LT1995 32MHz, 1000V/s Gain Selectable Amplifier U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO The LT(R)1995 is a high speed, high slew rate, gain selectable amplifier with excellent DC performance. Gains from -7 to 8 with a gain accuracy of 0.2% can be achieved using no external components. The device is particularly well suited for use as a difference amplifier, where the excellent resistor matching results in a typical common mode rejection ratio of 79dB. Internal Gain Setting Resistors Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier, Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier Difference Amplifier: Gain Range 1 to 7 CMRR > 65dB Noninverting Amplifier: Gain Range 1 to 8 Inverting Amplifier: Gain Range -1 to -7 Gain Error: <0.2% Slew Rate: 1000V/s Bandwidth: 32MHz (Gain = 1) Op Amp Input Offset Voltage: 2.5mV Max Quiescent Current: 9mA Max Wide Supply Range: 2.5V to 15V Available in 10-Lead MSOP and 10-Lead (3mm x 3mm) DFN Packages U APPLICATIO S The resistors have excellent matching, 0.2% maximum at room temperature and 0.3% from -40C to 85C. The temperature coefficient of the resistors is typically -30ppm/C. The resistors are extremely linear with voltage, resulting in a gain nonlinearity of 10ppm. The LT1995 is fully specified at 2.5V, 5V and 15V supplies and from -40C to 85C. The device is available in space saving 10-lead MSOP and 10-Lead (3mm x 3mm) DFN packages. For a micropower precision amplifier with precision resistors, see the LT1991 and LT1996. Instrumentation Amplifier Current Sense Amplifier Video Difference Amplifier Automatic Test Equipment , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. U The amplifier is a single gain stage design similar to the LT1363 and features superb slewing and settling characteristics. Input offset of the internal operational amplifier is less than 2.5mV and the slew rate is 1000V/s. The output can drive a 150 load to 2.5V on 5V supplies, making it useful in cable driver applications. TYPICAL APPLICATIO High Slew Rate Differential Gain of 1 M1 M2 M4 15V 1k Large-Signal Transient (G = 1) OUT 4k 2k - INPUT RANGE -15V TO 15V + 4k - 4k + LT1995 2k 1k 4k 1995 TA01b REF P1 P2 P4 -15V 1995 TA01a 1995fb 1 LT1995 U W W W ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) .............................. 36V Input Current (Note 2) ....................................... 10mA Output Short-Circuit Duration (Note 3) ........... Indefinite Operating Temperature Range (Note 4) .. - 40C to 85C Specified Temperature Range (Note 5) ... - 40C to 85C Storage Temperature Range MS Package .................................... - 65C to 150C DD Package ..................................... - 65C to 125C Maximum Junction Temperature MS Package ..................................................... 150C DD Package ..................................................... 125C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300C W U U PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION P1 1 10 M1 P2 2 9 M2 P4 3 VS- 4 7 VS+ REF 5 6 OUT + - ORDER PART NUMBER ORDER PART NUMBER TOP VIEW 8 M4 DD PACKAGE 10-LEAD (3mm x 3mm) PLASTIC DFN TOP VIEW LT1995CDD LT1995IDD DD PART MARKING* LBJF LBJF TJMAX = 125C, JA = 160C/W (NOTE 6) EXPOSED PAD INTERNALLY CONNECTED TO VS- PCB CONNECTION OPTIONAL P1 P2 P4 VS- REF 1 2 3 4 5 + - 10 9 8 7 6 LT1995CMS LT1995IMS M1 M2 M4 VS+ OUT MS PART MARKING* MS PACKAGE 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP TJMAX = 150C, JA = 160C/W (NOTE 6) LTBJD LTBJD Order Options Tape and Reel: Add #TR Lead Free: Add #PBF Lead Free Tape and Reel: Add #TRPBF Lead Free Part Marking: Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grades are identified by a label on the shipping container. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Difference Amplifier Configuration. TA = 25C, VREF = VCM = 0V and unused gain pins are unconnected, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VSUPPLY GE Gain Error VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 1 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 2 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 4 VOUT = 5V, RL = 150, G = 1 VOUT = 2.5V, RL = 500, G = 1 VOUT = 2.5V, RL = 150, G = 1 GNL Gain Nonlinearity VOS Input Offset Voltage Referred to Input (Note 7) MIN TYP MAX UNITS 15V 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.25 % % % % % % VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 1 15V 10 G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 2 (MS10) G = 2 (DD10) G = 4 (MS10) G = 4 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V 2.5V 2.5V 1 1.5 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.9 1 1.4 1 1.3 ppm 5 9 4 6.8 3.75 5.6 5 9 5 9 mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV 1995fb 2 LT1995 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Difference Amplifier Configuration. TA = 25C, VREF = VCM = 0V and unused gain pins are unconnected, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VSUPPLY VOS_OA Op Amp Input Offset Voltage (Note 10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 2.5V, 5V, 15V 2.5V, 5V, 15V en Input Noise Voltage G = 1, f = 10kHz G = 2, f = 10kHz G = 4, f = 10kHz 2.5V to 15V 2.5V to 15V 2.5V to 15V RIN Common Mode Input Resistance VCM = 15V, G = 1 CIN Input Capacitance CMRR MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.5 0.75 2.5 4.5 mV mV 27 18 14 nV/Hz nV/Hz nV/Hz 15V 4 k 15V 2.5 pF Input Voltage Range G=1 15V 5V 2.5V 15 5 1 15.5 5.5 1.5 V V V Common Mode Rejection Ratio Referred to Input G = 1, VCM = 15V G = 2, VCM = 15V G = 4, VCM = 15V G = 1, VCM = 5V G = 1, VCM = 1V 15V 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 65 71 75 65 61 79 84 87 73 68 dB dB dB dB dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio P1 = M1 = 0V, G = 1, VS = 2.5V to 15V 78 87 dB VOUT Output Voltage Swing RL = 1k RL = 500 RL = 500 RL = 500 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 13.5 13 3.5 1.3 14 13.5 4 2 V V V V ISC Short-Circuit Current G=1 15V 70 120 mA SR Slew Rate G = -2, VOUT = 12V, P2 = 0V Measured at VOUT = 10V G = -2, VOUT = 3.5V, P2 = 0V Measured at VOUT = 2V 15V 750 1000 V/s 5V 450 V/s FPBW Full Power Bandwidth 10V Peak, G = -2 (Note 8) 3V Peak, G = -2 (Note 8) 15V 5V 16 24 MHz MHz HD Total Harmonic Distortion G = 1, f = 1MHz, RL = 1k, VOUT = 2VP-P 15V -81 dB -3dB Bandwidth G=1 15V 5V 2.5V 32 25 21 MHz MHz MHz tr, tf Rise Time, Fall Time 10% to 90%, 0.1V, G = 1 15V 5V 10 15 ns ns OS Overshoot 0.1V, G = 1, CL = 10pF 15V 5V 30 30 % % tpd Propagation Delay 50% VIN to 50% VOUT, 0.1V, G = 1 15V 5V 9 11 ns ns ts Settling Time 10V Step, 0.1%, G = 1 5V Step, 0.1%, G = 1 15V 5V 100 110 ns ns G Differential Gain G = 2, RL = 150 15V 0.06 % Differential Phase G = 2, RL = 150 15V 0.15 Deg ROUT Output Resistance f = 1MHz, G = 1 15V 1.5 IS Supply Current G=1 15V 5V 7.1 6.7 9.0 8.5 mA mA 1995fb 3 LT1995 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the 0C TA 70C. Difference Amplifier Configuration. VREF = VCM = 0V and unused gain pins are unconnected, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VSUPPLY GE Gain Error VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 1 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 2 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 4 VOUT = 2.5V, RL = 500, G = 1 VOUT = 2.5V, RL = 150, G = 1 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V VOS Input Offset Voltage Referred to Input (Note 7) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 2 (MS10) G = 2 (DD10) G = 4 (MS10) G = 4 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) VOS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift Referred to Input (Note 9) VOS_OA MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.35 % % % % % 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V 2.5V 2.5V 1.1 1.5 0.8 1.2 0.7 0.9 1 1.4 1 1.3 6.5 11.5 5.5 9 5 7.5 6.5 11.5 6.5 11.5 mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 15V 15V 10 10 26 35 Op Amp Input Offset Voltage (Note 10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 2.5V, 5V, 15V 2.5V, 5V, 15V 0.55 0.75 3.25 5.75 Input Voltage Range G=1 15V 5V 2.5V 15 5 1 15.5 5.5 1.5 V V V CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio Referred to Input VCM = 15V, G = 1 VCM = 15V, G = 2 VCM = 15V, G = 4 VCM = 5V, G = 1 VCM = 1V, G = 1 15V 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 63 69 73 62 59 77 83 86 72 66 dB dB dB dB dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio P1 = M1 = 0V, G = 1, VS = 2.5V to 15V 76 86 dB VOUT Output Voltage Swing RL = 1k RL = 500 RL = 500 RL = 500 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 13.1 12.6 3.4 1.2 14 13.5 4 2 V V V V ISC Short-Circuit Current G=1 15V 55 115 mA SR Slew Rate G = -2, VOUT = 12V, P2 = 0V Measured at VOUT = 10V 15V 600 900 V/s IS Supply Current G=1 15V 5V 7.9 7.4 V/C V/C mV mV 10.5 9.9 mA mA TYP MAX UNITS 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.3 0.35 0.35 0.3 0.5 % % % % % The denotes the specifications which apply over the -40C TA 85C. Difference Amplifier Configuration. VREF = VCM = 0V and unused gain pins are unconnected, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VSUPPLY GE Gain Error VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 1 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 2 VOUT = 12V, RL = 1k, G = 4 VOUT = 2.5V, RL = 500, G = 1 VOUT = 2.5V RL = 150, G = 1 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V MIN 1995fb 4 LT1995 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the -40C TA 85C. Difference Amplifier Configuration. VREF = VCM = 0V and unused gain pins are unconnected, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VSUPPLY VOS Input Offset Voltage Referred to Input (Note 7) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 2 (MS10) G = 2 (DD10) G = 4 (MS10) G = 4 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 5V 5V 2.5V 2.5V VOS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift Referred to Input (Note 9) G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) VOS_OA Op Amp Input Offset Voltage (Note 10) Input Voltage Range MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.2 1.6 0.9 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.5 7.5 13 6 10 5.5 8.5 7.5 13 7.5 13 mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV 15V 15V 10 10 26 35 V/C V/C G = 1 (MS10) G = 1 (DD10) 2.5V, 5V, 15V 2.5V, 5V, 15V 0.6 0.8 3.75 6.5 G=1 15V 5V 2.5V 15 5 1 15.5 5.5 1.5 V V V 15V 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 62 68 72 61 57 77 83 86 72 66 dB dB dB dB dB 74 86 dB mV mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = 15V, G = 1 Referred to Input VCM = 15V, G = 2 VCM = 15V, G = 4 VCM = 5V, G = 1 VCM = 1V, G = 1 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio P1 = M1 = 0V, G = 1, VS = 2.5V to 15V VOUT Output Voltage Swing RL = 1k RL = 500 RL = 500 RL = 500 15V 15V 5V 2.5V 13 12.5 3.3 1.1 14 13.5 4 2 V V V V ISC Short-Circuit Current G=1 15V 50 105 mA SR Slew Rate G = -2, VOUT = 12V, P2 = 0V Measured at VOUT = 10V 15V 550 900 V/s IS Supply Current G=1 15V 5V Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. Note 2: The inputs are protected by diodes connected to VS+ and VS-. If an input goes beyond the supply range, the input current should be limited to 10mA. Note 3: A heat sink may be required to keep the junction temperature below absolute maximum. Note 4: The LT1995C and LT1995I are guaranteed functional over the operating temperature range of -40C to 85C. Note 5: The LT1995C is guaranteed to meet specified performance from 0C to 70C. The LT1995C is designed, characterized and expected to meet specified performance from -40C to 85C but is not tested or QA sampled at these temperatures. The LT1995I is guaranteed to meet specified performance from -40C to 85C. 8.0 7.6 11.0 10.4 mA mA Note 6: Thermal resistance (JA) varies with the amount of PC board metal connected to the leads. The specified values are for short traces connected to the leads. If desired, the thermal resistance can be reduced slightly in the MS package to about 130C/W by connecting the used leads to a larger metal area. A substantial reduction in thermal resistance down to about 50C/W can be achieved by connecting the Exposed Pad on the bottom of the DD package to a large PC board metal area which is either open-circuited or connected to VS-. Note 7: Input offset voltage is pulse tested and is exclusive of warm-up drift. VOS and VOS TC refer to the input offset of the difference amplifier configuration. The equivalent input offset of the internal op amp can be calculated from VOS_OA = VOS * G/(G +1). Note 8: Full Power bandwidth is calculated from the slew rate measurement: FPBW = SR/2VP. Note 9: This parameter is not 100% tested. Note 10: The input offset of the internal op amp is calculated from the input offset voltage: VOS_OA = VOS * G/(G +1). 1995fb 5 LT1995 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS (Difference Amplifier Configuration) Supply Current vs Supply Voltage and Temperature VOS Distribution 25 10 15 10 INPUT VOLTAGE NOISE (nV/Hz) TA = 125C 8 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) TA = 25C 6 TA = -55C 4 5 2 0 1.5 2.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (mV) 0 3.5 10 5 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 0 1995 G01 G=2 G=1 -0.03 -1.5 RL = 500 1.5 RL = 1k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RESISTIVE LOAD (k) 9 10 V- 10 5 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 0 120 OUTPUT SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT (mA) 200 G=1 G=7 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 TIME AFTER POWER ON (MINUTES) 5 1995 G07 -1.0 -1.5 -40C 3.0 -2.0 85C 85C 25C 2.5 2.0 -40C 1.5 V- -50 20 -25 0 25 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) 50 1995 G06 Output Short-Circuit Current vs Temperature VS = 15V TA = 25C MS PACKAGE 150 -0.5 25C 1995 G05 Warm-Up Drift vs Time 250 V+ VS = 5V 0.5 1995 G04 300 100 1.0 0.5 -0.04 CHANGE IN INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (V) -1.0 RL = 500 1.0 0 1 10 FREQUENCY (kHz) 1995 G03 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) CHANGE IN GAIN ERROR (%) 0 -0.05 0.1 -0.5 G=4 -0.02 1 0.01 V+ RL = 1k 0.01 -0.01 G=4 Output Voltage Swing vs Load Current TA = 25C G=7 0.02 G=2 G=7 10 Output Voltage Swing vs Supply Voltage VS = 15V TA = 25C VOUT = 12V 0.04 G=1 1995 G02 Change in Gain Error vs Resistive Load 0.05 VS = 15V TA = 25C 100 20 Output Impedance vs Frequency 1000 VS = 5V VS = 15V TA = 25C 100 80 SOURCE 60 SINK 40 OUTPUT IMPEDACNE () NUMBER OF UNITS (%) VS = 15V VCM = 0V G=1 20 MS PACKAGE 0.03 Input Noise Spectral Density 1000 100 G=7 10 G=1 1 20 0 -50 -25 50 25 75 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 1995 G08 0.1 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M 1995 G09 1995fb 6 LT1995 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS (Difference Amplifier Configuration) Settling Time vs Output Step (Non-Inverting) Settling Time vs Output Step (Inverting) 10 10 VS = 15V 8 TA = 25C RL = 1k 6 G = -1 VS = 15V 8 TA = 25C RL = 1k 6 G=1 10mV 2 OUTPUT STEP (V) 4 1mV 0 -2 10mV 1mV -4 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M -8 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 SETTLING TIME (ns) 1mV 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SETTLING TIME (ns) 1995 G12 30 -3dB BANDWIDTH 30 25 20 42 OVERSHOOT CL = 15pF 41 -3dB BANDWIDTH (MHz) -3dB BANDWIDTH (MHz) 60 G = -1 VS = 15V 25 VS = 5V -3dB BANDWIDTH 20 50 OVERSHOOT CL = 15pF 45 VS = 15V 40 VS = 5V 5 4 GAIN (V/V) 6 8 7 2 0 4 8 10 12 14 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) Frequency Response vs Supply Voltage (G = 1, G = -1) 20 TA = 25C 8 RL = 1k 15V 5V -2 -4 -6 VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (dB) 15 6 0 -50 -25 VS = 15V TA = 25C RL = G = -1 10 C = 50pF 0 -5 C = 0pF -8 -15 100M 1995 G16 1 35 125 100 C = 200pF C = 100pF 5 100 Common Mode Rejection Ratio vs Frequency -10 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 50 25 75 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 1995 G15 Frequency Response vs Capacitive Load 10 2 40 1995 G14 1995 G13 2.5V 18 16 OVERSHOOT (%) 80 35 TA = 25C G = -1 35 100 -3dB Bandwidth and Overshoot vs Temperature OVERSHOOT (%) SETTLING TIME (ns) 10mV -4 -10 40 120 GAIN (dB) 0 -2 -8 -3dB Bandwidth and Overshoot vs Supply Voltage 140 -10 100k 1mV 1995 G11 Settling Time vs Gain (Non-Inverting) 4 10mV 2 -10 1995 G10 40 VS = 15V TA = 25C 20 VOUT = 10V RL = 1k 0.1% SETTLING 0 1 3 2 4 -6 -6 COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (dB) 20 18 G=7 16 14 G=4 12 10 8 G=2 6 4 2 G=1 0 -2 -4 V = 15V S -6 T = 25C A -8 RL = 1k -10 100k 10k OUTPUT STEP (V) GAIN (dB) Gain vs Frequency 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1995 G17 VS = 15V 90 TA = 25C G=1 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1k 10k 1M 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 100M 1995 G18 1995fb 7 LT1995 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS (Difference Amplifier Configuration) Power Supply Rejection Ratio vs Frequency Slew Rate vs Supply Voltage VS = 15V TA = 25C G=1 70 TA = 25C 1400 G = -1 + VOUT = VS - VS- - 3VP-P +PSRR 50 -PSRR 40 30 20 10 0 -10 10k 1k 1M 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1400 1200 60 10M 1000 800 600 5 0 10 1000 800 600 400 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 INPUT LEVEL (VP-P) 30 TA = 25C Vo = 3VRMS RL = 500 25 0.001 G=1 G = -1 0.0001 0.01 0 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (kHz) G=1 20 G = -1 15 10 5 VS = 15V TA = 25C HD <2% 0 0.1 100 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 1995 G24 2nd and 3rd Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency Differential Gain and Phase vs Supply Voltage -40 VS = 5V 9 TA = 25C HD <2% 8 G=1 5 4 G = -1 3 2 1995 G25 0.3 0.2 -70 2ND HARMONIC -80 3RD HARMONIC 1 10 0.4 -60 -90 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.5 TA = 25C RL = 150 G=2 DIFFERENTIAL PHASE (DEG) 6 DISTORTION (dBc) VS = 15V VOUT = 2VP-P -50 RL = 500 G=2 -100 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 1995 G26 DIFFERENTIAL GAIN 1.0 0.1 0.8 0 DIFFERENTIAL GAIN (%) 10 7 10 1995 G23 1995 G22 Undistorted Output Swing vs Frequency (5V) 125 100 Undistorted Output Swing vs Frequency (15V) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) 0.01 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (%) SLEW RATE (V/s) 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 1995 G21 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency 200 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) -25 1995 G20 TA = 25C V = 15V 1200 GS= -1 0 0.1 0 -50 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 1400 4 VS = 5V VOUT = 7VP-P 600 200 Slew Rate vs Input Level 2 800 400 1995 G19 0 1000 200 0 VS = 15V VOUT = 27VP-P 1200 400 100M G = -2 1600 SLEW RATE (V/s) 80 Slew Rate vs Temperature 1800 1600 SLEW RATE (V/s) POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (dB) 90 0.6 0.4 DIFFERENTIAL PHASE 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 25 30 1995 G27 1995fb 8 LT1995 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS (Difference Amplifier Configuration) Capacitive Load Handling Capacitive Load Handling 100 100 70 G=1 G=2 G=4 OVERSHOOT (%) OVERSHOOT (%) VS = 15V 90 TA = 25C RL = 80 G=7 60 50 40 30 VS = 5V 90 TA = 25C RL = 80 G=1 70 50 30 20 10 1000pF 0.01F 0.1F CAPACITIVE LOAD 0 10pF 1F G=7 40 10 100pF G=4 60 20 0 10pF G=2 100pF 1000pF 0.01F 0.1F CAPACITIVE LOAD 1F 1995 G29 1995 G28 Small-Signal Transient (G = 1) Small-Signal Transient (G = -1) Small-Signal Transient (Noninverting, G = 1, CL = 100pF) VS = 15V RL = 1k VS = 15V RL = 1k VS = 15V RL = 1k 100ns/DIV 1995 G30 100ns/DIV 1995 G31 100ns/DIV 1995 G32 Large-Signal Transient (G = 1) Large-Signal Transient (G = -1) Large-Signal Transient (Noninverting, G = 1, CL = 100pF) VS = 15V RL = 1k VS = 15V RL = 1k VS = 15V RL = 1k 100ns/DIV 1995 G33 100ns/DIV 1995 G34 100ns/DIV 1995 G35 1995fb 9 LT1995 U U U PI FU CTIO S (Difference Amplifier Configuration) P1 (Pin 1): Noninverting Gain-of-1 Input. Connects a 4k internal resistor to the op amp's noninverting input. OUT (Pin 6): Output Voltage. VOUT = VREF + 1 * (VP1 - VM1) + 2 * (VP2 - VM2) + 4 * (VP4 - VM4). P2 (Pin 2): Noninverting Gain-of-2 Input. Connects a 2k internal resistor to the op amp's noninverting input. VS+ (Pin 7): Positive Supply Voltage. P4 (Pin 3): Noninverting Gain-of-4 Input. Connects a 1k internal resistor to the op amp's noninverting input. VS- (Pin 4): Negative Supply Voltage. REF (Pin 5): Reference Voltage. Sets the output level when the difference between the inputs is zero. Connects a 4k internal resistor to the op amp's non inverting input. M4 (Pin 8): Inverting Gain-of-4 Input. Connects a 1k internal resistor to the op amp's inverting input. M2 (Pin 9): Inverting Gain-of-2 Input. Connects a 2k internal resistor to the op amp's inverting input. M1 (Pin 10): Inverting Gain-of-1 Input. Connects a 4k internal resistor to the op amp's inverting input. 1995fb 10 LT1995 W BLOCK DIAGRA VS+ 1 2 3 P1 7 RP1 = 4k RFB = 4k 0.5pF 0.3pF P2 RP2 = 2k P4 RP4 = 1k M4 RM4 = 1k M2 RM2 = 2k REF 5 + - 8 9 10 M1 0.5pF 0.3pF RM1 = 4k RFB = 4k VS- 4 OUT 6 1995 BD U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO Configuration Flexibility The LT1995 combines a high speed precision operational amplifier with eight ratio-matched on-chip resistors. The resistor configuration and pinout of the device is shown in the Block Diagram. The topology is extremely versatile and provides for simple realizations of most classic functional configurations including difference amplifiers, inverting gain stages, noninverting gain stages (including Hi-Z input buffers) and summing amplifiers. The LT1995 delivers load currents of at least 30mA, making it ideal for cable driving applications as well. The input voltage range depends on gain and configuration. ESD diodes will clamp any input voltage that exceeds the supply potentials by more than several tenths of a volt; and the internal op amp input ports must remain at least 1.75V within the rails to assure normal operation of the part. The output will swing to within one and a half volts of the rails, which in low supply voltage and high gain configurations will create a limitation on the usable input range. It should be noted that while the internal op amp can withstand transient differential input voltages of up to 10V without damage, this does generate large supply current increases (tens of mA) as required for high slew rates. If the device is used with sustained differential input across the internal op amp (such as when the output is clipping), the average supply current will increase, excessive power dissipation will result, and the part may be damaged (i.e., the LT1995 is not recommended for use in comparator applications or with the output clipped). Difference Amplifier The LT1995 can be connected as a classic difference amplifier with an output function given by: VOUT = G * (VIN+ - VIN-) + VREF 1995fb 11 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO As shown in Figure 1, the options for fixed gain G include: 1, 1.33, 1.67, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, all achieved by pinstrapping alone. With split-supply applications where the output is to be ground referenced, the VREF input is simply tied to ground. The input common mode voltage is rejected by the high CMRR of the part within the usable input range. Inverting Gain Amplifier The LT1995 can be connected as an inverting gain amplifier with an output function given by: VOUT = -(G * VIN-) + VREF As shown in Figure 1, the options for fixed gain G include: 1, 1.33, 1.67, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, all achieved by pin strapping alone. The VIN+ connection used in the difference amp configuration is simply tied to ground (or a low impedance potential equal to the input signal bias to create an input "virtual ground"). With split-supply applications where the output is to be ground referenced, the VREF input is simply tied to ground as well. Noninverting Gain Buffer Amplifier The LT1995 can be connected as a high input impedance noninverting gain buffer amplifier with an output function given by: VOUT = G * VIN As shown in Figure 2, the options for fixed gain G include: 1, 1.14, 1.2, 1.33, 1.4, 1.6, 2, 2.33, 2.66, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, all achieved by pin strapping alone. With single supply applications, the grounded M input pins may be tied to a low impedance potential equal to the input signal bias to create a "virtual ground" for both the input and output signals. While there is no input attenuation from VIN to the internal noninverting op amp port in these configurations, the P connections vary to minimize offset by providing balanced input resistances to the internal op amp. Noninverting Gain Amplifier Input Attenuation The LT1995 can also be connected as a noninverting gain amplifier having an input attenuation network to provide a wide range of additional noninverting gain options. In combination with the feedback configurations for gains of G shown in Figure 2 (connections to the M inputs), the P and REF inputs may be connected to form several resistor divider attenuation ratios A, so that a compound output function is given by: VOUT = A * G * VIN As shown in Figure 3, the options for fixed attenuation A include 0.875, 0.857, 0.833, 0.8, 0.75, 0.714, 0.667, 0.625 and 0.571, all achieved by pin strapping alone. With just the attenuation configurations of Figure 3 and the feedback configurations of Figure 2, seventy-three unique composite gains in the range of 1 to 8 are available (many options for gain below unity also exist). Figure 3 does not include the additional pin-strap configurations offering A values of 0.5, 0.429, 0.375, 0.333, 0.286, 0.25, 0.2, 0.167, 0.143 and 0.125, as these values tend to compromise the low noise performance of the part and don't generally contribute many more unique gain options. It should be noted that with these configurations some degree of imbalance will generally exist between the effective resistances RP and RM seen by the internal op amp input ports, noninverting and inverting, respectively. Depending on the specific combination of A and G, the following DC offset error due to op amp input bias current (IB) should be anticipated: The IB of the internal op amp is typically 0.6A and is prepackage tested to a limit of 2A. Additional output-referred offset = IB * (RP - RM) * G. In some configurations, this could be as much as 1.7mV * G additional output offset. The IOS of the internal op amp is typically 120nA and is prepackage tested to a limit of 350nA. The Electrical Characteristics table includes the effects of IB and IOS. 1995fb 12 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO 8 9 VIN- 10 VIN+ 1 2 3 +V M4 M2 M1 P1 P4 VOUT REF 5 P2 4 9 10 6 LT1995 8 VIN- 7 1 2 3 VIN+ VREF +V M4 M2 M1 P1 P4 -V VOUT REF 5 P2 1 2 9 10 1 VIN+ VIN- 2 3 8 9 10 1 2 VIN+ 3 M1 8 7 M1 VIN- 6 LT1995 P1 P2 4 9 10 VOUT REF 5 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 -V 1 2 VIN+ 3 VREF G = 1.67 +V M4 7 M2 M1 P1 P4 VOUT REF 5 P2 4 9 10 6 LT1995 8 VIN- 1 2 3 VIN+ VREF +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 4 P4 -V -V G = 2.00 G = 3.00 G = 4.00 +V 8 VIN- 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 10 VOUT REF 5 P2 4 1 2 3 VIN+ VREF +V M4 7 M2 M1 P4 VOUT REF 5 P2 4 9 10 6 LT1995 P1 8 VIN- 1 2 VIN+ VREF 3 VOUT VREF -V M4 VOUT 4 P4 G = 1.33 M2 P4 7 M2 VREF +V M4 P4 +V M4 -V G = 1.00 VIN- 3 VIN+ 4 VREF 8 9 10 6 LT1995 8 VIN- 7 +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 4 P4 VOUT 1995 F01 VREF -V -V -V G = 5.00 G = 6.00 G = 7.00 Figure 1. Difference (and Inverting) Amplifier Configurations Table 1. Pin Use, Input Range, Input Resistance, Bandwidth in Difference Amplifier Configuration GAIN Use of P1/M1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VIN Open VIN Open VIN Open VIN Use of P2/M2 Open VIN VIN Open Open VIN VIN Use of P4/M4 Open Open Open VIN VIN VIN VIN Positive Input Range: VREF = 0V, VS = 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V 15V Positive Input Range: VREF = 0V, VS = 5V Positive Input Range: VREF = 0V, VS = 2.5V Positive Input Resistance 5V 4.88V 4.33V 4.06V 3.9V 3.79V 3.71V 1.5V 1.13V 1V 0.94V 0.9V 0.88V 0.86V 8k 6k 5.33k 5k 4.8k 4.67k 4.57k Minus Input Resistance 4k 2k 1.33k 1k 800 667 571 Ref Input Resistance 8k 6k 5.33k 5k 4.8k 4.67k 4.57k Input Common Mode Resistance, VREF = 0V 4k 3k 2.67k 2.5k 2.4k 2.33k 2.29k Input Differential Mode Resistance, VREF = 0V -3dB Bandwidth 8k 4k 2.67k 2k 1.6k 1.33k 1.14k 32MHz 27MHz 27MHz 23MHz 18MHz 16MHz 15MHz 1995fb 13 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO 8 9 10 1 2 3 +V M4 8 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 +V M4 8 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 -V 10 VOUT 2 3 4 9 10 1 2 3 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 8 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 10 VOUT 9 10 1 2 3 3 4 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 REF 5 P1 P2 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 +V 7 M1 9 6 LT1995 REF 5 P1 P2 P4 10 VOUT 1 2 3 M1 9 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 2 3 4 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 8 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 10 VOUT 10 1 2 3 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 -V VIN 3 4 4 P4 +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 VOUT 4 P4 -V G = 5.00 +V M4 8 7 9 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 10 VOUT 1 2 3 4 -V VIN G = 6.00 VOUT VIN 8 7 REF 5 P2 G = 4.00 +V P4 1 2 VIN M4 6 LT1995 P1 G = 2.66 +V G = 3.00 9 M1 -V VIN 7 M2 -V M4 -V 8 1 +V M4 VIN 8 7 4 P4 G = 2.33 M2 VOUT 1995 F02 8 M2 G = 2.00 9 REF 5 P2 -V +V 6 LT1995 P1 G = 1.60 VIN 10 M1 -V M4 -V M4 7 M2 VIN 8 VIN 8 +V M4 G = 1.40 +V P4 1 2 VIN M4 4 P4 -V G = 1.33 8 P2 VOUT G = 1.20 +V M4 -V VIN REF 5 VIN 8 7 6 LT1995 P1 G = 1.14 +V P4 M1 -V VIN G = 1.00 M4 7 M2 -V VIN 8 1 +V M4 +V M4 7 M2 M1 REF 5 P2 VOUT 4 P4 -V VIN G = 7.00 6 LT1995 P1 1995 F02b G = 8.00 Figure 2. Noninverting Buffer Amplifier Configurations (Hi-Z Input) 1995fb 14 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO 8 * VIN 9 10 1 2 3 8 * 9 10 1 2 VIN 3 8 * 9 10 1 VIN 2 3 +V M4 8 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 VOUT 1 VIN 4 3 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 VOUT 1 VIN 2 3 4 P4 9 10 +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 -V -V A = 0.857 A = 0.833 8 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 VOUT VIN 9 10 1 2 3 4 +V M4 8 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 VOUT 10 1 VIN 2 3 4 P4 9 +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 -V -V -V A = 0.750 A = 0.714 +V 8 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 4 VOUT VIN 9 10 1 2 3 +V M4 8 7 M2 * M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 VOUT 10 1 2 4 P4 9 VIN 3 VOUT 4 A = 0.800 M4 VOUT 4 -V +V P4 2 8 A = 0.875 M4 P4 9 10 +V M4 +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 VOUT 1995 F03 4 -V -V -V A = 0.667 A = 0.625 A = 0.571 *CONFIGURE M INPUTS FOR DESIRED G PARAMETER; REFER TO FIGURE 2 FOR CONNECTIONS Figure 3. Noninverting Amplifier Input Attenuation Configurations (A > 0.5) 8 The LT1995 can be used in many single-supply applications using AC-coupling without additional biasing circuitry. 7 AC-coupling the LT1995 in a difference amplifier configuration (as in Figure 1) is a simple matter of adding coupling capacitors to each input and the output as shown in the example of Figure 5. The input voltage VBIAS applied to the REF pin establishes the quiescent voltage on the input and output pins. The VBIAS signal should have a low source impedance to avoid degrading the CMRR (0.5 for 1dB CMRR change typically). NONINVERTING GAIN AC-Coupling Methods for Single Supply Operation 6 5 4 3 2 1 73 1 GAIN COMBINATION 1995 F04 Figure 4. Unique Noninverting Gain Configurations 1995fb 15 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO In operation as a noninverting gain stage, the P and REF inputs may be configured as a "supply splitter," thereby providing a convenient mid-supply operating point. Figure 7 illustrates the three attenuation configurations that generate 50% mid-supply biasing levels with no external components aside from the desired coupling capacitors. As with the DC-coupled input attenuation ratios, A, a compound output function including the feedback gain parameter G is given by: Using the LT1995 as an AC-coupled inverting gain stage, the REF pin and the relevant P inputs may all be driven from a VBIAS source as depicted in the example of Figure 6, thus establishing the quiescent voltage on the input and output pins. The VBIAS signal will only have to source the bias current (IB) of the noninverting input of the internal op amp (0.6A typically), so a high VBIAS source impedance (RS) will cause the quiescent level of the amplifier output to deviate from the intended VBIAS level by IB * RS. VOUT = A * G * VIN 8 CIN 9 10 VIN- 1 CIN 2 3 VIN+ +V M4 8 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P2 P4 1 2 3 4 VBIAS * 10 1 2 VIN 3 CIN 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 REF 5 P2 P4 * COUT P1 6 LT1995 4 VOUT 9 10 1 2 3 VIN P2 4 P4 1995 F06 +V 8 M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 * COUT VOUT 4 9 10 1 2 VIN 3 CIN M4 7 M2 COUT M1 6 LT1995 P1 REF 5 P2 P4 VOUT 4 CIN A = 0.750 VOUT REF 5 P1 +V 8 M4 COUT M1 Figure 6. AC-Coupled Inverting Gain Amplifier General Configuration (G = 5 Example) +V 9 7 M2 VBIAS 1995 F05 Figure 5. AC-Coupled Difference Amplifier General Configuation (G = 5 Example) 8 10 VIN- VOUT REF 5 P1 9 CIN COUT +V M4 1995 F07 A = 0.667 A = 0.500 *CONFIGURE M INPUTS FOR DESIRED G PARAMETER; REFER TO FIGURE 2 FOR CONNECTIONS. ANY M INPUTS SHOWN GROUNDED IN FIGURE 2 SHOULD INSTEAD BE CAPACITIVELY COUPLED TO GROUND Figure 7. AC-Coupled Noninverting Amplifier Input Attenuation Configurations (Supply Splitting) 1995fb 16 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO If one of the A parameter configurations in Figure 3 is preferred, or the use of an external biasing source is desired, the P and REF input connections shown grounded in a Figure 3 circuit may be instead driven by a VBIAS voltage to establish a quiescent operating point for the input and output pins. The VIN connections of the Figure 3 circuit are then driven via a coupling capacitor. Any grounded M inputs for the desired G configuration (refer to Figure 2) must be individually or collectively AC-coupled to ground. Figure 8 illustrates a complete example circuit of an externally biased AC-coupled noninverting amplifier. The VBIAS source impedance should be low (a few ohms) to avoid degrading the inherent accuracy of the LT1995. 0.013% of additional Gain Error for each ohm of resistance on the REF pin is typical. 8 CBYP 9 10 1 CIN 2 3 VIN +V M4 7 M2 COUT M1 6 LT1995 REF 5 P1 P2 P4 VBIAS 4 VOUT CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE: A = 0.625 G = 6.00 (VOUT/VIN = 3.75V) 1995 F08 Figure 8. AC-Coupled Noninverting Amplifier with External Bias Source (Example) Resistor Considerations The resistors in the LT1995 are very well matched, low temperature coefficient thin film based elements. Although their absolute tolerance is fairly wide (typically 5% but 25% worst case), the resistor matching is to within 0.2% at room temperature, and to within 0.3% over temperature. The temperature coefficient of the resistors is typically -30ppm/C. The resistors have been sized to accommodate 15V across each resistor, or in terms of power, 225mW in the 1k resistors, 113mW in the 2k resistors, and 56mW in the 4k resistors. Power Supply Considerations As with any high speed amplifier, the LT1995 printed circuit layout should utilize good power supply decoupling practices. Good decoupling will typically consist of one or more capacitors employing the shortest practical interconnection traces and direct vias to a ground plane. This practice minimizes inductance at the supply pins so the impedance is low at the operating frequencies of the part, thereby suppressing feedback or crosstalk artifacts that might otherwise lead to extended settling times, frequency response anomalies, or even oscillation. For high speed parts like the LT1995, 10nF ceramics are suitable close-in bypass capacitors, and if high currents are being delivered to a load, additional 4.7F capacitors in parallel can help minimize induced power supply transients. Because unused input pins are connected via resistors to the input of the op amp, excessive capacitances on these pins will degrade the rise time, slew rate, and step response of the output. Therefore, these pins should not be connected to large traces which would add capacitance when not in use. Since the LT1995 has a wide operating supply voltage range, it is possible to place the part in situations of relatively high power dissipation that may cause excessive die temperatures to develop. Maximum junction temperature (TJ) is calculated from the ambient temperature (TA) 1995fb 17 LT1995 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO and power dissipation (PD) as follows for a nominal PCB layout: TJ = TA + (PD * JA) For example, in order to maintain a maximum junction temperature of 150C at 85C ambient in an MS10 package, the power must be limited to 0.4W. It is important to note that when operating at 15V supplies, the quiescent current alone will typically account for 0.24W, so careful thermal management may be required if high load currents and high supply voltages are involved. By additional copper area contact to the supply pins or effective thermal coupling to extended ground plane(s), the thermal impedance can be reduced to 130C/W in the MS10 package. A substantial reduction in thermal impedance of the DD10 package down to about 50C/W can be achieved by connecting the Exposed Pad on the bottom of the package to a large PC board metal area which is either opencircuited or connected to VS-. 8 9 10 1 2 3 Frequency Compensation The LT1995 comfortably drives heavy resistive loads such as back-terminated cables and provides nicely damped responses for all gain configurations when doing so. Small capacitances are included in the on-chip resistor network to optimize bandwidth in the basic difference gain configurations of Figure 1. For the noninverting configurations of Figure 2, where the gain parameter G is 2 or less, significant overshoot can occur when driving light loads. For these low gain cases, providing an RC output network as shown in Figure 9 to create an artificial load at high frequency will assure good damping behavior. +V M4 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 REF 5 P1 P2 P4 4 VOUT 10nF 47 -V VIN 1995 F09 CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE: G = 1.14 Figure 9. Optional Frequency Compensation Network for (1 G 2) Figure 10. Step Response of Circuit in Figure 9 1995fb 18 LT1995 U PACKAGE DESCRIPTIO MS Package 10-Lead Plastic MSOP (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1661) 3.00 0.102 (.118 .004) (NOTE 3) 0.889 0.127 (.035 .005) 5.23 (.206) MIN 10 9 8 7 6 DETAIL "A" 0.254 (.010) 3.20 - 3.45 (.126 - .136) 3.00 0.102 (.118 .004) (NOTE 4) 4.90 0.152 (.193 .006) 0 - 6 TYP GAUGE PLANE 0.50 0.305 0.038 (.0197) (.0120 .0015) BSC TYP RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 0.497 0.076 (.0196 .003) REF 0.53 0.152 (.021 .006) 1 2 3 4 5 DETAIL "A" 0.86 (.034) REF 1.10 (.043) MAX 0.18 (.007) SEATING PLANE NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER/(INCH) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 4. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 5. LEAD COPLANARITY (BOTTOM OF LEADS AFTER FORMING) SHALL BE 0.102mm (.004") MAX 0.17 - 0.27 (.007 - .011) TYP 0.127 0.076 (.005 .003) 0.50 (.0197) BSC MSOP (MS) 0603 DD Package 10-Lead Plastic DFN (3mm x 3mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1699) R = 0.115 TYP 6 0.38 0.10 10 0.675 0.05 3.50 0.05 1.65 0.05 2.15 0.05 (2 SIDES) 3.00 0.10 (4 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 1.65 0.10 (2 SIDES) PIN 1 TOP MARK (SEE NOTE 6) (DD10) DFN 1103 5 0.25 0.05 0.200 REF 0.50 BSC 2.38 0.05 (2 SIDES) RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS 1 0.75 0.05 0.00 - 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC 2.38 0.10 (2 SIDES) BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD NOTE: 1. DRAWING TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE M0-229 VARIATION OF (WEED-2). CHECK THE LTC WEBSITE DATA SHEET FOR CURRENT STATUS OF VARIATION ASSIGNMENT 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 1995fb Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 19 LT1995 U TYPICAL APPLICATIO S Tracking Negative Reference High Input Impedance Precision Gain of 2 Configuration 3V 8 9 10 1 2 3 +V M4 1.25V LT1790-1.25 7 M2 M1 6 LT1995 VOUT REF 5 P1 P2 IIN = 600nA 4 P4 M1 LT1995 G = -1 P1 1F -V -1.25V REF 1995 TA03 1995 TA02 VIN -3V 0A to 2A Current Source Current Sense with Alarm 15V 15V TO -15V 15V I RS 0.2 15V M4 M1 P1 P4 LT1995 G=5 LT6700-3 10nF P1 0.1 LT1995 G=1 M1 - 1k REF + -15V LT1880 VIN -15V 100 -15V 10k REF SENSE OUTPUT 100mV/A 10k + - FLAG OUTPUT 4A LIMIT 400mV IRF9530 1995 TA05 1995 TA04 10nF IOUT IOUT = VIN 5 * RS Single Supply Video Line Driver 5V 9 47F 10 1 47F + VIN 2 3 M4 7 M2 M1 P1 5 P2 P4 75 6 LT1995 VOUT f-3dB = 27MHz RL = 75 + 8 + 4 220F 10k 1995 TA06 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1363 70MHz, 1000V/s Op Amp 50ns Settling Time to 0.1%, CLOAD Stable LT1990 High Voltage Difference Amplifier 250V Common Mode Voltage, Micropower, Pin Selectable G = 1, 10 LT1991 Precision Gain Selectable Amplifier Micropower, Precision, Pin Selectable G = -13 to 14 LTC1992 Fully Differential Amplifier Differential Input and Output, Rail-to-Rail Output, IS = 1.2mA, CLOAD Stable to 10,000pF, Adjustable Common Mode Voltage LTC6910-x Programmable Gain Amplifiers 3 Gain Configurations, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output 1995fb 20 Linear Technology Corporation LT/LT 0805 REV B * PRINTED IN THE USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 FAX: (408) 434-0507 (c) LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2004