile
(NSF/FDA material)
PFO = Perfluoroelastomer
VO = Viton®